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���� <br /> h �r���J J� e ��� � ���� ��� w <br /> � � � � ��� � �� <br /> � <br />------- __-------- __� _ _ � _.�_---__ —_ -- - <br /> the pa.rty of the second �art may �woid the said lease by giving the first party $�,g �onths <br /> written notice of such intention to void the said lease. <br /> It is further �.gresd laetween the parties that any filling station, serviee station and build- <br /> ings, erec�ed on the said premise� by the second party ehall be the property of the pa�ty of <br /> 1 <br /> the �econd part, sha12 be considered as shattel property and maybe removed by the said eecond � . <br /> ;,.. <br /> party at the time of nacatin� the said premises and delivering up possession to the party of <br /> � <br /> i the first part. <br /> � <br /> Witness our hands the day and date first above written. <br /> Witnees: R.R.�llis Mrs, Maud �ravis <br /> ' Roy R.�llia <br /> State of Nebraska ) On this 25th day oP October, 1930, be#'ore me R.R.�llie, a notary <br /> ss. <br /> Hall Countq 3 public in and for the county of Hall, and State of I4ebraeka came <br /> �da.ud Travie and Roy. �llis to me known to be the identical p�.rties whose n�.mee are on the fore <br /> ,�oing instrument and who executed the said instrument and acknowledged the same to be tla�3.r <br /> , voluntary act and deed. R.R.Ellis <br /> (SEAL) Notary Public <br /> My eommissi4n expires the 16 day of �darch, 1935• <br /> Filed for record this 2d day of January,_: , 19�1, �.t 3:15 o 'clock P:�. <br /> � <br /> � <br /> Register of Dee s <br /> 0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-�J-�-0-0-0-0-0-4-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-4-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-4- <br /> LIS PENDFId� <br /> IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF HALL COUNTY, NEHRA3KA <br /> ^ , <br /> The Prud�ntial Insurance Company <br /> of America, a corporation <br /> P1.�inti.ff, <br /> vs. NOTICF LTS P�NDE�T9 <br /> �deta Bieck et al. , <br /> Def endant s. <br /> Notice is hereby given that a petition ha$ bEen filed in the office of the cZerk of the dis- � <br /> trict eourt of Hall County, Nebraska, in an action therein pending, wherein The Prudential <br /> Insurance Cornpany of Americ�., a, corporation, is plaintiff, and Meta Bieck; Fred A.Hieck; <br /> Fred L.Harrison; The Geer Company; John Doe, real n�me unknown; and k�.ry Doe, real narne unkno , <br /> are defendants. <br /> The ob�ect , purpose, and prayer of said petition are to foreclose a certain real e state mort- <br /> gage for �3300.00, �iven by I�eta Bieck and Fred A.Hieck, wif e and hueband, to Th� Prudential <br /> Ineurance Company of America, on or about the 25�h �.y of $eptember, 192�, and filed for recar <br /> in the affice of the register of deeds in and for Hall Countp, Nebraska, on the 27th day of <br /> 9eptember, 192�, at nine o�clock �,.m. a,nd recorded in book of mortgages 66 at pa,ge 254; which <br /> ii . <br /> mort�;age 3.s on Lot 9ix (6) ,Block Twelve (12) , Honnie Brae Addition to Grand Island,Hall C?ount , <br /> Nebraska. <br /> 3aid foxeclosure is ag to prineipal and interest. <br /> A11 per�ons interested will please take notice. <br /> Dated thie �th day of January, 1931. <br /> THE PRUDENTIAL INSURANCE CO�dPANY OF <br /> AMERICA. <br /> By E.S.Ripleq Its �Ittorney. <br /> F'iled for record this �th day of Janu�,ry, 1931, at 11:50 o �clock A.�d. (� <br /> \ ,�C <br /> Register of Dee s <br /> ..� ` <br />