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,�;����a <br /> l�Ir����JZJ'�i! �L��I� � � ��j�J f\�IJ/�J� w <br /> � � �J � ��� � C/ C!/ �J� <br /> ------— ��1S6d��lY LIN�ISL�[.NSH <br /> _ T__— _���A.�__� <br /> ��,�'jT�Tt�jOi1RNT ._ .. _..__...'_"" .,_ .�__.._ <br /> shall 'be Iocated on the property appro�imately aa follows: 1�3.ang t�h�.�east� line:af sa�.d-East 1 ;2': � � <br /> of S'W 1/4 of the 81� 1/4 of 3ec. 12,Town lI North, Rar�e 10 West af b P.M. in Hall �ounty, Me- <br /> E <br /> �bxaska. <br /> � <br /> The Companp shall also h�,ve the privile�e and easement of ingress and egress aeross the proper y <br /> ito ite officers and emnloyees for any purpnse necessary in eonnection wi�h �he contruetion, op r- <br /> ation, maintenance and inspeetion of line. <br /> i �The compan� �hall also have the right a� any time to trim or remove such trees and underbrush <br /> I <br /> {as m�ay in any way endanger or interfere �ri�h the safe operation of the lines and equipment uee <br /> ; <br /> , <br /> in oonneation therewith. <br /> The Company will be responsible for all dama,ge to �r��wing erope eaused by an�r of ite employees <br /> I' <br /> ;�rorkin� on or inspection the line, �.nd the Company will restore �.11 f ences so in�ured. It is <br /> ; <br /> �further �,gree� �.nd understood that the f�ompany ��iall pay to the Gr�ntors, their � _ � heirs an 1 <br /> � <br /> 'assi�ns, the sum of One D�Zlar, for e�ch �,dditional pole or to�er erected on said premises fro <br /> 'ti�ne ta time (not includin� replacements) whenever and �,s soon as s�.id poles vr towers are. ere ted. . <br /> Signed the llth day 4f October,A.D. 1930. <br /> Witness: _ - <br /> 1�.VY.Hoecking Luther Pope <br /> - �rs. �arah Pope <br /> STATE OF NEBRASKA j Or� this llth da,y of 4ctober, A.D. 1930, before me, a Notary Public, n <br /> ss. <br /> �COUN'TY Ob' HALL � and for said county, personally came Luther Pope and Sara�h Pope,hus- <br /> band and �if e, to me personally knovon �o be �he identical persons who si$ned the above ease- ' <br /> ment as �rantors, �.nd acknowled�ed the execution of the same to be their voluntar� act and dee . <br /> Viitness my� hand and seal the day and year last above written. <br /> Ho�ard Kyle <br /> Nota�y �Zblic in and for said <br /> (SEAL) County. <br /> My commission expires on April 9th 1932. <br /> Filed for record this 12th day of January, 1931, at 11:00 p ' clock A.�l. , �j�', <br /> v� <br /> . . Register of Deeds � <br /> 0-0-0-U-0-0-0-0-0-C}-4-d--0-0-0-fl-0-a o-o-o-a aa o-�-(3-0-0-0-()-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-(}-0- <br /> EASEMENT FOR ELECTHIC LIPtES. - <br /> h� KNOW ALL ME�i BY THFSE P?3E8ENT5; Tha.t August Wilhelm3. ar�d �dary �lilhelmi his �ife, of Hall . <br /> (3ounty, Nebraska, in. consideration of the awn of Oae Dollars in hand paid by the Central Power <br /> Company do hereby �rant ;.unto the s�.id Company, its successors a.nd assigns , the permanent right <br /> privilege and easement of a right-of-way to construct and maintain lines for the transmission <br /> of electric energy, together with the ri�h� to erect and maintain ali nece�sary piales , <br /> wires and other necessary equipment in connection therexith on anc� across the following des- I <br /> �cr-ibed property situated in Hall County, Nebraska, more partieula.rly deseribed aa followe: , <br /> 8�� 9ec. 3�+ - T - 12 No�th,Range 10 �test of the 6th P.�d. <br /> The pa7.e line herein contempl�.ted (consieting of 7 poles on the premises described� aha31 be <br /> loeated on the property approaimately as follows: Beginnin� on the eas� line af the southwestl <br /> Qa��.�c <br /> ,� of s�.id seetior� and just so���.th of the C.B. � Q.,, right-of-way in s�id south�es� �, running <br /> thence south along the said east line to th� south line of the said southwest �. <br /> The Company ahali also have the privilege and easement of ingrese and e�ress �cro$s the prope <br />� ty to its afficers and employees for any purpose necessary in connection with the constructio , <br />� <br />� <br /> operation, main�;enance and inspeetion of said line. <br /> The comp�.ny sha11 also have the right at any time to trim or remove sucY� treea �,nd underbrush,I <br /> as may in any way endanger or interfere with the safe c�peration of the lines and equipment ua <br /> in conr�ection therewith. - <br />� The Company will be responsible for all damage to growing crops or ether property caused by <br />�. . . <br />