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A��4 <br /> �'�t�������������� �������� � <br />'______ ___ _ _. _ _____ _ . _._ __ ____ . <br /> ____ __ _ _ ___�__________. _._._ ____ _ <br /> __ __ = B _ _ ____ _. _ ____ _ _ _ _ _______. <br /> Lot Five (5) Hlock Tv�el�ae (12) ,Bonnie �3rae Addition to the City of Grand Is2and,Nebraska, im <br /> ,which he is plaintiff and the above-named defendan�s are defenda�.ts , the object �nd prayer of <br /> lwhich petition is a foreclosure" of ta� liens. ± <br />� �You are further notified that on said date the Union Laan d� Savings AsGociation fi3.ed an <br /> ra r of which cross etition is to <br /> I �answer and cross petition in said action, the ob�ect and p ye p <br /> foreclose a mort�age ��iven by Jess L.Salyer to tY�e Union Loan & �avings Associat�on r�corded i <br /> iBook 6� :Rea1 Eetate �ort��,ge� �.t Page 151 on the above described property and that the parties <br /> �ito t'r�e said �.nawer and cross pe�ition are as hereinbefore aet forth. <br /> Ii <br /> � Prince � Pxince - <br /> � At�orneya for Plaintiff and <br /> ' Cross Petitioner,Union Loan <br /> � & Savings Assoeiation. <br /> �� I <br /> Filed for reeord this 14th day of J�.nuary, 1q31, at 3:00 o'clock P.M. -- . �j <br /> , v°=�� <br /> ; Register of DEed-s <br /> � . <br /> i 0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-U-0-0-a-0-0-0-0-0-0-t7-0-0-0-(1-0-�-0-0-0-0-0--�-�%-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-�-0-0-0-�0-0-4- <br /> iAFFIDAVIT OF IDENTIFICATION. _. : <br /> R. � � <br /> � 3TATE OF N�'-�'BRASBA C,�.Ha.rt , being first duly sworn, upon oath depoees and sape he is <br /> � _ _ gs. <br /> ! Adams County �vell_-and person�lly aoquainted with J.H.�hitehouse to whom Francis <br /> � . <br /> � Henry �owell and i�aur�. E.Lowell conveyed the follo�ring described lands in Ha.11 Qounty, �'ebrask , <br /> + tQ�wi�: The North One-half (N2) of the 8outheast Quarter (S�) of Section Twentq-five ��5} , <br /> _ � <br /> iTov�nship l�ine (9) ,North Range Eleven (11) ,�eat of the 6th P.�. by Warranty Deed, dated April. _ <br /> , <br /> j25 : 192� , and recorded in book�67 of Deeds on pa�e 337, in the Register of Deede office of Ha <br /> � <br /> jCounty, and with Joseph H.�hitehouse who conveyed said premi$es to George H.l�hitehou�e by wa.r <br /> ranty deed, date November 23, 192� and affiant posftively knows that the said J.H.�'hitehouse <br />'� j <br /> an�. Soseph H.'�'hitehouse are one �,nd the saffie person, r�ot�ithstandin� the diserepanc� in names <br /> � and affiant further deposes and saya that to his personal knowledge the said Joseph H.�Phiteho se <br /> died on or �,bout December 9th 192�. � <br /> � _ C.R.Hart I <br /> I <br /> 8ubsaribed and s�rorn to before me this 21�st d.ay of J�.nuary, 1931. _ <br />� Es�her E.Stroh � <br /> � _ �otary Public � <br /> (SEAL} <br /> My commission e�ires June f�, 1935• i <br /> Filed for record this 27th day of January, 1931, at 10:00 o�clock A.M. _ <br /> I � _ _ Re�ister of eeds <br /> 4-0-0-fl--0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-�-0-0-0-0-0-aao-o-t?-0-Q-0-0--0-4-0-0-0-0-0-�-0-0-aao-aa ao-o <br /> RIGHT Ok' WAY OONT:'�ACT - � ' <br /> A . � <br /> FOR AND IN CONSID��.ATION of th� sum of ONE DOLLAR, to us fn hand paid, rece3pt of �hioh is I I <br /> � hereby acknowled.ged, and the further conaidexation of fifty cents per rod for each line, to b '� <br /> paid when such gr�.nt shall be used or occupied, Nancy A.La,cey, �iidow, does hereby graAt to � <br /> Id;LBRASKA NATURAL GAS COMPA�IY, its successors or assi�ns, the right-of-�ray to lay, maintain, <br /> � <br /> alter, repair,operate,remove and relay underground pipe lines for the transpor�ation of oil <br /> � or gae, on, over and throu�h certain lands situate in Hall Courity, State of Nebraska, describ d <br /> ae follows: East one/half of 9� Section 6, _Township 9, _Range North 12; West of 6th P.M: with <br /> ingre�s and egress to and trom the same. The said grantor, or assi�na, to fullq use and <br /> en�oy the said premises, except for the purposes hereinbefore �ranted to the said grantee, wh <br /> hereby agrees to pay any damages which maq arise to crops and fences from the laqing, maintai - <br /> ing and�opera�i ng said lines; safd dama.�es if not mutually agreed upon, to be ascertained � <br /> and determined by three disintereeted peraons, one thereof to be appointed by the said granto , <br /> � <br /> heirs or aseigns, one by the aaid grantee, succesaors or a�signa, and the third by the two so � <br /> appointed as af��resaid, and �he award of three such persons shall be final and csonolusive and <br /> , <br />