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��3 <br /> ��'�`�����������'��� ��'�'����� � � <br /> � <br /> accruin� for the period of the duration of the loan above mentioned, upon the f ollo� dea- <br /> cribed property situ�.t.ed in County of Ha.11,9tate of Nebraska,to-wit: Lot Three (3) Block <br /> Twenty (20) Charles Wasmer�s Addition to Grand Island,Nebraska. <br /> And we hereby authoriae and empo�ver the DAVID CITY BUiLDI1�G AND LnAAt A990CIATION, it$ authoriz d <br /> t <br />' �.gent's and attorneys to act for us, and rent the above described premises or an� p�.rt thereof , <br /> and in our place collect and reeeipt far rent , either monthlp, quarterly ar yearly, as <br /> �he� m�.y �eee fit , and in default of the payment of said rent ox any part thereof to proceed in <br /> its o�n name by suit or suits at law for the r�covery thereof in such manner as it shall deem <br /> fit, <br /> This �.ssi�nment of rent i.s being made f or the express purpose o� having the rent collected her - <br /> under applied to payments of principal, interest and fines on the loan of �3600.0� above dee- <br /> eribed, as agreed by us to be paid in the band executed by us to said Association in the sum o <br /> �3600.00 and the real estate mortga�e on the property above described securing eaid bond. <br /> Said Aasociation may, in its discretion, use the rents so far as necessary for the purpose of <br /> makfn� such repairs upon the premises as, in its judgment , may be .proper and maq use said rent <br /> so far as necessary f or the payment of insur�,nce premiurns and taaes upon eaid premises, or any <br /> other �ayments ; to be made by us under the terms of the bond and mortgage above mentioned, the <br /> b�,lance to be applied upon the p�,yment of monthly dues, interest and fines on s�id certificate <br /> anci loan. This assignment and tr-ansfer of rents and revenue to be absolute to the extent of th <br /> total of the paymen�s abave mentioned from and after this date. <br /> Dated this lOth da,y of January, A.�. 1931. <br /> Witnesses: � Jenn� Smith <br /> �Iary R�.nsom. Edward Smith <br /> � �TATE OF IdEBF�ASKA } Un this 12th d.ay of January, ;�.D. 1931,before me, the subscriber, a <br /> ss. <br /> HA�,L COUNTY � Notary Publi�, duly c�mmissioned and qualified for and residing in <br /> said County, personally appeared Jenny 3mith and Edward Smith, filife � Husband to me kno�vn to <br /> be the identical persons described in and �ho executed tne foregoing instrument as grantor <br /> and they sevexally acknovaledged the said instrument to be their voluntary act and d�ed. <br /> IN i�IT1�ESS �fH�:�EOF, I have hereunto set my ha.ncl and Notarial Seal at Grand Ieland,Aiebr. fn sa <br /> County, the day and year last written. <br /> - Marp Ransvm , <br /> (9EAL) Notary Publie ' <br /> My comrnission exp3res 9ept. �, 1936. <br /> Filed f or record this 12th day of January, 1931, at 3:00 a� clock P.M. � � ' <br /> � <br /> i <br /> Register of DeedB ', <br /> o-o-o-o-o-o-o-�-o-o-o-o-o-o-r�-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-�a-o-o-ao-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-a-o-o-o-o-o-o-a-�-o-o-o- , <br /> LI9 PENDENB _' <br /> IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF HALL COUNTY,NEBRA�KA ' ` � <br /> � <br /> r � <br /> Allan L.Bechte , � <br /> Plaintiff, ' J <br /> . � � <br />, vs� . <br /> Jess L.Balyer, Minnie E. <br /> c-�1 � <br /> 9alyer, his �ife, Emma A.Mflli�an, LI3 PENDENS ' <br /> �dilligan, her husband, <br /> first real and txue name, unknown, � � 1 <br /> S.C.Johnson and san, John Kniekrehm, (�' � �J <br /> Unian Loan & Savin�s Association of � � • • <br /> Linco].n, Ptebraska, and Jahn Doe, � <br /> �tenant in possession, real n�.me . � � � <br /> unknov�n � <br /> Def end�.nt s �� � <br /> . � (� <br /> To V�hom It May Qoneern. �i� <br /> You are hereby notified that vn t;he 1�-th d�,y of January, 1931� plaintiff filed an action in <br /> f the Distriet Court of Hall County, Nebraska, affectin� the f411owing-described property,to-�it <br /> � .�' . , <br />