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, y <br /> �:� �4� jr f Y ) - i:Yejf .S � - 1�f �i:' <br /> ! .-•� eSTi�;�}�' t l st 3l _ ,, _. _ $�ri�.3 Y'�ft . k!r-� �" iS�t7r.'`f 34f. ... <br /> . . ,. . .�.�..'f�'.Y.x���ti.:�ti�i.�r��',';es...�...x.,.}�tu,.�r`.�.'�..iYiiit.d..Lkf5ri3d..._.L�........,..«,w�:�ax.f.7ix:tli:'E4CL611X`i��`Y�iy.��' -.. <br /> � > > <br /> ,�,•�t � <br /> 92..» ;�09�t�i . �.r;�a.� <br /> �� <br /> = r �;5 �.� ;. <br /> � 17.1t��sTa ot the 1'roprriy or�8cnctklni intomt In IIomawcr.If nil or eny patt of dic Propcny or�ny iMa¢�t In it � •' ��' `�*. <br /> = is sold oe tnnstcrc�d(or(f a bcncltci�l Imcrcst In Ilorrower is:n1A or uan:fcrnd aM Aormwcr is nm a nnwral�xrson)withaut zfs �r ' Y' ";` <br /> =_.� L,ader's pdor wduem m�sent, E.ender may, at Us o�Klan, rc�nlro Imm�dln�e paymen� in fnll of all snms saurcd by this �j °.�ti 3,..; {- -;;: <br /> .�a� Sicutily InArtim:M.1fow�aver,thl�nptinn xhall nnt hc ezerc{ui i�y i.ender If ezercise is prohi6ltcd by fateml law�s ot�hu dau F -! ,+..:�_' _ <br /> . � ot lhis Saurity Instrumcm. t , c.ti:� , (.. <br /> :-,� lt►.ender exerclscs�his optlon,l.ender shill�ive FSorrox�cr nntiw nf accelenilon.7Tw nolintt sholl�rovide a pedod of not `r �,:• `- <br /> `� Icss�bnn 30 dayx fmm�hc datc thc natia ls Ad rend or mailal wi�ldn which Rnrm�vtr mns� pay a� sums sccw�d by�his ? '`i � '_'�' <br /> Securi�y Instmnxnt.If fionower fAits top�y these sums pdor to ihe expir��ion o(�his pcAixl.I.ender may Invoke any rcmedies ;;p++ + � �� <br /> ���"F��j� pcmdncd by�his Sccuri�y fnsirumcm wi�hout furlhcr nalrn or demand on Ik�rcowcr. .�ysr� 'F� -�; .� <br /> - 18. Storrotiscr's IIighl to Reinsipte. If 6orrourr mce�s certaim m�dflinns, Ifnrrowcr shail havc �hc dghl �o have � <br /> @f'�'� enforccnxm of�his Sccnrity InstmmcN Alscon�inucd et any Ifnb prlor to tho uvlicr ah (a) S d,rys(or sncL oihcr pcdod as � - -' ' ' p�t, ��t,'�. <br /> ,j,�x� appllcabie law may snecify for rcinalatemem) beforo sato of the Pro�ny pursuam m nny pn�ver of sate rnntntned In this i �,t " .-, <br /> Secumy Insemmem;or(6)rniry of a JudgnuM enforcing this Sxndry nstmmen�.7irose conditions are�hat Rorroivcr.(a)paps f _ _ ,. -,—.r <br /> +'j�i�,s� 1,endcr ali sums which�hcn woutd bc duc undcr�his Scairi�y Instrunxm and �hc Notc es it no ecccicrr,�ton t�7 caucrod; (U) _,;t r rP'_- <br /> �!£��'��r�� curcs any dcfauli of,ny othcr covenanu ar agrxmcnts; (c)pays all expcnscs incurrcd in enforeir.g�his Savriry [auromcm. ' ,�,�� n -� -;_. <br /> _ IndnJing, bm not linutai to,rcawnabio attomcYs' fces; and(d)wkcs sudi nction as t.cndcr n:xy n:awo;,Dty req�aire rA assurc � , ._,.,� <br /> that thc Irva of tki:Savrity ln+�mm;m, I.cndcr s righls in thc Property end t3orcowcr's oblig�ciort ao pay atq vims vxura(by � �: � - _ - <br /> N � ;< �� Ihls Sxvrity Instrummnt sM1alt cor.tinue unchangai. Upen rei¢siatemem by Rortox•er, iAis Sscunty [�stmumu and �he .�s F c � �>o ", <br /> - � oblFgaxions sxun�t hemDy st«it remva fulty effaUve as if co a:octera�lan haU occurrcd.GloNZVer,tAis rigt;t to nrinstate shall jt� <br /> �.� ��t�pply in thc casc of a;ceieratinrt ucc[cr paragr.�ph 11. S�.Z f � ->> '�. <br /> �����.`�n ht. Sale of Yote; Chwr.g2 mA l.oan&srk�r. Ttm Nae or a panhi interest in the Nae(to3r+Pr.r x�i�h Ihts Saumy �iG: ,� .r:� <br /> ,"��` tnstrumenp may be sold o'w:or mor iimes�vithout prior naice w 13orroircr.A s3!e may rcsult in a ctunge in�he emliy(known � E � - <br /> y�`�� ac Ihe'Lwn Scrviecr'1�Ma�mlla�s nximhiy paymems duc under the Ncte�r,d ihis Sceurity Instnim.m.Ttcero atso may bc onc �� * ' �t =T :- <br /> �� or morc cbangcs of aRc Lma Scrviar anrclataf tn a sitc of tbe Notc.lf thcre ia a chan§s uP the Loan Scnicer,Uorrawcr wlll Ix n /'i�'r f"��' -�'�='' <br /> . y ��� . givrn wti�lcn nu�i�Y v€3nr dian;;e in aocordancc�cith pingmph 14 aborc a�i.yplir,.S.c law.7'h�noti:e::i:l��ate tl�e nank arA �''s '"s� �' _;._. <br /> i ?`�5" 11�� addrcss of lhc new Loan Scrvicu. �+2 ihc addreu to wh�ch paynwnls should bt madc.Thr rsn+.irc ��ill alw romain any othcr y;4�7` ��� _- <br /> �' �j� . Infornayion rcquircd by applicablr law. i t'� ��� t°r� �r, �. <br /> �"� 20. Iipiarh�i:*�ti�lstancca. Gorrower shall no�cause or�^rnii� �A,pn:sencc, use, di�oz�l, s�onge, or reicax of any t r� x -• - <br /> '��,��� `� Nazardous Subsiamcs on or in thc Pro{x:rty- �urrowcr sha'9 nct do, r�,r ai[o�,v anyonc cIw Iop c'u. :�npthing affccting thc F{ -: " } _ -� . <br /> ��rt t slorogc on�hc Pro�41t7�of small quanlitiunaf H�winlo is Scbzz�ces��vr.�,c g<,ctally rccio�n zcd%Yi�e�F;ecQ�te ur romul ����' � �,�a'�4�r- <br /> '� � -- ' residcn�tal usrs and lo matn�enancn o£thc Pmpeny. ,�4?��' �ii , :—_ <br /> <S-T� Rorrowcr shall promptly pise A.mnder wnucn no�icc oti nr.;, im�s�iga�ion,daim.ttemea:,lawsuit�L c�her aaiun hy any ��;`�„ �,rsr�.-: - <br /> ` � - �. govcmnxnlal or rcgula�ory a privalc parlq involving u`+:S'rnpcny and:Iny Haz:+:u�u.Subslacce or T:nvironnxmal law f':•yUS,a'!(4'�E$Ss i��:-_ <br /> �?�, of which 13orrowcr hac netnal krtowic<Igc. If IIxroxer)rams,o:is noiifie3 bp�eny�orcmmcmel or rcgntmory amhority, th�� i f�?, � : _ <br /> � � - any rcmoval ar o�hcr r;nxJixtion of any Hazr.u!ous SuMiar.ce n'.fecting th Pmyny is neecssary.Rorrm��er shall prompily lake � ` �� �Y`t'�,d�_ <br /> -`� a11 nccessa remC�'•�ri!a:tionc iz nrm�dance wiih�x!Lnw. i}�� � j� _ ° <br /> SjA�F�• t1s 15.�1�/nis u�� �c'�v�. �rtaizi,uuo a`u�a(um�:i . c ,iv5c SJfdii iii"a�vf irii ni ianjw ar ha:ar'wi SJGiI'ui�v'w b' '���H - - <br /> `.��Y� � p. .�,ny�. �� � � '_ � i.= <br /> ��F( .�:!.�rozmen;al 7na 'nd i'.�i 7073o��mg su6sianccs: gasoline, Acrwenc, nhcr Ilammablc or Inxic pclroleum Producls, roxic t�Y afj" r��r �L` �. <br /> 1 .��5 Saccicid;s oncf hwbi:i.^c.�nlalilc solvcnts,malcrials conlalning esbeslos o1 fn^maldchydc,and radfoactivc ma�cnals.As uscd(n 5;���,,r�q,�fz��;S;'�- - <br />-,i•i•�±,y�f��� this m ro Z0. 'F:n.trennKntal Law' mcans falcr�l laws and laws o(«fi.'urisdic�ion where the Pro n is lacalcd 16at 1���;!'$t. \ <br /> r� tx� S }de 1 P� Y � U i r �S�- ��' .: <br /> � /' n:la�c m hcallh,wfety urcnviromncntal prota�lon. itt#� 45�{Z� �t�NyF�t , <br /> v h i <br /> at,17���. NON•UNIFORS7 COVGNANTS. Oorrowcr nnd Lcndcr Porthct covcnant ar.d egrcc as follows: n ,�t�fryUcn..&>>x t_ <br /> �N - 21. hemlenlion;Remedles. I.ender ehall gi�e nulice io iiorroNCr pdur to accelrmtlon Pollowing Borrower's breaeh � y/�'+�y� sf�1�" < - <br /> �,jl�Y��_�. of any covrnarit or agreemenl In �his Secudty Insirument @ut not prior to aeceleration under pangnph 17 uniess +��$,KX;'}����Ld,;�:4�`ln; '�- <br /> ,�1. S,j,';4' A�1IIfAD�C IAW�fOVIACS OlIIffWISB).TIIC OOIIM 6M19II S�ICCIO: (Y)lI1P d¢�011II;(b)the acllon rtt�ulrM to cure the defaulh, ij'�y.,j�,,�r�s�. f. -- <br /> � � (c)a dute,iwt ess than JD days from the dnte thc�mtice k gNen to Borrc+krr,Uy whlch the de(nult ntusl be tured;and - � -{`� �:- <br /> �rv, (d)that fallure to cure Ihe dcfault on or beforc lhe dafe s�xclfied in Ihe ¢olice may result In acaderalion of Ihe sums �.i�J+ �)j(i��i�i't �3`_ <br /> rV1 �.. ic� trt- . <br /> t i� securcd by Ihis Securily I�uinuucnl and sale of Ihe Fropert��. 7'he notice ahall furlher Inform 1lrnnrox�er of lhe right to .y�� - . � <br /> x�j��� rcimlale aRer attctcrotlon and Ihc riqht to bring a court aclion to assert the non•eririence of a default or any other -;���` + r --<yH_� <br /> �t i' Lendcr, at I�tsrop lon�may r�ce�alre In mcdietc P�Sh�cnt Inulid�l ot all sun s se��rr�6p 971s Secur3lv Instmn enl xilh ul i'�ltl?�.- ��'��a;��4[:.: <br /> s�i��� furthcr demmid and may Im�oke Ihc poxcr of selc und any othcr rcmedies prnnY:2ed h��appllcnttir l�w,Lcnder shali be ,Cq�' ,_. _ <br /> wy ,t-� enlitltd lo mlltta nit rxpenses Ineurred In pursuing Ihe rcne�d�es provldcA na thf.s�arngraph 2I,i«duAing,6nt not Ilmlted „ ����kS�ff) - <br /> �{ , � 2�1�i1�: <br /> ��F�� � ���r�'kC ihep1eoi�or a(saleris Inv ked,Trustcc ha I�record n notice ot defauit In esch comlly In ++hlcA any part uE the _ . S?,'I��C4 �Syµ��,�. <br /> t � au: - Yroperi3�is iurdied and shell meil coples of wch notice In Ihe menncr prescri6ed by opylirnbte Ini��to Borro�rer and to 4 �,;�� ��y,�ik-j�z. <br /> ,s.;v ttw olher prlsonc prescrllxd by nppika6ir lenv.ARer lhe Ihue required by applicnUle ia-•r,l7vsice shnll gire pnFlic notice ,1,., ti_�.�� <br /> i 1` -- �' of salc lo Ihc pers�wts pnd In ihe manner praV:rihed bY oPPlkaUlc lax�.1'rustce.wft6oui dcmaud�n IIorrower,shall se11 , -' r(�'�;�:��' <br /> ;t„y`. the Prope�iy nl pn:�lic euclia�lo thc highettt h6ader et lhe tlme xnd place m�d under the tem�s dea5gaated In the nollce ot :'";t:� ' t9,r;,_ <br />- �'%:r,=:,;.i. : :,•:5�1�r: ,..,_ _ <br /> salc In onc or morr parcds end In any order'1'rucicc dclemilnes.Trus�ee mny poslponc snic oi n•.i or any parcel of the � � �y� �� . _? <br /> � ' Properly by public nm�ounmmcnl at Ihe Ihne and pince of eny prerlousl�-schedulnl snle. I.ender or ils designee may i : ` � y�•,� <br /> y�� ��- purchase ihc Propcity nl any sala - -.% i�' ' . <br /> :� � '-- ' <br /> ' ;ai:n!t . .,�r�tfi�Ph• . <br /> �h.fF2f';: � .�:{i!:� � . . <br /> �l� + <br /> - : Porm3078 8180 ' �;- <br /> J7� , rµ5or6 - . <br /> 1'. <br /> ...1.�^hk MG::1t9•4E/5 • �'-:' . <br /> hq AT - • ' ' i, _ .. <br /> A3 1 -.�s •.. <br /> ��.'.i4;!.c.{7�.,7t��{ �.:�,7':1>t:i{y.�ti;. .-. �. . . � . - .. .. ... �... . . ._ . . �,nl' � . <br /> . ,. .. , <br /> '-:.:t..,. . � . <br /> ::.•,'�:e,:.' . <br />-,�t�-vti: •(.-. � . . _ ' — <br /> .r:_=__ . _ - - . _ . <br /> - `.i�t(�.�1: . . . � . <br /> -:,f:� 47':{� '_ - _ . <br /> - __Ji` <br /> '_ 'ci> <br /> "...!4r,:_},j._ . � . <br /> s.������r. .'� <br /> y't��< ��'' . � ...... . -. . <br /> 1 �� r i - "� � . <br /> 's <br /> . � .� �,,. ,.� � _ - - <br /> . <br /> _ <br />