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��V <br /> �t��J'����� ��� � � ' ' �� � <br /> ��� .:./ �����J ����� �����J� <br /> `_'1._._.__.�'_'_�.�.___.___"__ <br /> RIGHT OF WAY CONTRACT <br /> � I <br /> � FOR AND IN CONSIDERATION of the sum of ONE DOLLAR, to us in hand paid, receipt of which is <br /> ,i <br /> (I � <br /> � hereby acknowled�ed, and the further consideration of fifty cents per rod for each line, to <br /> � <br /> � <br /> �j be p�id when such grant shall be used or occupied, John Boersen and Sophie Boersen do here- � <br /> I�� by grant to NEBRASKA NATURAL GAS COMPANY, its successoxs or assigns ,) the right-of-way to lay,' <br /> �� <br /> !i <br /> j maintain, alter, repair, operate,remove and relay parallel and other pipe lines for the trans <br /> ' portation of oil or gas , on, over and through certain lands situate in Hall County, State of <br /> ,� <br /> ; Nebraska, described as follows: East Half of the 9outheast Quarter of Section Thirty six (36)� <br /> 1 <br /> ; also t�est Half of the Southeast Qua.rter of Section Twenty six, (26) all in Township Eleven, <br /> '� (11) , North Range Nine (9) , West of the Sixth P.M. �ith ingress and egress to and f rom the <br /> �! _ <br /> li <br /> �� same. The aafd grantor, heirs or assigns, to fully use and enjoy the said premises, except ! <br /> , ' <br /> �' for the pur�oses hereinbefore gran�ed to the said grantee, who hereby a,grees to pay a,ny <br /> i <br /> � damages �hich may arise to crops and fences from the layin�, maintaining a.nd operatin� aaid <br /> ' '� <br /> (' lines; said damages if not mutually agreed upon, to be ascertained �,nd determined bp three I <br /> i <br /> II disinterested persons ,lone thereof to be apnointed by the said grantor--- , heirs or assi�ns, <br /> ,� , <br /> �� one by the said grantee, successors or assi�;ns, �. � <br /> i <br /> 1? and the third by the two so appointed as afoxesaid, and the a�vard of three such persons shall� <br /> �' ( <br /> � be fin�.l and conclusive and no action shall be b:ought or maintained for damages until the <br /> i , <br /> amount thereof shall have been determined as above provided. <br /> i <br /> � IN WITNESS WHE?�EOF, the parties he�eto have set their hands and seals this lOth day of <br />. , <br /> ; <br /> � Oetober, 1� . <br /> � I <br /> �� "` John Boersen <br /> I� Signed and d elivere.d in �he presenee of � <br /> � Sophia Boersen � <br /> � J.P.Roubal , . . <br /> , � <br /> ; <br /> �, ST�TE OF NEBRA3KA On this 10 day of October, 1929, before me, the undersigned, a <br /> �i sti. . <br /> � Mez•rick Caunty Notary Public in and for the County and State aforesaid, person- <br /> f� . <br /> � ally appeared John Boersen and Sophie Boersen to me known to be the identical persons �vho ! <br /> I �execu�ed the within and foregoing instrument, and acknowledged to me that they executed the <br /> l <br /> �� same as their free and voluntary act and deed for the uses and purposes therein set forth. <br /> � <br /> I WITNESS my hand and seal this 10 day of October, 1929• <br /> 1 <br /> � (SEAL) J.P.Roubal <br /> (i Notary Public <br /> � My commission expires �'eb. 16, 1932. <br /> � Filed for record this 14th day of �Iay, 1930, at 11:00 o �clack A.�. <br /> ; � � ���e-�����`�"�l <br /> f�' Register of Deeds <br /> ( o-o-o-o-o-a-o-o-o-o-o-o-o--o-o-�-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-aaa-o-o- <br /> I� . � <br /> � <br /> �� . <br /> �� ,- <br /> y <br /> j ' . <br /> � ' I <br /> � � _ � � <br /> ;-. <br /> , . <br />; <br /> i <br /> � <br />