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I '`�,�+� <br /> ..��r����j������j W'.b/_/�w.J G� ����J��� " <br /> to the follo�ing described lands $i�Guated in said county and state,to-wit : North�ast Quarter , <br /> � a,nd North half of Northwest quarter of section Five, Townehip TWelve, North, Range Twelve, <br /> j �est, and. that said names referred to are one and the person and said parties so n�,med ' <br /> �� <br /> � are in fact one and the sa,me person and that said party w�aa in f�,et known by both appelations <br /> �; and wherever said name appears in the record concerning said title it refexa �o one and the <br /> I� same person. <br /> ; <br /> � Affian�' s knowledge of �hese facte ie derived from personal acquaintanee with said party whic <br /> � . <br /> ; �aid acquaintance ex�:ended over a period of twenty y�ars: . <br /> i <br /> i Further affiant s�.ith not. R.A.Ha�gart <br /> ,; <br /> ! Subscribed and sworn to before me this 1ffith dap of July 1930. - <br /> � <br /> J.A,Hag�art <br /> �; - (3EAL) Notary Public . <br /> (; My commission expire� 3-1-36. <br /> I �� Filed for record this 16th day of February, 1931, at 10:40 o' elock A.M. <br /> !� � ��� - �� � i � <br /> �� � . <br /> �;1 Re�ister of Deeds— <br /> o-o-o-ao-o-o-o-o-o-o-ao-o-c-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-aa-aao-o-o-ao-oj . <br /> � � S�ate of Nebraska � <br /> `.�, (i ss. <br /> � County of Hall <br /> �; Otto Schmidt being first duly sworn upon oath deposes and says that that he is the mana�er of <br /> +j the C�rand Ieland office of The Chica,go Lumber Oompany of Omaha; that on the 6th day of Januar , <br /> �� _ <br /> i <br /> !; 1931, the said Chicago Lumber Company af Omaha o�t�.inted a jud�ment against Agnew Smith for t �e <br /> i <br />�� �� sum of �50�+,97, that thereafter on the IOth day of January, 1931, a� 3 o'cloek P.M. , a transc pt <br /> , <br /> �� of gaid judgment was duiy filed in the office of the Clerk of the �tstxict Court of Hall Coun , <br /> , <br /> (; <br /> `� Nebraska; that he is we11 and personally acquainted with the said A�new Smith; and that the <br /> ; <br /> �isaid Agnew Smith appears to be the owner of the East Two-thirds of Lot Eight (�) in Block I <br /> I <br /> i� Fif ty-two (52) of the ori�inal town of Grand Isla,nd,Nebraska, as s2�own by the records of the <br /> '; Regis�er of Deede of Hall County, Nebraska, at page 514, of book 6ffi of the Deed Records in <br /> ' <br /> ' said office; tha.t said Agnew $mith acquired title to the said described real estate under the <br /> � name of George A.Smith and it so appears in the office of the Register of D�ed� of Hall Oount , <br /> ' Nebraska; affiant further says that he positively know� tha.t the said Agnew 3mith and George <br /> � A.Bmith are ane and the same person not�►ithstandin� the discrepancy in names. <br /> Otto $chmidt <br /> 8ubscribed and sworn to before me this 31st day of January, �931. <br /> � Edward F.Hannan <br /> i (�EAL) Notary Public <br /> � �Iy commiss3on expires Oct. 12, 1933. I <br /> � <br /> � Filed for record this 16th day of February, 1931, at 4:20 o�clock P.M. • � <br /> ' �.e�ister of Deeds <br /> ; o-o-a-o-o-o-o-o-o-a-o-o-o-�-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-ao-o-o-aao-o-r�-o-o-o-o-ao-o-ao-o-o-o-o-o j <br /> RI�HT OF WAY CONT�AC� <br /> � �� . _ _ <br /> F0� A1VD IN CONSIDE;{ATION of the sum of ONE DOLLAH, to us in ha.nd paid, recei�t of which is <br /> hereby acknowled.�ed, and the further conef.derat�.on of fifty cents per rod for each line, to be <br /> 'paid v�hen such grant shall be used or occupied, John �illiam Devine (Shelton) Single, and Anna <br /> I <br /> Divine, widow of John Di.virie,. Deceased, does hereby grant to NEBRASKA NATURAL GAS COMPARTY, it � <br /> suviceasors or assi�;ns, the right-of-way to l�y, maintain, alter, repair, operate, remove �nd <br /> ; rela� underground pix�e lines for the transportation of oil or �aa, on, over and through certai <br /> . <br /> , 2ands situate fn Hall- County, 9tate of Nebraska, described as f ollowei: West onejhalf of NW <br /> �ec�ion 34, To�vn�hip l0, Range North 12 , West of 6�h P.M. with ingress and egress ta and f rom <br /> II <br /> �� the same. The said grantor,heirs or assigns, to fully use and enjoy the said premises, excep i <br /> for the pur�oses hereinbefore granted to the said �rantee, who herebp agrees to pay any dama,g � <br /> �' <br /> ! <br />