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.J <br /> I7 ��t./ I <br /> ������'������������� ������ . <br />_____ __ __ ____ __ _ _ _____ _ __ _ ________._ _�_.� _��______._� _� _ <br />________ _ � _. ______________� _ __ <br /> STAZ'E OF NEBRASKA ) Nov� on this lbth day of February, 1g31, before .me, the undersigned, <br /> , ss: <br /> + COUNTY OF HALL 3 a Notary Public in and f or Hall County, Nebraska, personally ap�ea d <br /> I , <br /> i before me Joseph L.Sveoboda, and lMargaret Carter, to me known to be the identieal persons who � <br /> I <br /> 'i executed the foregoing an�e-nuptial agreement and they each acknowledged the execution thereo <br /> � to be his and her voluntary act and deed for the purposes thexein set forth. <br /> , <br /> ; <br /> jSubscribed and sworn to before me this 16th day of February, 1931. � . <br />� � <br /> � <br /> - B.J.Ounningham � <br /> ! (SEAL) Notary Public � <br /> ,� My commission expires Aug. 5, 1.935• <br />� �j Filed �or record this 2�-th day of February, 1.93z, at 10:00 o'clock A.M ���� � <br /> ( � ���Q�'3f <br /> Rer�ister of Deede <br /> � o-o-ao-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-a-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-�-a-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-ao-o <br /> i �J �s�s,�axvr�r s 4F R�NT�: <br /> � � �fie, the vndersigned, Blaneha � Paulmen, Albert Paulman,, �late H. �tielae� ar�d N�l��;s 1Qiel�du, <br /> I <br /> !i hereby assign and trsnafer to the �quitsble Building � Loan wssociation sx�d to Henry Rohling <br /> �� all o! tbe renta �nd income from �he premiees deacribed �,e Lot ?hree t3} , Biock Sight (S) , <br /> �� <br /> � Aollina Addition to tbe City of arsnd Island, �ebraeka, to be applied a$ follows: (1) The <br /> ( monthly installmente due the Equitsbls B�ilding � Loan Assooiatica shall be ifret paid out <br /> I ot said reutai. <br />� <br /> �' �2) The balance of eaid rental ehall be used t0 apply ae payments on the mcrtgatge which the <br /> � undersigrsed have ezecuted in favor of He�rq Rohling. ' <br /> I The eaid paymente shall be made to the Equitsble Building & Loa� Aesoointiem once a montb snd <br /> n <br />� I� th� balance of the rent received ehall be appiied upon the sostgage gfve� to the aaid �enr� � <br /> I , <br />'� � Rohling, once eacb month. � � � � <br /> ; <br /> D�ated nt Grand xsland, Nebraska, this �4th daq of January,1931. � <br />' j 1�1 tness: Biauohe lL Psu2man � <br /> ' Alber� Psuiman <br />'� H. J.Qv�ninghs� �lsie H. gielse� <br /> Niel� �ieisan <br /> �' � I <br /> State ot Nebraska ( <br /> i as: l�ow oa this S�h da of ant�ar 1 � 1 <br /> J ereonsll a r d o <br /> Y Y, 9� , p ' PPes e bei re a► , <br />''I � C otm.tq of Aall <br /> Blanohe I� Paulman, Albert Paulman, Eisie H. �ielssn, �ieis I�ielse� <br /> � to me known tc be the ide�ntioal p�reons who eaecuted tho foregoing nssi�meat end each or tM <br /> , <br /> I " acta�ow2,edg�d the eacecution thereoi to be their volur�tdry sat as�d deed fer the purposes therei ' <br /> set fortb. ���L <br /> � � � <br /> � B. J. Cvnningha�t i <br />� { Yp commiesion �pires August 5,1935• 8otsry �ublic � , <br /> ( � � �� <br /> i � <br /> � . <br /> ( Filed for racord thi�e 2 dap of �sroh 1931 at 11:34 0�oloot A, lL � , <br /> �z�� V� � <br /> � , <br /> i <br /> I e���ter o���pa s � <br /> ; � <br /> �O�O�•O--O-0�0-0.•O�i?�O-O�O-�O-O-O..O_O_O-O--0-0.•0-0.•0-O�O..t�-O•.0-0+0�0.•0•.0.•0•.0.•E�•.O�O�O�p.+0�0-0-.O..t'� I <br /> I AFFIDAVIT _ . _ _ ; <br /> i� _ _ � <br /> I � <br /> � A.J.GUEND�I,, beir�� first duly sworn, desfres to make the following affid�,vft: ; <br /> i <br /> ; T�iat, he is now President of the Nebraska National Banlc, which was formerly known as the � <br /> � <br /> �Tebrs�ska State Bank, and that on Idareh 14, �925, a certain mortgage in the ,sYUn of �2�0.00 �s.s � <br /> i <br /> eaecuted bp Henry Helzer and �I3zabeth Helzer, hie wife, to ths eafd Nebraska State Bank, whi <br /> i <br /> was dulq filed ia the recorda oP Hall Oountq in Book 5�,page 67�. � <br /> __ 1 <br /> This mort�age was _described a,e followa: _ j <br /> i _ <br /> �I Lot nine (9) in Block eigh� (8) in Koehler Place Additian to the Cfty of t�rand Ialand,l�ebrask . <br /> Sub3ect, howener, to a mort�age in the sum of �04.00 in favor of Joha Allan. The affiant i <br /> � <br /> i furthex states that the description of the property should have read Lot nine (�) in Bloek � <br /> i � � : <br /> � eight {�) in Koehler Pla.�e Addition to the City of arand Island,Nebraska, sub�ect to a mortga�e <br /> �� <br /> � � <br /> ! <br /> , <br /> � <br /> �� - _ � <br />