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� ��� . <br /> �'����'�����,�,�������� ��'����� � <br /> EA9�MENT FOR ELEC`TRIC LSNES <br /> "� <br /> KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE.P�ESENTS: That �tm. Davis and Anna R.Davis, his wife, of Hall County, <br /> Nebraska, in consideration of the sum of One Doll�.rs in hand paid by the �entral Power Company <br /> do hereby �;rant unto the said Company, its suceessors and assigns, the permanent right , privil �e <br /> and easement of a right-of-way to construet and maint�.in lines for the tranamission of eleetri <br /> i energy, together with the right ta erect and maintain all necessary poles, wires �,nd other <br /> necessary equipment in connection therewith, on and across the fallowing described property <br /> situated in Hall County, Nebraeka, more particularly descr3bed ae follaws: Northwest 1/4 of <br /> N$� and �ast � of S�t� of A1E� and East � of NW� of SE� and Vlest � of NE� of 9E� ar�d B�� of 9E� <br /> of Sec. 12, T 11 No. Range 10 �'. of 6th P.M. <br />� The pole_ Iine herein contemplated (cc�n�isting of the necessary poles on the premises described <br /> shall be located on the property approximately as follows : Along the west border of the above <br /> described property, entering at the north border of the property and leaving at the south bor- � <br /> . der. <br /> The Campan� agrees to furnish the necessary equipment_ to render 3 ph�.se service fox power to <br /> Mr. Davie' �resent f$rm adjacent to this line at any future time for motors of 7� horsepower <br /> or �reater. Power �o be sold at the regular power rates for simi3ar service. <br /> The Compan� shall also have the privile�e and easement of ingress and egress across the proper y <br /> to its officers and employees for any p�rpose necessary in connection with the construction, <br /> operation, m�,intenance and inspectic�n of said line. <br /> � The camp�,ny sha11 alao have the xight at a.ny time ta trim or remove euch trees and underbrush <br /> as maq in any e�ay enda,nger or interfere with the safe operation of the lines and equipment use <br /> in connection therewith. <br /> �'he Campany �ill be responsible for all dama$e to �rowin� erops caused by any of its employees <br /> working on or inspecting- the line , and the Company will restore all f ences so in�ured. . <br /> Signed the 20th daq of October A.D. 1930. <br /> Witness: <br /> Freda Maurer �m. Davie <br /> Freda Maurer Anna R. Davis. <br /> STATE OF NEBRA�KA ) _On this 2(�th da,y of October,A.D. 1930,before me, a IJotary Publie, in _ <br /> ss. <br /> COUNTY OF HALL � �.nd for said county, person�.11y came l�m. Davis and Anna R.Da'vis, his <br /> �if e to me personally known to be �he identical pereons who signed the above easement aa grant , <br /> , <br /> ors, and acknowledged the execution of the same to be their voluntary act and deed. <br /> I <br /> Witnees my hand and seal the day and year laet above written. <br /> Hvward Kyle <br /> (SEAL) Notary Public <br /> I�y commission expires on April 9, 1932. in and for, said County. <br /> Filed for record this 12th day of Januaxy, 1931, a� 11;0� o � clock A.�d. : �L�,�� �: <br /> u��� <br /> Re�ister of Deeds <br /> �-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-�-Q-0-C3-0-(�-G-�-��-C�-0-O-0-G-0-0-0-0-0-�-0-0-0-�-a a o-0-0-0-O-0-0- <br /> �ASEb�ENT FOR �LECTRxC LIN�s <br /> KNOW ALL MEN �3Y THESE PRE�ENT9; That Luther _Pope _and Sarah Pope his wife, of Hall Count�r, ~ <br /> Nebraska, in Qonsideration of the surn of One Dollar in h�.nd paid by the Central Power Company <br />� <br /> do hereby grant unto the said Com�any, its successors and aseigns , the permanent right, privi- <br /> lege and easement of a righ�-of-way to conatruct and m�.intain lines for the transmission of <br /> electric energy, togeLher with the ri�ht to exect and maintain a11 necessary poles , wires and <br /> other neeeasary equipment in conneetion therewith, on and across the followin� ciescribed prap- <br /> erty situated in Hall County, Nebraska, more particularly described �.s follows: East Half of <br /> �outh�est 1/4 of the 9outheast 1/4, Sec. 12, Township 11 North, Range _ 10 Wes�t of 6th P.�. <br /> The piale line herein contemplated (consisting of eight poles on the premises dsscribed) shall <br />� + __ � <br />