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�o� <br /> ���1�������������� �������� � � <br /> � <br /> any of. its empioyees �vorkin� on or inspectin� the line, �.nd the Company will restore all fence <br /> so injured. It is further agreed and understood that the Company �ha11 pay to the Grantors, <br /> th�ir heirs and assigns , the sum of �ne Dollars for eac� additional pole or tower erected an <br /> said premise� f rom time to time (not ineluding replacements) whenever and as soon �.s said pole <br /> or towers are erected. <br /> Si�ned the 24th day of �darch A.D. 1930. <br /> Witness: August Wilhelmi <br /> A.VP.Boecking Mary Wilhelmi <br /> 3TA'�E OF �1EBRASKA } On this 24th �ay of March,A.D. 1930, before me, a Notary Public, in an <br /> ss. <br /> COUNTY OF' HALL far said county, personally ca,me August �filhelmf and A�a.ry Wilhelmi, <br /> hi.s �vif e to me persanallq kno�n to be the identical persons wha si�ned the above easement as <br /> grantors, and ackno�vledged the execution of the same to be their voluntary act and deed. <br /> Witness my hand ax�d seal the day �nd year last above written. <br /> My commission expires on April 9, 1932• I <br /> Howard Kyle <br /> f�FAL) Piotary Public in and for said <br /> . " ' Countp. <br /> Filed for record this 12th day of January, 1931. at 11:00 0 'clock A.I�. �� •�� <br /> \If-�' '�" <br /> Register of Deed� <br /> o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-q-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-�-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-a-o-o-o-o-a�-o-o-o-o-o-aao- <br /> COIJDE�IRTATION ORDINANCES. <br /> THE FOLL��'ING AESCRSBED PRaPERTY �tAS CO�DE�N�D UNDER ORDINANCE9 1G0. 1334 <br /> and 134� of the CITY OF GRA.I�D I9LAND: ,� <br /> 1. Commencing at a point on the North lirie of Lot A, Ross Ashton Park subdivision 123.1 feet <br /> �ast of the Nort2�west corner of said Lot A,t7�enes 3outh parallei to the �'e�t of said Lot A to <br /> -�he South line of said Lot A, thence in a Northeasterly dir�ection �.lon� the £3outh line of I;ot . <br /> A, a distance of �7.3 feet, thenee North parall.el to the �est line of aaid Lot A, to the North <br /> line of Lot A, thence �test alon� the North Iine of Lot A, a distance of �0 feet ta the poirit <br /> af beginnin�:� alsb a strip of land £�9 feet �ide across the right-of-�ay of the Helt line <br /> road of the Qshicago�and uincp Railroad Company between the East and '�est Zines of O�,,k `�trEe� <br /> , . <br /> eatended 'South in strai�ht lines across said ri�ht-of-w�,y; aZso the S�est �0 feet of Blocks '�, <br /> 9, 10, and 11, aIZ in Koebler�s Sub-division, for an extension of Oak street , South from Ashto <br /> i <br /> Avenue to Bismark Rc��d. � <br /> _ _ <br /> 2. The west 12 feet 4� Lot 5, all of Lot 6 and the Eagt 2 f eet of Lot l, all in Block 1, Lake ' <br />, � <br /> v u fr rle treet to Ashton Avenue. <br /> view for an e$tension oP Rimb�,ll A enue $o th om Cha s 9 i <br /> 3. The s�uth 30 feet oP Lot 5, Westervelt�� Subdivision for widening Court street 30 feet <br /> North from Pine street to 9ycamore stree�. : <br /> �+. A �trip o�' land �0 f eet wide between the North and 9outh lines of Anna street , extended in <br /> stra,i�ht lines from the East line of Clark street to the West line of �lm Street for a continu <br /> � ation of Anna etr�set: ' <br /> 5. A strip of land �0 feet wide bet�een the North and South lines of Oklahoma Avenue, e�tende <br /> . , in strai�ht linee f'rom the center line of Linooln Avenue to the �Pest. line of �lark street and <br /> ` <br /> � from the 9outhcasterly line of the right-of-way vf the Belt Line Railroad of the Ohicago, Bur- <br /> lin�ton and Quincy R�,ilroad Company, to the �est line of Elm �3treet as said Oklahoma Avenue <br /> was shown, between the l.imf.ts aforesaid on the ariginal p1a�G of 8outh Park, recorded in Book <br /> 13, of the d�ed reeords of Hall Co�unty, Mebraska, at Page 457, for continuat3one of Oklahoma, <br /> Avenue. ' <br /> � <br /> 6. The South 20 feet of Lc�t �, in William Frank�s Addition. <br /> 7. The S�est 4�- feet of Lcat 7, fn Block 1, the � 16 feet of Lot � iz� Bloek 1, and that pa�e� <br /> ��. <br /> � � .,..,.r ... <br /> M}., <br /> . . , � . '�' , - f �t}a� <br /> , � . � ... �` .. . .. . . . �,�4 . <br /> .-� . , .. . . � � � �r+ 'ti�'�,.. <br /> . ,- <br /> . . . . ....-. ,,,,iliWwj�,,:.. .... �-�.,_ ,..�-.�....�.. .:......�...�_.,:..__. _. ._ . _ . . . . . _.�,._2.��:. <br />