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���� ', <br /> � , <br /> �'�������������� ��'���� • � <br /> � <br /> .�" ��. $ -SY.�Y�'::Ii�IIffECAL C6MPANYr LINCGLN.AEB:- - _. ___. ___. ---- . _..---_.___._�__._, <br /> anq extension thereof made undex the provisions of this paragraph, th�.t is, the option for an <br /> � extension of Five years after Decem�er 31st,1935, ehall not exist or be egercised by second <br /> ( <br /> , party. I <br /> , <br /> �Provided, furth�r, th�.t �.n c�,se sales barns, equipment, facilities, and ect. , as now lo- <br /> � <br /> � cated and which are includ.ed in this contract, are suppres�ed �,s a nuisance by any action take <br /> �by the city af Grand IsT.�nd or its public author�'��es.or by the state of Nebraska or ite author <br /> ities, or in any court in proceedings for that purpose by priva,te indi�rivals, and the second <br /> fiparty is thereby prevented f rom carring on its business of selling horses and a�ules as hereto- <br /> fore conducted by it, then �,nd in such case this contract a�d olbigations, or the <br /> � second party, shall the�eby be automatically annulled and both parties be �hereby released f ro <br /> � all obligations thereunder; prcavided further, that neither party will, by its avert acts or <br /> � <br /> � ne�li�ence, bring about � eQndition in the operation af sai.d barns and businese to iavite or � <br /> , - <br /> 'jxarrant such proeeedings and suppressiona of aaid barns, sale and business, but each of them <br /> iwfll conduct the business is such a �ay as will comply with the lar�s, rules and regulations <br /> i <br /> ; pertainin� thereto so far as it is reasonab2y possible for them ta do under ali of the circws�- <br /> i <br /> � stances and conditians existing and oonnected �her�with. <br /> � _ <br /> X- <br /> i <br /> The first party, its officials, agents , or employees, sh�ll have the ri�ht to go ux�on s�.id <br /> i � <br /> premises at any time for the purpo�e of aseertaining the amount of charges they are entitled <br /> ito c.v'�lect under the terms of thie contract; they shall accsss to and right of the eaam- � <br /> � ination of the books of the second par�q for such purpose in as far as it interest them. I <br /> � And the second party shall furnish at the time of se�t2ement during the term of this contract I <br /> or any extension thereof to the first party, full: true and co�lete and accurate statement <br /> } of aIl horses and mules received, handled, yarded and sold by them under the terme and eon- <br /> � ditions herein contained durin� said sale, which statement �hall show the names af the consi� <br /> or, owner or owners , or such other facts as are necessary to eonvep to the first party full <br /> information of the araount due it under this contract, � <br /> -�1- , <br /> In the event of a destruction of the buildings on said premises, or any of them, ar in�ury <br /> thereto by fire, sto rm, or the elements, rendering the same unusable, the first party sha.11 <br /> ' repair or replace same as soon as possible thereafter. <br /> -xii- <br /> 9econd party a�rees to c�mply with the ordinancee of the cit}� of Grand Island and the lawe af <br /> Nebraska in keeping said premises in a wholesome and eleanly condition, that it wi1l remove , <br /> the refuse, offal, manure, and etc. , caused by its use of s�id premises, and to keep same in <br /> i a clean and san�tarp condition a,s fully► as possible and to complq with said lawas and regu- <br /> latione governing sar�e; th�.t it will do everythin� in its power to stap its empl�ees from <br /> upon said premises at anytime while on duty, or �.round barne at anptime, so far as it <br /> is able to pre�tent It will use all due care and caution to prevent fire thereon and �vi 1 <br /> ���e due � and caution relative to its employees so as not to end�.nger said premises to Y`� <br /> loss ar�d damages so far as possible. <br /> -X111- <br /> 8econd partp agrees �Gh�,t it will use the utmost care and ca.ution to prevent animals afflioted <br /> wi�h conta.gious diaeases from comin� upon said premises, and in the event that any anim�,l or <br /> animals while thereon shall become afflicted with eontagious or inf ectious diseases, th�,t it <br /> will immsdiately cause same to �e removed therefrom and will use the utmo6� care and �.aution <br /> in a11 respects in reference to preventin�; s�.id premises from said contagions. It is furthe <br />