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��� <br /> A <br /> ��f������!������� �������� � <br />_ __�__,� ._ __ <br /> _ _ Hfi —sr:?�rzlnuBNALC09dptiiiCY LIALCb1.tT NfiB __ _. __ __._ _ ____ ---- ___.__.-- <br /> +� R IGHT OF �fAY C�NTRACT , � , <br /> ; <br /> FOR AND IId CO�TSIDERATION of the sum of ONE DC?LLAR, to us in hand paid, receipt of �rhich is <br /> � � <br /> � hereby ackno�ledged, and the further consideration of fifty cents per rod for each line, to b <br /> � paid when such �rant shall be used or .occupied N. and �argaret �ahoney, Husband and <br /> � �ife, do hereby xant t4 NEBRASKA NATtTRAL GAS C�MFAi�d'Y, its suacessors or aas�.gns, �he right- <br /> � � <br /> Iof,wap to 1ay, maintain, alter, repair,operate and relay parallel and other pipe lines for th <br /> ; <br /> ,, <br /> ' transportation of oil or gas, on, over and throu�h cert�in lands situa.te in Ha11 Clounty, - 3tat <br /> �� . _ <br /> j' of Nebraska, desexibed as follows: North ox�e/half of 8� 9ection 26, Township 10, Range North 2 <br /> � �Pest of 6th P.�. �ith ingress and e�ress �o and from the same. The said �rantors,theirs or <br /> „ <br />' � assigns, to fully use and enjoy the sai.d, except for the purposes here3nbefore grant d <br />� i to the eaid grantee, who hereby a.grees to pay any damages �hich may arise to crops and fences <br /> i from the laying,maintainzng and operating saic3 lines; said damages if not mutually agreed up n, <br /> ' <br /> �� to be asaertained and determined by three disinterested persona one thereaf to be appointed b <br /> � . <br /> � the said �rantors, theirs or assigns, one by the said gr�ntee, successors or aesi�ns : and the � <br /> ' third by the t�o so ap�ointed as aforesaid, and the a�ard of three such persons sha�.l be fina <br />, ' and eQ�clusive_ a�o action shall be brought or maintained for damages until the amount ther of <br /> � <br /> �� � - _ <br />, � shall ha�e been determine�-a�--�bav�_Qrovided. _ . <br /> ! I�T '�ZTNESS �HEREOF, the parties hereto have set their hands and seals this 13�h daq of June, � <br /> _ <br />� 1930. _ I <br /> I' Si ed and delivered in the �resence of Patriek N. �dahone <br /> ! � C.S.Hoekstra y -, ldargaret Mahoney r j <br /> fj . <br /> �� STATE OF NEBRASKA ) �n this 13�h day of June, 1930, before me, the under�i�ned, a Notary <br /> t 6£�. <br /> ; HALL COUNTY � Public in and for the Qounty a,nd State aforesaid, personallq appeared <br /> �� <br /> �I Patrick �P. and �a,rgaret �iahoney, Husband and Wife, to me known �o be the identic�.l per$ons wh <br /> _ <br /> �+ eaecuted the wfthin and fore�oing i.nstru�szent , and ackno�].eel�ed to me th�t they executed the � <br /> ,; <br /> �i eame as their free and voluntary act and deed for the uses and purpo�es therein , set forth. <br /> ��� �'ITNESS my hand and seal this 13th day of June, 193�• � � I � <br /> i C.S.Hoekatra <br /> ` _ (SEAL} Notary Public <br /> j' My Commission expires Aug. �, 1�31 _ <br /> I - <br /> i Fi2ed for re-record'this 2�th day of January, 1931, a.t 1:00 olelook P.� . <br /> � <br /> r <br /> !� Reg ster of Deede <br /> i o-o-o-o-o--o-o-o-.o-o-o--a-a-o-o-o-o-o-c�-ao-o-o-o-o-ao-o-aac�-o-o-a-o-o-o-.o-o-a-o-c�-o=c�-c�-c�-o <br /> � ' R:F�SOLUTION. <br /> � �� R�SOLUTIO� OF CENTRAL N�BRASI{t� AGRIGIILTURAL ASSOCIATION OF , <br /> __ _ <br /> HALL COUNT`�, N`�BRAS�A. - - <br /> � _ _ <br />' i 'PPH:.,REAS, at the annua�. meeti.rlg of the stock holders of the Central Nebraska Agricultural Asso � <br /> � _ � <br /> iiciation of Hall County, Nebraska, he2d on January 1�+, 1931, a quvrum befng present, the follo I <br /> in� resolution �ras unanimously adopted. _ : t <br />� , "Be it resolved that the StockMolders of the Central Nebraska Agrieultural Association <br /> , <br /> ; of Hal 1 County, Nebras�a, in annual meeting aBSei�bled,authori2ed the President and <br /> Secretary of said Aasociation to s ell, encumber or lease any part of the real eetate <br /> belonging to sa�d aesociatfon, ae they may deem adviseable, subject to the ap�roval <br /> I of the Board of Director�." <br /> At :t�he meeting or the Board of Direetors of the Central �ebraska, Agricultural Assooiation of <br /> I H�.11 Countq, Nebraska, held on the 14th day of Jaauary, 1931, a quorum being present , the fol <br /> �� Iowin� resolutian �as unanimously adopted. <br /> � <br /> � "Be it resolv�d that the direetors of the Central �ebraeka AgriQUltaral Association of i <br /> ! �all Countq, Nebraska, in regular meetin� aseembled, ratify the contract for the eale <br /> � <br /> � of t�o (2� acres of land by the association, heretofore eaeeuted, bet�reen the Pre�ident <br /> I <br /> � <br />