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°���� <br /> ���� [l�''�'�,���1��J��1� ��'�'��)� � <br /> � <br /> in favor of Graee L.Ferguson, in the sum of $�00.00. The affiant further states that John <br /> Allan at that time did not have a mor�Gga�e on the ebove described premises. <br /> _ A.J.(�uendel <br /> State of Nebraska � <br /> County of Hall <br /> Subscri.bed and sworn ta me the 2nd day of Maroh, 1931. <br /> Ohas. F.Dryer <br /> . . _ (S�AL) �'otary Publiv <br /> My commission eapires Jan. 23, 193�-• <br /> �'iled for record this 3 day of �darch, 1931, at 10:00 o�elock A.M. - � <br /> H,egister of Deeds <br /> o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-a-a-o-o-ao--o-o-o-o-o-o-o-a-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-a-o-cra-o-ae-ac3-o-ao- <br /> '�•� <br /> AF�'IDAVIT <br /> IN T�iE �[ATTER OF THE TITL� TO LOT NINE (�) IN BLOCK EIGHT (g) <br /> IN KDEfiI,ER PLACE, I1+T THE CITY OF GRAI�D ISLAND,��BRASKA. <br /> AFFIDAVIT - <br /> 8TATE OF NEBF�ASKA ) Herman �'. BuckoW, being first duly gworn on hi� oath, deposea and <br /> ss. <br /> • HALL COUNTY � says that he is no�, and for the pa�et l0 years ha.s been a resident <br /> of Grand Island,Ha11 County, I�ebra�ka; that he e�as �ell and personally a.cquainted with John <br /> Allan, during his lifetime, the aaid John Allan having departed thie life during tbe month of <br /> �aq, 1926; that since Augus� 1927, this affiant haa had cvmplete charge of the estate of John <br /> Allan, Deceased, acting as agent for the heire of the said- John_ Al1an, and has gone oner. the <br /> probate records in the Oountq -Court of Hall County, Nebraska, in the Matter of the �state of <br /> John Allan, Deceased, and said records reveal no mortgage in favor of Johu Allan, eaecuted bq <br /> Henry_ Helzer and Lizzie Helzer, his wi�e, in tbe sum of ��OO.QO or any other sum; affi�,nt fur <br /> ther states that sinoe he has had charge of the estate of John Allan, Deoeased, nothing has <br /> come to his attention to indicate that said John Allan, ev�r hel.d a mort�age executed bq �aid <br /> Helzers in the eum of ��OO.00,or anp other sum. <br /> Af'fiant fuxther states that the said John Allan, durin� hia 2�.fetime was en�aged in the abstr ct <br /> and loan business , a.nd as euch loan agent he negotiated loans for private parties, and atnong <br /> his loan records, I find that he acted as agent for one arace L.Ferguson in the negotiation o <br /> lo�ns for her, and it is the be2ief of affiant that the recitation of the scr3.vener in drawin <br /> the mort�age recorded in Book 5� at Pa,�e 67� of the mortga,�e records of Ha11 Coun�y, Nebraska <br /> where the reeitation ie made as follows, p8ub�ect,ho�rever, to a mortgage in the sum of Eight <br /> Hundred Dollars in favor of John" had reference to the ��00.00 mortgage in fa,vor of <br /> q�race L.Fergusox�, recorded in Book 53 at Page 40'j of the mort�age records of Hall County, Re— <br /> braska, and that said recitatian was a clerical erro�, the intention being to refer to the <br /> � to s aid Grace L.Ferguson, above referred to. <br /> Further affiant not. <br /> Herman F.Buckow <br /> Subscribed in my presence and awor�n to befnre me this� 2nd da,y ot b�arch A.D. 1931. <br /> � lCthql M.Baump <br /> (3EAL) Notary Public <br /> �dy oommiesion e�cpires Febr. 1, 1936. <br /> Filed for record this 3 day of �e.rch, 1931, at 10:00 o'clock A,M. ������ � <br /> Re�ister of Deeds <br /> o-ao-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-ao-a o-c�-o-o-o-o-o--o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-�-o-o-o-o-o-a-o-o-o-o-o-o-aao <br />