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�V� <br /> ��`�� �'����!��1�''���� ��,����.� � �`` <br /> � <br /> no action shall be brought or maintainsd for dama.ges un�il the amoun� thereof ahall have been <br /> determined as above provided. <br /> IN �ITNESS i1�HE?��'OF, th� parites hereto have set their hands and seals this 3rd d�.y of July, <br /> 1�3�� �ancy A.Le�cey <br /> Signed and delivered in the presence of <br /> �fard Allen - - ' <br /> ST.�TE �F OKLA. On this 3rd day of Julq 1930, before me, the undersigned, a �otary <br /> ss. <br /> '�ULBA COUNTY Pub].ic in a.nd for the County and State aforesafd, personally appeared <br />� �ancy A.Lacey, �idow, �o me gnown to be the identical person who eaecuted the �ithin and for <br /> -�oin� instrument, and ackno�ledged to me that she executed the s�.me. as her free and voluntary <br /> aet and deed for the uses and purposes therein set forth. <br /> WI'�NE9S mq hand and seal this 3rd day of July,1930. <br /> Rubp Olapper <br /> (SEAL� Notary Public <br /> �iy Commission e xpires May 1.7, 193�• <br /> Filed for re-record �his 2£�th day of January, 1931, at 1:C10 o'cl.ock P.M. �j���p�� � <br /> �/� <br /> Reg ster of Dee s <br /> 0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-aao-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-Q-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-o-ao-o-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0 0 <br /> RIGHT �F �AY CONT�tACT ' <br /> FOR AND IN CONaIDE'R�TIOlQ of �he sum of O�tE DOLLAR, to us in hand paid, of which is � <br /> ,hereby aeknowledged, and the further consideration of fifty cents per rod for each 1ine, to b <br /> paid when such grant sha�l be used or oecupied �dary Leonard,Wi,dow, ------ - --------------- <br /> do hereby grant to 1�EBRAS�A NA�'URAL GAS COMPANY, its successors ar assigns , the right-of-way <br /> to lay, maintain, alter, repair, operate, remove and relay underground pipe 13nes for the <br /> transportation of oil or �ae, on, over and through cer-tain lands situate in Hall Oounty, 9tat <br /> of NebrasYa, described as follows: South one-ha,lf of Northwest quarter Section 5, Township <br /> 9, North Ra.n�e 12,�est of 6_p.m. (The �round to be left in approaimately same shape as ;found <br /> in} in�;reas and egrees to and. from the same. The said grantor,heirs or assigns, to full <br /> use and enjoq the said premises, except for the purx�oses hereinbefore granted to the sa,id <br /> � <br /> grantee, who hereby agrees to pay any dama�es which may arise to crops and fences from the <br /> l�.ying, maintain�ng and operatin:�i said lines; said damages if not mutually agreed upon, to be <br /> ascertained and determined by three disinterested persons, one thereof to be appointed by the , <br /> said grantor, heirs or assigns, one by the said �ra,ntee, successors or asaigns, and the third <br /> by the two so ap�ointed as aforesaid, and the award of three such persons shall be final and <br /> conclusive and no action shall be brou�ht or maintained for da.mages until the amount thereof <br /> shall have been determined as above provided. . <br /> IN �ITNESS �?E�EO�, the parties hereto have set their hands and seale this 26th day of June, <br /> 1930. �ary Leonard <br /> 9igned and delivered in the presence of �Pill Leonard <br /> C.S.Hoekstra <br /> BTATE OF ftEBRA9KA On this 26 day of June, 193�, before me, the undersigned, a Notary Publ c <br /> se. <br /> HALL COUNTY in and for the County. and State aforesaid, personally appeared Masy <br /> Leor�ard Ntdow - l�ill Leonard,Sin�le, to me known to be the identical persons who e�ecuted the <br /> within and foregoing instrument, and acknowledged to me that he executed the same as their <br /> free and valuntary act and deed for the uses-and purposes therein set forth. <br /> �IITNESS my hand and seal thi.s 26th dap of June, 193Q. <br /> - C.S.Hoekstra <br /> (sEAL) Notary Publia <br /> �iy Oommission expires Au�. �, 193?• <br /> Fi1ed for re-redorcl' this 2�th day of January, 1931, �.t 1:00 o t c].ock P.M. �-� <br /> �l-�-�G�� <br />