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��� <br /> ��lr`�1\�{//JJ�lJ�1�J� �IV �JJ\W// � �J�l-i1I�/�1\,W'J'//'�� � W <br /> ���.:/ ��J�J ���J�� ��"J!J �/ �� . <br /> ASSIG�MENT OF REN3'S TO A TRU3TE�C ` <br />� w'.w.�.��r rr� u.r. ..�.�r �rr�r�.r�-�. . _ . .... _ . ... . ..._.... _.. ... . - .. . . .. <br />', i�'HER�A3, The �quitable Building and -Loan Aseoc3,ation, of arand Island,I�ebraska, he.s t.hte day <br /> loaned- to the undersigned, Frederick H.Qolwel2 and Katie A.�olwell, hueband �nd Rife, and the ( <br />� said Frederick H,Colwell and Katie A.�olRell have this day borrowed from the said� �he �quitab e <br />, Building and Loan.Ass�ciation, a corpora�ion, �he sum of �'ortq-Five Hundred and 00/1�4 '(��500. ) <br />� � <br /> Dollaxs, eecured by a mortgage by them duly eaecuted and delivered to. said asaoaiatton, upon <br /> i Lote Nine and Ten (9 � 10) in Block l�umber �ABA'�q-Three (23) in Russel llheeler'.s Addit.ion to <br /> arand Island, Nebraska, aB surveyed,platted and reeorded, and <br /> �HEREA9, in order to procure eaid loa,n the undersigned P'rederiek H.Golwell and .�Catie A.Colwel <br /> �� have agreed to asai�n the rents and profits -from said Lot Number Nine (9) in B3ock l�umber _ <br /> I T�rentq-thre�e (23) , in Ruesel 1lheeler�s Addition to Grand Island, Nebre,ska, for a period of Te <br /> (1�) years, commenoing with this da.te, as additional security for _said loaxi; , <br /> � NO11, THEREFORE, in consideration of eaid loan, we hereby assign, tranefer ar�d eet over a21 th <br /> -- <br /> rents aad pro�its on said premisee, during sa�d period of Ten pears, commencing Rith this d�t ' <br /> to �.B,Hilbert,in truet for the use and benefit of the said, The Equitable Building and Loan I� � <br /> i Aasociation, of Grand Island,l�ebraska, a corporation, � and he ie hereby made, constituted and I <br /> � i _ � '. <br /> ►� appointed our agent for the purpose of rentirag and col].eoting the rents from Ba,id property, e, so <br /> � to ma,ke, or have made, eueh repa.irs �s are neceseary to keep the sa,me in a tenantable conditi � <br /> � during said period; and he is hereby authorized to act for us, and ea�ch of us, in all partiau ars <br /> o� I - <br /> N � ar�d respeats whatsoever in Qonneetion, ox in relation to the renting a,�d leasing of <br /> premieee to suoh pereon or persone, and for suoh prioes, and upon such terms ae he ma,y think <br /> � b�st; al�o to make suah repaire as he may deem neeesearq; aAd he is hereby given �ull authori q <br /> � ! <br /> and power to act for us i� all respecta conoerning the �ame as fully a�nd to the ssme eatent a <br /> we or either of us Qould do, and he ie authoris�ed and empowered to paq to the eaid asaooiatio , <br /> � after deduoting the amount of mon�y spent �or repairs, all moneye arising fram the rental of <br /> said property during said period as fast as he maq receive the same, tc be applied upon the <br /> payme�t of our aaid mortgage to eaid association, after res�rving for himself a fai�r compen- i <br /> � sation for hie eervioeg in connection thexewith as eaid trustee. <br /> IN THE EYEIQT that the said agent and truetee ehou2d refuse, or become ineapacitated to act in <br /> , the oapacitq aforesaid, then in such caee, we hereby at�thorise ssid Huilding and Loan Aesocia ian <br /> I , <br /> � to sel�ct so�ne one to act in his place, ae a substitute, during said period, and all the poee s <br /> a.nd authority hexein,_�ranted to our said trustee are_ to be eaerc3sed by said sub�titute. <br /> _ _ <br /> IN "�ITI�ESS 1�IHEREOF we have hereunto a�taahed our eignatures thia j" daq of 8opteml�e�,193Q, at <br /> Qrand Islarid,Nebraska. � ', <br /> Frederick H.Colwell '� <br /> /Kitnese: Ratie A.Ool�ell , <br /> Florence D.l[yers. • , j <br /> I, the above named truetee, he:��ebp aoaept said trust, this 3" day of September, 1930. � <br /> N.B.H b+�t� I <br /> � 1/3tnesa: - rustee � <br /> Florenee Y.1lyers. <br /> State of Nebraska Be it remembered that on this 3" day of September, 1930, before me, th <br /> ss. <br /> Hall Oounty undersigr�ed, a Notarq Publie, dulp commissioned and qualified Por, a.n <br /> residing in said t�ounty of Hall, peraonally appeared Frederick H.Qoluell and Katie A.Col�ell, <br /> to me knoam to be the identioal persons who executed the foregoing assignment, and they ack- <br /> now2edged ths same to be their free and �voluntarq act and deed. - - <br /> , � <br /> � Aitness my hand and notarial e�ea,l at Grand Zeland,��bras2ca, the d,ay and yea.r last above writ n. <br /> � - �'lorence V.Yyers <br /> i I . _ _. ($EAL) � Aotary Publia <br /> �dq 0ommission expfres Aug. 27,1931. <br /> F t mber a �• � ek P Y � , <br /> e8 8 er o ee s <br />�, <br /> I <br />