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. ����/4 <br /> ����1��������1����� ������.� � <br /> _ ,�� <br /> _ � ___ _ _____ __ <br /> extension thereof. <br /> -Vl- <br /> �he seeond paxty for and in consideration of agreements contained herein on the part of the <br /> first party, hereby contracts ra,nd agrees with the first party to pay to said first party a <br /> Rcayalty of B'if�y Cents ( .50) per head on each animal sold and settled for on said premises , <br /> with the f o7.lowing except3.ons, said exceptions being hereby �greed to between the parties here <br /> to, that is , that the second pa.rty sha11 h?;ve the ri�ht to sell all �ieenling Colts �.t One-half <br /> (�) their re�;ular commiss3on char�e, and, also, second party shall have the right to sell any <br /> other arn�ma,ls that are sold in bunches of Three (3) head or more and upon which the purchas� <br /> price i� Ten Dollars (�10.Q0) per head or lees at One-half their r�gular Oommisiion ehar�e, <br /> and Qn sueh an�3:mals sold for �ne-half (�) the re�;u.lar cammission char�e, as set forth in this <br /> eaception, the Royalty to be Twenty-five eenta (.2�j� per head. The Royalty of Fifty Cents (.5 ) <br /> as eet forth in this paragraph is not to apply to or include, ho�ever, any animals in the care <br /> of the party of the second p�rt, either temporarily or other�viee, unless actua.11q sold by the <br /> second party and paid for by purchaser, and not to includ� any work stock or saddle horses <br /> . <br /> used by seaond pa.rty in their businees, or any ani+mals, either horses or mules, temporarily on <br /> the premises not intended for sale thereon. The secand par�Gy also agreee to pay the further <br /> sum of Thirty-five c�nta (.�5) per hEad, designated herein as a Yardage charge, for each and <br /> every anim�l �nloaded or placed on said premises for eale l�y the second party, or its suceess- <br /> ors, full payinent to be had and payment to be made not la.ter than 3aturday before the follow- I <br /> ing sale, durin� the term of this contraet or any extension thereof. <br /> -V1I- <br /> In the event that the �$me �,n�.mals are sold two or more times during the same eale, then an <br /> �.ddition Roya,lty of TwEnty-five cents ( .25) per head shall be paid in addi�ion to the Royalty <br /> as provided for in p�,ragraph number Six �'V1) of this contract. It is further agreed that the <br /> party of the second part shall have the exclusive right to feed, eare for, handle, and se22 al <br /> horses and mules that are handled, fed, or sold on what is kno�vn as the Bradstreet & Clemons <br /> premises, and all such an�mal� shall be delinered to the second party for eueh feeding, handli g <br /> or selling under this contraet or a.ny ex�ension thereof. � <br /> -V111- • <br />� The term of this contract shall commence on the 31et day of December 1930, and run for a perio <br /> of Five �5) Ye�rg , aaid o�ntract to expire on th� 31st dap of December, 1935, with the right <br /> reserved to the second partq to renew this contraot upon the same terme as herein set for�h <br /> for an additional period of Five (5) Years, commencir� on the 31st day of December, 1q35, by <br /> giving a written notice to the first par�y at least Sig (6) months before �he termination of � <br /> this Five year eriod as herein stated. <br /> P <br /> � '3�, <br /> It is further agreed th�,t first party enters in to this agreement and lease because of the per <br /> sonal management of the business of second party by John Torpey, naw the oavner of said second <br /> party, and it ie agreed tha� in the event said John Torpey wishee to dispoae of his interests <br /> - <br /> Ln the party of the second part or raishes to as�ign this contract on the part of the seeond <br /> party, he wi11 first obtain the written consent of the f irst party, aame to be endorsed hereon <br /> and in the event that he should dispo�e of his interests in the party of the second party or <br /> assign this contract on the part of the second party without such w�itten consent of the party :- <br /> of the fixst part, then this lease and agreement shall immediately terminate and first p�.rty <br /> shall immediately take possession of the premises herein described, �.nd this shall also cancel <br /> , <br />