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<br /> F�� LEAS�:
<br /> THI9 AGRr^EMENT , Made and entered into this 30th day of Sep. 1930, by and between Nellie F. I
<br /> Redington of the County of Buffalo and State of Nebraska party of the first part, and '�alter
<br /> Cooper of the County of Hall and 9�ate af Nebraska, party af the seaond part, WTTNE83ETH� Tha
<br /> the said party of the first part has this day leased unto the said party of the second part
<br /> the follawin� de�cribed property, situated in the County of Hall and 9tate of Nebraska, to_�ri :
<br /> NW4 21-9-12
<br /> i
<br /> + TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the same to the eaid party of the second part from the let day of March
<br /> , 1930 to the lst day of March 1936.
<br /> i
<br /> IAnd the said part� of the second part, in consideration of the leasing of said premisea, here
<br /> bq covenant� and agrees �o and with the said party of the first part, to pay to the said part
<br /> � of the first part as rent of the same � of grain and corn cropa- � of str�w and etalke and
<br /> ; -
<br /> � �5. 00 per acre for 12 Acres pasture, payable Oct. lst each year.
<br /> �
<br /> Said rent ehares above provided �or out of the several crops raised upon the land shall be
<br /> � harvested at his own char�e by the party of the . second part and by him plac�d, without waste,
<br /> � in erib or granary at the horne or such other plaee ae the party of the fixst part may direct ,
<br /> pravided it be within 10 miles of said prsmises; and the said party of the ffrst part, shoul.d
<br /> � she deem it necesgary, may, at the cost and expense of the party of the second part, employ
<br /> N I men and teame to go upon sa3d premises and cultiv8te the �rops or any part thereof, or h8rves
<br /> them, or do anythin� that i� necessary to promote their growth or save them at any time befor
<br /> I � they are in the gran�.rie$, the whole expense of the same to be a lien upon the shaxe of the
<br /> , � said party of the second p�rt in eaid crops.
<br /> And it is covenanted and agreed by the party of the second part that he Wfill carefully protec
<br /> gll the buildings, fences, and improv�mer�ts of every kind that are now on the said premises,
<br /> r,�
<br /> � or that may be erected thereon during the continuance of this lease; that he will promptly,
<br /> st the expir�tion of the term herein grant ed, yield up the possesaion of the said premises
<br /> unto the party of the first part in as gaod repair as t�ey are nox, or may be at any time
<br /> during the continuance of this lease, ordinary wea.r and lo$s by fire �xcepted, and that the
<br /> party of the first �art and her a�ents may go upon said premisea at any tim+e to inepect the
<br /> a8me or to make improvements thereon, and to plox for future erops after the cropa which may
<br /> be planted by the party of the �econd part under this lease shall have been gathered, not
<br /> interferin� with crope or other property of the second party lavrfully thereon. !
<br /> pnd it is further covenanted and agreed by and between the partie� hereto, that the party of
<br /> the second part sha11 secure the performance of the terms and conditione of this lease on hie
<br /> part by givin� to the fixst party on demand a chattel mortgage upon a11 or afly part of the cr pa
<br /> �rowing or �athered on said premises during the aaid terra, and if the said second party sha11l
<br /> �
<br /> r efinee or ne�lect to give such chattel mortgage upon de mand, or if he shall at any time �ive
<br /> or attempt ta give any other pex son or peraons any lien upon aaid crops, or any part thereof,
<br /> then this lease eha11 thereby terminate, and the said firet party may at once recover posees
<br /> ion of said premi+se� and all crop$ thereon, end the said second party �hall in that event be
<br /> held and consider�d to have planted and cultivated said crop for the benefit of the esid Zir�
<br /> part�►, _and shall be paid for euch services as follows: 9aid firat �arty may aell said crop
<br /> � and the �znexpired term for ca�h at A private eale, or she raay, at her option, procure said
<br /> crops to be further cultivated, or �athered and sold in such market ae ahe may see fit, and �
<br /> I
<br /> in either event the proceeds thereof sha1Z be applied, first to the payment of expenaes incur ed
<br /> by the said first party in the premi�ses, including the ti�e spent by her in connection there.�
<br /> with; second, to the payment of said rent; third, the remainder, if any, ahall be paid to the
<br />