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<br /> i p004577603
<br /> If thc Isnde� is no longer available, the Note Holder will choose u �oeua index which is based upon "-
<br /> co�aapa4able information. The Nat� Iiolder will r�}'ve me notice of this cluazce. • ��-
<br /> (�j Cal�culatlan of Changes
<br /> �� D�fqse each Chauge Date, thcs Note Holder will calculate my arsw intenst rate by adding �
<br /> .....to the Current Index. The "�
<br /> . ....�9v4n.�ncl.an�a��ntc.��rrat�tRan.�aninta.(...�,�6o°la1................................. _;
<br /> ' � No4e Holder will then round thcs msult of this addition to the nearest vae-eigttth of one percentage ..�;.;
<br /> . poisat (0.125%). Subyect to th�s Ijmits stated in Section 4(D)below, tivs rounded amount will be my �:
<br /> aaw unterest nte until the neat Cktsn4o DaU:. -'��
<br /> SL��..
<br /> The Note Holder will then detosmine tlie amouns of the manthly paymr�►t that would Ue sufiScient to
<br /> ' mPay the umpaid principal thnt I um expected to vwe at the Change Dace in full on the maturity date ��`�
<br /> ae�ny new interest rate m substtui2ially equal payaz��ts.The result of e�ras calculation will be the nev� ' ,;:�_,
<br /> amoummt of my monthly payment. ��L
<br /> `'��-
<br /> (p) LlQntb on Intarost Rats Ct�an�na
<br /> 'Che iratemst rate I am r�q�ured to pay at the fu�s3 �.`hange Date will not Ge greater than....�.0�@7.�i......%
<br /> , �'-
<br /> OP iC99 tI1BI1 ,...4��Z�F....... %. Tham:afier, my inteaest rate will never be iexcreased or decneased on any �'-
<br /> ..;-..
<br /> � siragle C�c Date by more than �
<br />� _ ..tw4�rv�s4mi��.aelat�l... .QAtIyP)......................................... ................timm the rate of interest I hnve -_-
<br /> been payiug for the prcceding 12 months.IViy interest rate will aever be�ter tiiaa...►t.�Z�...... °io. -�
<br /> n
<br />' � � QE) Eitective Dats oi ChanpA� :.
<br /> � ti�y rcw ir.:c.rst raic rri31 tsccomc cffcctive an.ach Chann Date. � ��H?� pay th� P�nount of my new �::
<br /> a ent slate aiii:r the Chan e Date until the �`
<br /> monthly payment begirming on tlie fitst mon2hly p ym B __
<br />-_ • . umoumt of aRy monthly paymant ahen6es ag,ain. k:
<br /> , ., i.:. R
<br />' '• ; • c i (F? Noflce oT Ch�nyes �
<br />;.�:�;r�,.....�., -.
<br />-_.� .••'4'� The Note Holder will delivor or xnail to me a notice of aay changes in my iaterest rate aad the amouat ��
<br /> =� ..�..` of my mont}ily payment befora thn effective dute of aay change. Tlve motice will iaclucie information �
<br /> - ' l�• �quu�d by law to be given ma and dso the title and telephone nuraL-rr of a person who will aiaswer =
<br /> '��;� �;:��� .
<br /> << .; .ii arny question I may have regardina tlie rsotice. _
<br />� �''�'r�+9`�!�� i•' B. TRANSFER OF THE PROP�R'IV�u��{6+�MG�ICIAL INTER[ST IB➢�90RROWER -�
<br /> ,.�::--;. '=
<br /> '��x��`".'."� Unif'orm Covenant 17 of tho Se�urity Insjsxux��ne is amended to r�ad as follows: E,_.
<br /> '��`� ���� ' Tnnster e1 lhe Properly or a (ieneflctal Ire4orex4 In Borrowor. I�'all or aay part of the Property ---
<br />���,���r�Y,`.�;_' ;�•; or anY intenst in it is sold ar 2raasfezred (or if a beneScial interest ia Bo:rower is sold or
<br /> - �•s^-*��� ` traasferred and Honrower is uo2 e�atural per�on) without L�ende�s prior written cons�nt, Leuder -
<br /> =-•.-- . ii y ---
<br /> •-=i��� may, at its nption, �nuuv immediate payment in full of all �ums cecured by t}us Securily ____
<br /> _ L,. {r� C
<br />�'������'- � IaBtrument. However, tl�is option sl�all aot be excrcised by I.ea�der i4'eaercise is prolubited by =-°
<br /> `��a'"'�=� fedi:r�l law as uf the data of thi�Security Instrument. I.cnder a]sc�shall not exercise this option i�: --
<br /> '���'Yi (a) Borrower causes to ba submitted to L.�nder informution required by L,ender to ava4uate the _°�
<br /> ����' iatcaded transfera :is if a ne�v loau were being made to the uvi�uf'ene;and(b) Lender reasonably _
<br /> ,� �:.:
<br /> "'�'D"" ' ' dateimines tl�at I.ende�'s security will not be impaimd by the loa►z asstunption and t�at the risk of °
<br /> "':,st:,� '•�
<br />_ �`"'�': ' a bz�acY�of any covenont or�ement in tl�s Secunty llnscrumen�is accecptable to l.eader. rc'�
<br />- RIDER•ARMOi 2 ct 3 ECOtBL Rw.011221�J7
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