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.!��R� <br /> �'����'������������� ��'���1� f� <br /> �_J �� <br /> i _ L _�..... _ '_�__..'______"� _... <br /> lease shall thereb�r terminate and in order to en�orc� a forfeiture for non-payment of rent it <br /> shall not be necessary to a demand on the day the rent shall become due, �.nd the sai <br /> first pa,rty may at once recover possession of said premises and all c��ps thereon and the sa3.d <br /> second party shall in that event be held and considered to have planted and cultivated said cr p <br /> for �he benefit of said first party and shall be paid for such service as follows: Said First <br /> party may sell said crop and the unexpired term for at private sale,he may at his option <br /> procure said crops to be furthEr cultivated or gathered and sold 3.n such market as he may see <br /> fit , and in either event the proceeds thereof shall be �,pplied: First to the payment of expena s <br /> incurred by the said party in the pxemis�s includin� the time spent by him in connection thexe <br /> with: Second, in paymen� of s�.id rent; rrhird, tne remainder, if any, shall be paid to the seco d <br /> � party for services in planting and tending said crops , and seed furnished by ----. <br /> It is further agreed that the covenr�nts and agreements on the reverse side of this instrument <br /> are hereby incorporated into and made a part of this lease. . <br /> Si�ned this 24th clay of February, A. D.1930. Chris Appel Agent (Sea � <br /> Charleq Hetri�k (8ea <br /> Si�ned and d elivered in the presence of <br /> �.B.�spersen <br /> Mch 29-1930. <br /> I hereby �..ssi�n a,ll rights � intere�t in the said Lease unto Boelus st.Bank to be heSd by <br /> Boelus �t.Bank as per agreement with Roy �.Ap�el <br /> Chris Appel,Agt. for Roy �G.Appel <br /> Filed for record this i7th day of October, 1930, at llo�clock A.�. ������ <br /> Regieter of Dee s <br /> 0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-Q-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0--0-0-0-0-0-0-C�0-U-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-G-O-0-0-0-�-0-0-0- <br /> CONTi�ACT �'OR REAL ESTATE �`' <br /> � ARTICLES OF AGRE�'M�'NT: Made this 17th day of Octaber , 1930, between Henry Schuma,cher of the <br /> fixst part, and Hazel E.Leinberger and Lewis C.Leinberger , of the second part, <br /> �I2NESSETH, that the said party of the first part has this day bargained and sold to the said � <br /> �arties of the second �art thef ollo�ing described real estate, situ�.ted in the County of Hall � v <br /> and State of Nebraska, to-wit: The Westerly three (3) acres of that piece or parcel of land <br /> commencin,� ��t the Northeast corner of the West Half of the Southwest Quarter of 8ection Number <br /> Eleven (11� , in Township Number Eleven (11) , North of Range Number Nine (9) ,West of the Siath � ,� <br /> Principal Meridian, running thence S�est (alor� the North boundary line of said �Pest 1/2 of the � . <br /> S.w. 1/4) Forty-eight (�+�) rods; thence South Tvaenty (20� rods, thence East (and parallel with � <br /> said North boundary line) forty-eight (4�)rods; thence North ( and para11e1 vaith �he West boun <br /> ary line of th� piece of �and hereby conveyed) Twenty (20) roda, to the place of beginning. Th � �, <br /> � <br /> intention of tne grantor herein ie to convey the 1Nesterly Three (3) acres of the same premises Q <br /> conveyed by Oscar Roeser and M�.nnie Roeser by Warranty Deed dated March lst, 1906,which deed <br /> � <br /> is recorded under .date of Ma�ch 1st,1906, in Book No. 3� of Deeds, at Pa,�e 52�. Said tract �g, <br /> containing Three acres , a lit�le more or less, and being more specifically described as fol- � I <br /> � � <br /> lov�s ,to-wit : A tract of land containing 2.241 acres, a little more or less, and being all of � <br /> that part of the East 4� rads of the North 20 rod.s of the Northwest Quarter of the 8outhwest � <br /> Quarter of said Sectian Eleven (11) , in Towmship Eleven (11) ,North, of Ra.nge Nine (9� ,lying �, <br /> �'est of and adjoining the Easterly 3.759 acres of land, heretofore convcyed by Lyde Jerome to <br /> �filliam F.KrehTnke. according to the recorded plat thereof for the aum of Twenty Six Hundred � <br /> and I�o/100 DOLLARS, Six Hundred and No/100 Dollars of which has been paid in hand, the receipt � <br /> vahereof is Y�ereby acknowledged. The remaining principal a�ith accrued interest at the rate of � <br /> � <br /> b per cent per annum, sha11. be p;�id to the party of the first part at the office of Henry Schu Q <br /> , <br /> macher, Gxand Island,Nebr. the times and in the rn�.nner follov�ing,that is to say: �35.December <br /> lst , 1930 and �35. on the first of each and ever month there <br />