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�13 <br /> �'���1��������������� ��'����� � <br /> � <br /> LIS PENDENS <br /> Notice is hereby given i;n�t the plain�iff , Lincoln Savings a.nd Loa.n Association, filed its <br /> petition in �;he District Court of Ha.11 Coun�ty,Nebr�,ska, on the 30th day of August , 19'�O.a.gains <br /> John C.'�icker and Elizabeth Wicker,his rvife, �;he object, �urpose and prayer of �vhich petition <br /> -is to foreclose �, certain tax certificate and �;he taxes �Lnereunder , issued by the County <br /> Treasurer of Hall County,Nebraska, under date of Nov�:.�mber l, 1926, on the south Thirty-three <br /> �'eet (S. 33 ft. ) of Lot T:nree (3) ,Block Two (2) in Na�y' s Addition to Grand Island,Nebraska, <br /> wnd to exclude thei•efrom all interest of the defendants , John C.�licker and Elizabeth Wicker, <br /> his �rife , and to foreclose .a, certain bond and mortgage, executed on or about the 29th day of <br /> S�ptenlber, 1925, in the sum of �2300.00 by Hugh O.Deve-r and payable to the Lincoln Savings and <br /> Laan Association, and tnE said mortga,:;e eovered the above described property and was duly file <br /> in the office of �he Register of Deeds of Hall County ,Nebra�ska, on the 30th day of September, <br /> 1925 , �.nd is duly recorded at page 6�6 in Hook 5�+ of Real Est�,�e Mortgages of said office, and <br /> �.. <br /> tha.t by rnesne conveyances the defendant, Jo�ln C.Wicker,has become and owner in fee simple of <br /> the a,�ove described pro�erty, and the plaintiff alleges that there is due upon the said bond <br /> and niort�age from the defendants herein the sum of �267�.b0 with interest -thereon at the r�.te <br /> of ten per cent per annum f rom September 1, 1930. <br /> r'°+, LINCOLN SAVING3 AND LOAN A5�OCIATION <br /> By Burkett ,VPilson, Bxown � Wilson �vankixk <br /> Its Attorneys. <br /> Filed for record this 2d da.y oz Se�-cember, 1920, at �:30 o�clock A.M. ����� � <br /> Register of Deeds <br /> o-o-o-o-o-o-�-o-o-a-o-c-o-o-o-a-a-o-o-o--o-o-�-o-c�-c;-o-o-f�-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o--o-o-o-o-a-o- <br /> REI1L ESTATE QONTRAaT <br /> I,Hereby appoint Kit Baker of �lood River,lQebr. to sell the folloAing deeoribed propertq,to Ait <br /> 11� ,S1C� - 14�-9-22 & l�est 32+ A of Lot 2-22-9-12 �tate oi Nebraska. _ <br /> The a�,�greed price is �---Beat bid and to be paid as fo2lows �--All Cash doAn to bind the bar- <br /> gain 8nd I �vill give possession Idov. lst 1930. There ia a 1�ort�age of �---- due-------------- <br /> Hereby authorize Kit Baker to. QOntraot for the eale of the above described propertq and ag�ree <br /> that we will convey eaid property on the sale of same wi.tb �1 Oompetent Abstract o! title and b � <br /> �arranty deed and We aggree to leave the above property Wlth �ith the s aid Rit Baker for e�le <br /> for the term of � daye from date a,nd thereafter until further notice is given in �rrit¢�.i�g�_vt <br /> the w�.thdrawal of same from market and if the sQid Kit Haker 8e11 the above desaribed prcrperty �� <br /> during sai,d time I will pay them a eommiseion af 5;� on any biQ aocepted,$aid eommission to be <br /> paid out pf the f irst money rec�v�ed.":on the purobase pri,�e. The s��d git_ Baker shall have the <br /> _ ti <br /> ri$ht to purchase the. above describefl propertq �nd deduat their co�nmission on the above terms � <br /> the same the same ae though sold to other parties. � <br /> Dated at �lood River,�ebr. ��$��o$..� .� <br /> This 23rd day of Aug.1930. `:'`� �aa�.Y Burmood � <br /> � " Orrnere of Le,nd �� <br /> Ri�neae by Leo Burmood git B�ker ,_.__._ ���� <br /> � . Agent <br /> A�ere in �ult g0. A in Alfalfa----- Pasture 5. Ha.y Hal. <br /> Aores that ca,n be Cu�t-----►8oil-------------- <br /> Improvemeate ________________________________ <br /> - <br /> Distaaae to Town a.nd R.R. 6� _ To Sohool 2 3t. D1e�.--- <br /> _ <br /> - Any aggreed ohange in priQe or terms in order to close a deal shall not aPfe�c� the �CO�iMI88I0N. <br /> 8`iled for record th3�e 2 day of September, 1930, at 2:20 0�clock P.1S. ���� � <br /> �_......._... ....._._. , � . <br /> Regiater of Deeds <br /> , <br /> �. <br />� t. <br />