<br /> ��'��������������� ��'���'�� �
<br /> �
<br /> F�R AND IN CONSID�R�ATION of the sum of ONE DOLL�t, to us in hand paid, receipt of whioh i� her -
<br /> by aeknowledged, and the further cons3deration of fifty cents per rod �or each line, to be pai
<br /> when such grant shall be used or occupied, Nancy Lacey does hereby grant to N�BRA3KA N:�TURAL
<br /> GAS C�MPANY, �`t� successors or assigns, the right-oY-way to lay, maintain, alter, repair, :oper
<br /> ate,xemove and relay undergro�nd pipe lines for the transportation of oil or gas, on,over and
<br /> through certain Iands situate in Ha,ll County, 9tate of Nebraska, described as follo�ve: Eaet
<br /> one/half of 9E Section b , Township 9, Range ATorth 12, 1Peat of 6th P.D[ �eith ingress and egress
<br /> to and from the same. The said grantor, heirs o� a.ssigne, to fully use and en�oy the �afd
<br /> premises, except for the purpose$ hereinbefore granted to the said grantee, who herebq agrees
<br /> to pay any damages which may ariee to crops and .fences from the layin�, maintaining and operat n�
<br /> said lines; said d.a.mages if not mutually agreed upon, to be ascertained and determined bq thre
<br /> disinterested persons , one thereof to be a�pointed by the s�.id grantor,heirs or a�signs, one b
<br /> the said grantee, suecessors or assi�ns , and the third by t�ie tWO so appoint�d as �foresaid, a d
<br /> the aw�.rci ofl three sueh persons shall be finaZ and conelusive and no action ahall be brought G
<br /> maintainsd for damages until the amount thereof shall have been determined as above provided.
<br /> IN WITI�ESB 1�fiER�OF, the partie8 hereto have eet their hands and seals this 3rd dap of July,193 .
<br />�, Si�ned fa..nd delivered in the presence of Nancq A.Lacey
<br /> Ward 1111�n
<br /> STATL OF OKLA. On this 3rd day of-Ju1y, 1930, before me, the undersigned, a Not�,ry
<br /> ss. Public in and for the County and State aforesaid, personally appeared
<br /> Tulsa County Nancy Lacey to me knowr� to be the identical person who executed the
<br /> within and foregoing inetrument, and acknoxledged to me that she exe-
<br /> cuted the same as her free and volur�tary act and deed for the uses and purposes therein set
<br /> forth.
<br /> WITNESS my hand and seal this 3rd day of July, 1930.
<br /> �.� _ Ruby Clapper
<br /> (BEAL) Notary Public
<br /> My Commission expires May 17, 1934.
<br /> Filed for record thie 22d da,y of December, 1930, at 11:30 o �clock A.D�. ������ �
<br /> - Register of eeds
<br /> o--o—n—o—o—o—o—o—o—o—o—ao—o—o—�—o—o—n—o—c—ao—o—o—o—o—ac�—o-o—o—o—o—ao=o—o—ao—o—o—o—o—o—o—o—
<br /> FOR AND IN CONSID�RATION of the sum of ONE DOLLAR, to ue in hand paid, reaeipt of whi�h is
<br /> hereby acknowledged, and the further consideration of fifty cente per rod for each li�e , to be
<br /> paid when such grant shall be u�ed or occupied, Frank A.Rohde does herebq grant tv NEBRASRA
<br /> NATURAL GA9 CO�ANY, its 5uccessors or assigns , the right-of-waq to lay, maintain,alter, repai ,
<br /> operate,remove and relay underground pipe lines for the transpor.��.tion oP oil ar gas, on,aver
<br /> and through eertain lands eituate in Hall C3ounty, 8tate of Nebraeka, deecribed a,s follows:
<br /> N�P, S�, a.nd 8a of N1� Sectian 6, Township g, Range North 12, @Pes� of 6th P.� �ith ingreas and
<br /> egress to and from the sa�e. The Said grantor, he�rs or assigns, to fully use ancl enjoy the
<br /> said prem3ses, except for the purposes h�reinbefore granted to the said grantee, who hereby
<br /> a.�rees to pay any damages whioh may ariae to crops and f ences f rom the laying, maintaining an
<br /> operating said lines; said damages if not mutuall.y agreed upon, to be a�certained and determin d
<br /> by three dieinterested persona, one thereof to be apnointed by the said grantor, heirs or aesi ne ,
<br /> one by the said �rantee, suacESSOrs or assigns, and the third bq the two so appointed ae afore
<br /> said, and the avrard of thsee sueh pereons shall be final and conclusive and no action ahall be
<br /> brought or maintained for damages until the amount thereof ahall have been determined as above
<br /> provided.
<br /> IPd '�'ITN�58 WHEREOF, the par�ies hereto have set their hands �.nd aeals thie 23rd dax t�f June,
<br />� �/�O• . . �� �
<br /> �igned and delivered in the presence of Frank �k.Rohde
<br /> R.�.Barney Ann a Rohde
<br /> �--.:.
<br /> ss.
<br /> Huffalo County On this �3rd da.y of June, 1930� before mEs the undersigned, a Motarq
<br /> Publie in and for the County and State afc�resaid, personally app�$red Frank A.Rohde, Anna Rc�hd
<br /> �
<br /> �Husband � �aife) to me kno�n to be the id�ntioal person who exeeuted the within and foregoing
<br /> instr�ment , and avkno�Iec�ed to me that he eaecuted the eame �.� their free and voluntary e,ct
<br /> and deed far the use nd purpo�e� therein set forth. . '
<br /> �iIT�iESS my hand and se 1 th3.e 23rd day vf June, 1930. �
<br /> � R.M.Barney
<br /> (SEAL) Notarp Publie
<br /> �dy Commission exp3res Apr. 11, 1933• '
<br /> Filed for recard this 22d_ day of Deoember, 1930, at 11:3� o'clock A.M. I
<br /> - , ��.� �
<br /> . Register of ee
<br /> o—o—o—o—o—o—o—o—o—o—o—o—o—ao—a-o—o—o—a o—o—ao—o—o—o—o—a—o—ao—ao—o—o—ao—a-a o—o—o—a o—c�—o-
<br /> . .
<br />