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i <br />� ���� � <br />: ��r�����������}���� ������� � <br /> � <br /> _____. _.____ __ _________ __ _�___ _______ _ .__ _ ____ _ . __ _ ___ __ _____ ________________ ___ � <br /> _______.______ _ _�� . <br /> deliver to the said party of the second part, or his assigns, upan surrender of this contract , <br /> a warra.nty deed to the above described premiaes, together with a,n abs�ract showing a �ood and <br /> marketable title in �rantor, All apecial taaes to be paid bq second partp. <br /> AND IT I3 FURTH�R AGREED that in case any payment , either of pxincipal or interest, remaine <br /> unpaid for a space of thirty days af'ter the same shall become due, or a failure to pay any <br /> M <br /> ta�es or asaessments,at the time the same becomes due, then in that case, the whole amount <br /> unpaid on this contract shall become due and pa�yable without further notice; and such delin- <br /> quency in payment, or the failure in other xespects by the party of the second part to perfo <br /> the stipulations of this contract, or any part of them, shall entitle the party of the firet <br /> - part, at its option, to immediate posseesion of the premi�es descxibed herein, and in such <br /> case the party of the second part shall forf eit all payments made under this cont�cact. <br /> This contract shall be in duplicate, one copy of �hich shall remain with each party of this <br /> contract. � <br /> IN 1�ITNESS 'f1�iERFOF the parties have hereunto set their hands the day and year first above <br /> written. <br /> In presence of (C�3RP) RFALTY INVEST��EAT Q0. <br /> �.L.Gilbert (SEAL) Party of the first part. <br /> By E.O.Gilbert,Pres. � <br /> Claude R.Tonkinson <br /> - Party of the Second Pa t <br /> Filed for recoxd this 7th day of February, 1931, at 11:00 o'clock A.1�. � <br /> Register of eeds <br /> o-ao-o-a-ao-o-o-Q-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-a-o-o-o-a-o-o-o-ao-o-o-aaao-ao-ao- <br /> AFF�DAVIT _ _ N-706 I �; <br /> � <br /> State of Nebraska ) S.R.Benton, being first duly sworn on his oath states , that he <br /> County of Hall � is a person of lawful s�ge; that he is and has been for Forty <br /> four years last past a resident of Hall Qounty, State of Nebraska and further deposes and <br /> states: <br /> Tha,t he is �vell acquainted with the ownership fee eimple title, and occupancy of the followin <br /> described land in Hall t�ounty, Nebraska, to wit : The north half of the North half of Section <br /> thirty two, tov�nship Twelve,North , Ran�e Tv�elve , '�est, and such acquaintance extends over a <br /> period of more then Thirty years last preseding the writing of this affida,vit. Th�.t he was <br /> well acquainted-with �d�,ry E.Powers, who died an or about M�.r.1-192� leaving no child or <br /> children as her sole and only heirs, except; Clarence E.Powers, by a doption. That he kne� <br /> Mary E.Powers, 30 years prior to her death and further affiant saith not. <br /> ' Signed 3.R.Benton. <br /> Subscribed and sworn to before me this 27 day of March, A.D. ,1930. ' <br /> W.�.Sorensen <br /> (SEAL) l�otarq Public <br /> My Commission Exx�ires July 20, 1931. <br /> Filed for record this 16th day of February, 1931, at 10:00 o'clock A.�f. �j�����oL <br /> \./l � <br /> Register of Aeede <br /> I <br /> o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-ao-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-ao-o-o-�-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-aaao � <br /> AFFIDAVIT OF ID�'NTITY : ��63 <br /> STA`TE OF NEBRASKA R.A.xag�;art being first duly sv�orn on oath deposes and saya that he <br /> ss: <br /> COUNTY OF HOWARD is �vell a,nd truly acqu�inted with Marie Christensen and Marie Elizab th <br /> Christensen whose name appears as Marie Elizabeth Christensen an the records in the of�ice o <br /> the County Clerk of Ha�.I Gaunty State of Nebr�,ska in record book ---- at page --- and whose <br /> name also appears on the records in the office of the County Clerk of s�.id county in --- <br /> � record book ---- at page ----- as Marie Christensen, a party Lessor in connectian with the ti le <br /> .... �.:..�-�. <br />