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' ���� <br /> ��������������� .��� ��'�� °�� � <br /> r <br /> lien upon said crops or any past thereof, or violate any of the cond�,tione in this con�ract, <br /> ,; then this lease ahall ther�by �erminate and in order to enforce a foi-�'eiture for non-payment o <br /> ;) rent !t ahall not be neceseary to make a demand on the s�me d.a.y the rent sh�.11 become due, an <br /> . <br /> ; the s aid firet party maq a.t once recover possession of said premises and all crop� thereon an <br /> ;I <br /> �;i t�ie eaid s�cond party ehall in th�t event be held and consid�red to have planted and aultiva�te <br /> ,, <br /> I` said crop for the be�e�it o� said first pa�rtp a,nd ehall be paid for suah service as folloxss <br /> � �laid ffrst party may eell �aid crop and the uaexpired texm for cash at private sale, she may <br /> her option, procure said crops to be Purther cultivated or gathered and eold in euch market as <br /> she may see fit, and in either event the proceed�a thereof shall be applied: �'irst to the paqme t <br /> � of expenses incurred by tbe said partp in the premises including the time �epe�t by her in con- <br /> , <br /> �i nection thcrewith; Second, in payment of said rent; Third, the remalnder, if �,ny, shall be <br /> � <br /> � paid to the aecond party for his Bervioes in planting and tendin� said arops, and eeed furnie d <br /> � by him. � � � <br /> It ie further agreed that the covenants and a�reem'ents on the reverse side o� this instrutnent <br /> i are hereby incorporated into and made a part of this lease. <br /> � <br /> �I 8lgned thf s 7" day of March A.D.1930. � <br /> , <br /> I8lgned and delivered in the presence of <br /> ' Q.C�.Raven Ma.ry I.Mieth SEAL <br /> �; _ Carl �ieth �3EAL3 <br /> I � <br /> ; STATE OF NEBRA9KA On this 7" day of Idarch A.D.193�, before me, the undersigned Q.Q. <br /> ' ss. _ _ . <br /> j HALL COUNTY Reiven, ,a Notary Publio, duly commissioned and qwalified for and <br /> I; <br /> residing in eaf.d Oounty, pexsonally carne Mary I.Mieth the eaid lessor and Carl Mieth the �aid <br /> � lessee, to me known to be the identical persons whose namee are adfPized tc the foregoing inst - <br /> iment as leesor and lessee and acknowledged said instrument to be their voluntasq set axid deed <br /> � Witness my hand and Notsrial Seal the day and year last above written. <br /> � . - G.C.Raven <br /> . � (SEAL} Notarp Public <br /> �, My commiseio� expires the 27" day of Julq,1934. _ �, <br /> � Filed for reoard thie 4th -daey of 8eptember, 1930, at 10:15 o'clock d.M. /� <br /> I� � � <br /> Reg st of ee e ' <br /> �� a-o-o-o-ao-ao-o-o-c�-o-o-o-aa-a-a-ao-o-a-ao-o-aao-aao-o-aa.a-ao-c�-a-o-c�-a-o-o-ac�- . <br /> DE� <br /> � IN THL DISTRICT COURT OF HALL COUNTY, NEHRASKA. <br /> 9tandard Security Compa.ny : ' <br /> I �, corporation, : <br /> � Plaintiff, : <br /> ve. : DE___��_ ,��z � � <br /> . <br /> . <br /> �lula C.Gilbert,et al. , : <br /> Defendante. : <br /> _ <br /> j NoW or� this 13th day ot Avgust 1930, �his cause came on to be heard; the plaintiff being pres nt <br /> I by B.J.Ounningham, ita attorney, and the defendante the Oommeroial 3tate Hank of arand �Iala,nd <br /> I, <br /> � �sbraska, a corporation, and the 8chool Distriot of th� City of Grand Island, 3n the Oounty o �, <br /> �� Hall, in the 9tate vf Nebraska, being present by Harold A.Prinae, �heir attorney, and tbe <br /> defendants �lula O.Qilbert, John Doe, and Mrs. John Doe, real namee unk�o�rn, and the def� <br /> `Elula L.Qilbert, being thrice called in open court came not, but made d��ault. � <br /> And it appearing to the court_ that the eaid Eluls O.f�ilbert, John Doe and Mrs. John Doe, real <br /> , namee uaknow,and Elula L.t�ilbert havir� been duly �erved with summons in the manner �and form <br /> �I w t of ansa�er or other leadin s � <br /> de b w r 3. default for an . <br /> � rovi d la , a e n p _ _ <br /> g <br /> � P Y _ _ _ <br /> NOI� THEREFORE, IT I3 HEREBY ORDERED, ADJt7DGiED AND DECREED HY THE COtIRT, that a de�ault be and <br /> the same is herebq taken and entered aga3nst the de�endants, 7�lula C.Qilbert, John Doe, and i <br /> _ I <br /> Mrs. John Doe, real names unknown, and Elula L.t��,�.bert. � ; <br /> ' ___ _ _ I� <br />