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, <br /> , <br /> , <br /> , r -Jf�G`?�T`���� „j rq�fl t J ��t"1 �hS � rf-�.�—r _ <br /> y r <br /> � 1 ��yf I/ rf , - �� hV:.�...�.. _.��� --�-- _ - .. <br /> „i7JS5'l1Ji?.;.L��{ .�L>.d'f.�..fa.t�.,�r 1.�nFF,n`.� .,..ns:e.,.:� <br />� � '•.. �'��`w J4[7a7,1�� <br /> � S. tfuard oe i'ta�rty insur�nce. iiorrowar s6dl kup ttw Improvuncnts now cxis�ins nr 6cruflor ercccc0 on�he <br /> Pro�uny Insvtcd agalns��oss 6y(iro,hormis inclnAcd whhln tho�crm'cxiendcd mvcngc' nnd any otlicr ha�ards,IncluEin; <br /> tlooda or tlooding,fo�tddci�I.cndcr rcqulrcs insnrancc.l7dx Insurnnw shnll l>e mnima6icd In ihc amoun�s amf tor�he podods <br />� Ih6t I..enAer rtq�dr.s.7hc Insunnce carrkr providing�he Insumnce shell Ix ohown by Rormwer mhJec� m i�nder's apnrnval � <br /> x9�ld�shall not bo unrtuonably wlthheld. I(ponower fails to maiNain corerago describcd abnve, I.cndcr may, a� l.ender's <br /> optlon,obinin eovcrsge�o pratct Lendar's dghis In the Propeny in ncmrdxxe wlth paragraph Z �,_,,,,;�. <br /> All insunna pnliclu and rcnewals shail Ix acccpiaBic�o Lcndcr and iiult includc a s�andard mongaga ctaum. I.cndcr ;'a,3�T� <br /> sha11 havc tlro dght to ialA ihe policia and rcncwals.If Lcndcr rcqulrcs,I3orrowcr shall promp�ly givc�o,dcr all rccciqs of �'n- <br />- pilJ prenilums and rcnexal nalecs.In�he evem of Ioss,ttorrower shall glve prompt nmice to tlie imurance carrier a�I.e�er. ��� '`--= - -� - �� � <br /> I.cnder may nuke proof of Ioss it not madc promp�ly hy Rortower. �� ,• <br /> Unless I.ender and Uorrower o�hcnvfso n�rw in wri�ing,tnsurnnw procads xhall bo appt[ed to rcstoration ar rep�ir of�he - -��' � <br /> Property damagal,if the restoraUon or rcpair Is cconomtwlly fa�si6le and I.endePs sauriry is erx Iesv:codJf d�e rosmn�inn or " ="%�'"'�`��:�.�� <br /> nir Is no1 aonomicall feasible or Lender's saurit would Ix Icssenul,tbe iawnme rat•ads shalF be a Ited to the sums ?:-r,rc'.�y�ty;?yy.;.,� <br /> �urcdb thfs Sccurit instnmicn6 wUc�hcr or r�t tF.ert Qw:.��ith an cxcrss 'd to l9orroxec. FF Qom,�.cr.bandons �he -- `�,�;}� -�� `Y •� <br /> Y Y Y P�- � . , ., �.- <br />- Prppetty,nr eWts nc:ansu�e.-FitM1in 3�days a r�tice&e:n i.eedec Ucit�he iasurana cs:rier t�,s ut�kred m>cule a clalm,ihen -?- � =-z„ <br /> I�odzr mr.• n>11ttY u'ac insura.r,e rex+�:�is. Letdcr rtci usr: Ihc racecds ro rc �fr or rcv.o[e tRe Prn rcn�m �o � sums ���/-%�*.ii <br /> } D Y B P 1 Y P•Y ��r.;?4_;�.3��;,+.`. <br /> s.�![eit bp 27zx Scarity lovnim:nt,wtieeher or na tfarn�w.7Tc 30-0ay pcdod will begin wT.ccn�he nniin is given. ;;��._s�;:_�;.._.�'. <br /> Unhxs I.endef ettd @artowcr athcnvim Agrse ia+rritirtg, any application o(prucccds «, principal st�vt7 no� cxtend or ;?`r� %� , ,! ';' <br />.. poslpone�he due da�e of tP�e rtwmhly- paymeNS nferra!au in pamgnphs I and 2 or change�ha anmun�o�the paymeNS. I( �sn��� �' `� s�` <br /> undef ra h 21-�he Pro rt Is nc ui.d 6 Lender,fk�nower's d ht to aa insur�nce liricc aml raceds resultln Gom �5�`'�'�•.,1�;r4`y;°,;��-����' <br /> dmugc t h:Property prioc t�he acquisitlon shall pau ta I.ender m he ex�enl of the snmssaui�i by his Secnri�y Insl�unxnt ���+Li°xai�i���"�°�� <br /> z'�; <br /> imnxdlately prior to qie arquisition. �p-;� -"-�— <br /> 6.Ouupwney,F'rese+vyllon,llTatnlraance anU�'rotcctlon of the ProprK��:fi�rrox�er's Loan Apnt:�stlon;Leaselwlds. �t' ,.�,;;:;: � <br /> Borcower shell octu atnbliih,and use�he Pro h as Qartoaer's rinci I cesiQenee within six� da �aRCr�he execmion of `' ��""°'' <br /> PY. P� Y P W Y Y' �:,��V�r":d�,'r.--`. <br /> Ihlv Sececit�lnstrvment and shall continue m acu �he Pro n�u Ilorrower's rincl al rcsidence for ai Iwzi one ear aRer ���T`'j>y;"+;b�,ry`h1:-�-�,�� <br /> 1 PY P� S �' P >� 1.:��. �' -" <br /> thc date c�Ea:tupancy,unless Lender othciwix agrces In wriling, which coaum shall nu1 bc e:etcasonabl��n�i�hhcid,or�mless }'� ;k�A;.,'.-`-�-�.h�;,__ <br /> Y�h1� <br /> cxtenuatiag cirmnulanoes cxist whirh arc bcyonA 6orrower's ccmtrol. 7krrow�r shall nm chs�roy, damage or imP�'< <'�� ^,`n,'in�x��nz`s"'" -- <br />