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p=�15 <br /> ����1�������������� �������� � <br /> � <br /> FAR�[ LFASE _ _ <br /> �. -_ <br /> THI9 AGiREE�dENT, Made and entered into this seventh day of I[arch, A.D.1�30, by and between _ <br /> �ary I.Mietb party of the first paxt,arid Qa,rl Mieth paxty of the eecond part, 11IT�E88�TH, That <br /> the said party of the first part has thia day leased unto the par�y of the second past the <br /> �ollo�ing deseribed property, situated in the Oounty of Hall and 9tate of 8ebraeka to--wit: <br /> The N� quarter of section 33, in Townsbip 12, Range 12 O�est of the 6 P.M. , together with the <br /> buildings and improvements thereon and thereto appertainin� from the first day of March,1930, <br /> to the last day oP �'ebruary, 1931, �.ad the �aid second partq, in consideration of the leasing <br /> of the above pxemises, hereby covena,nts and agrees Rith the said party of the �irst pa,rt to pa <br /> the_ eaid party of the firet part a,s rent for the eame as follOws;to-wit; Four Hundred Dollars <br /> cash in advance. The bala,nce of �'our Hundred T�ifty Dollara, to be paid on or before the firs <br /> day of September, 1930. To secure the payment ot this laet payment, the said f iret party is <br /> hereby �iven a lien on Fifteen acrea of wheat, now growing on the premiees and twenty aores <br /> of alfalfa, to be enforced in like manner a.s a lien, I also agree to give a like lien on the <br /> grorring corn as �oon as it is plan�ed. - : <br /> �A1D IT I8 F'JRTHEA �XPRESSLY AGREED between the parties hereto that �he eaid party of the firs I <br /> part should she deem it neoesaary may, at the oost and eapense of the party of the second par , <br /> employ men and teams to go upon said premises and oultivate tl�e erops and harveet them or to <br /> anything that ia neces�ary to promote their growth or save them a,t any time before theq are i <br /> the granar�es, the �vhole eapense of the eame to be a_ liea upon said seao�d partp's ehare of <br /> said crope. _ <br /> AND IT IS FtTRTH�R EXPRESSLY AaREED by the party of the second part that he will carefulll pro <br /> tect all buildings, fencea aad ir�provements of every kind that are now oa eaid premise� or th t <br /> may be ereoted thereon -during the continuance of thia lease; that he �vfl1 promptly, at the <br /> expiration of the term herein granted yield up posaession of said premises, without notioe, to <br /> the party of the f ixst part, in as good repair ae they now are or may �e at e,ny time during � t e <br /> contiauance of this lease, ordinary weer and loas by fire excepted. Said second party aleo ex <br /> pressly agrees to haul and scatter upon said land a,ll manure accumulated thereon and he will <br /> keep the cultivated lands of eaid premises free from r►eeda and destroy all weeds alo�g the <br /> fences and about all the buildinge, including ail coekleburs on the highway ad�oiaing the lan <br /> and along the borders of the fields before they ripen their seede; that he will keep the Aell <br /> pump e.nd windmill on eaid in good repa,ir, eaceptional loss by heavg wind or fire ea- <br /> cepted. _ . <br /> � AND IT I3 FURTHER AGR�ED by the party of the second part that he will not eub-let nor in anq <br /> manner release any part of the described premises without the consent of party of the first <br />, . <br /> part. <br /> AND IT I3 FU�TH�t AC#REED that the party of the first part and her agents may go upon eald i <br /> premiess at any time to inepec� the eame or to make improvements thereon and to plow for fut e '� <br /> cropa and to sow ernall grain in corn and stubble �round in the fall before the expiration of <br /> thi6 leaee. _ <br /> The covenants herein shall extend to and be binding upon the heirs, eaecutors and administrat rs <br /> of the parties ta this leaee. . _ _ _ _ _ <br /> A1�D IT IS Ft1RTHE�R EXPR�SSLY AGREED that ths seeond partq ehall aecure the performance of the <br /> terras and eonditions ot this lease on his part by giving to the first part on demand a <br /> chattel mort e u on aIl ox any part o� the crope growing or gathered on sa3d premiste duri <br /> g�S P <br /> said term. And iY the eaid second party shall neglect or refuee to gfve such chattel mortg , <br /> . <br /> u on demand or if he sha11 t tim ive <br />� • � --__ <br />