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<br /> I
<br /> the parties hereto ::_ � . and herein contained, it is hereby stipulated and agreed by and be-
<br /> I
<br /> �tween �he parties hereto as follows: _ '
<br /> ; I
<br /> ,
<br /> 1. That the party of the second part is hereby �ranted the right and privile�e, for ite oWn
<br /> juse and convenience, and at its own proper east and eacpenee, to construct a new vault in �he
<br /> i
<br /> ��westerly end of said leased premises and of removing the present vault located therein, all to
<br /> ��be done in a good and wor�manlike manner, and before removing the present vault, the party of
<br /> Ijthe second part shall install in said buildin$, to the satisfaction of the party of the first I
<br /> �;
<br /> 1�part, steel girdere or I beams of suffici�nt strength to properly sustain the weight of t�.e
<br /> ��building in which said leased premisee is located, now borne by the, walls of the present vault
<br /> 1�
<br /> iin said leased. premises, plans and specifications for which remodeling sha].1 first be submitte
<br /> l;
<br /> ��to the party of the first part for his approval, and the pa.rty of the seeond part her�by coven ts
<br /> II
<br /> !and agrees to keep the party of the first part free and harmless from all damagee of whatsoeve
<br /> f �
<br /> i�nature to any person or persons for injuries sustained during said remodeling of said leased
<br />� �i
<br /> ;premises. �
<br /> i� 2. That in considerat�.on of the xentale to him to be paid by the party of the second part as
<br /> �;
<br /> ;�herein provided and of the covenants and a�reements of the party of the second part herein con
<br /> i
<br /> �� tained and by it to be kept and performed, the party of the ffrs� par� lea8es unto the paxty o
<br /> �:
<br />, �ithe second p�,rt for the period of seven yeare eommencing on th� first dap of July, 1932, and �
<br /> i; terminating on the 30th day of June, 1939, the leaaed premises hereinbefore d�scribed, provide
<br /> I I
<br /> '! that the building in which said leased premises is situated is standing on the firat day of
<br /> I� �
<br /> � . ,
<br /> � July,1932• �
<br /> � 3. Said party of the second part leases said leased premises f�om the party of the first pa.rt �
<br /> �
<br /> �� for the additional period of seven years commencing on the first day of July, 1932, and termin ;
<br /> I;
<br /> a.ting on the 30th day of June, i939, provided the building in which said leased premises is
<br /> (� i
<br /> �`, located is still standing on the first day of July 1932, and the party of the second part agre $
<br /> ;
<br /> � to pay to the party of the f irst part as r enta]. for said leased premises during said per�dd, a
<br /> �� rental therefor, the swn of Twenty-one Hundred DoZlax•s (�2100) per annum, payable in monthly �
<br /> ; instalments, in advance, of One Hundred and Seventy-five Dollars (�175) each, the first inat�.l
<br /> �jment of �175 being due and payable on the first day of July, 1932, and a like instalment of
<br /> ij �175 on the first day of each and every month �hereafter during the continua.nce of this lease.
<br /> �'
<br /> � 4. That the party of the first part shall furnish stea,m hea:�, during the months when the �ame
<br /> may be n�eded, to said party of the second part for said leased premises, to a temperature of
<br /> �
<br /> �� not less tt�an 70 degrees Fahrenheit on all days from ei$ht o �cloek a.m. until sia o'c2ock p.m.
<br /> said heat, to be furniahed without additional charge to the party of the second pa,rt.
<br /> 5. That the party of the s econd part shall pay for all �as, light , water, power =and other pu
<br /> � lic utilities used by it on aaid premises when the same become d�ae, and hold the party of the
<br /> � first part and said leased premises harmlese from all liens or charge therefor.
<br /> �
<br /> ; 6. That the first par�y shall pay for the repair of all hydrants, supplq, or wast� pipes, se�► e,
<br /> i �
<br /> , and toilet in said leased premises, which may be ordered installed bq the city counail of the
<br /> � city of Grand Island: or its repres�ntatives, and �hich may be reasonably necessary for the u�
<br /> ,� of said leased pxemises; that all defective plumbing,wat�r pipes,gas pipes, li�ht conduits,
<br /> `� Bewera�e and toilet, shall be at the risk of the paxty of the first part and that the party � '
<br /> � of the second part sha11 in no manner be li�eble for the repair, defects, or faults th�rein, i I
<br /> � excepting such risks and damages, including atoppa,�e in sewer, as may result through the acts�
<br /> carelessness , or negli�ence, of the party of the seeond part, its a�ents, officers, servants, ��
<br /> • _
<br /> �( or employees.
<br /> 7. That the party of the first part shall during the continuance of this leasc ke�p th� ex- �
<br /> I �
<br /> �
<br /> �
<br /> �
<br /> i _
<br />