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y=i�� <br /> �'������������������ ��'����� � <br /> � <br /> RIGHT OF WAY CONTL�ACT <br /> FOR AND I1V CONSIDEF3ATION of the sum of ONE DOLLAR, to us in hand paid, receipt of which is <br /> hereby acknowledged, and the further consideration of fifty cents per rod for each line, to <br /> be paid when such grant shall be used or occupied, Ernst F.Reher, do hereby grant to NEBRASKA <br /> NATtJRAL, GAS COMPANY, its successors ox assi.gns, the right-of-way to lay, maintain, alter, <br /> repair, operrate , remove and relay parallel and other pipe lines for the transportation of <br /> oil or gas , on, over and certain lands situate in Hall County, �tate of Nebraska, <br />' described as follows: East Half of the North�est Quarter; and IQortheast Quarter of the <br /> Sou�hwest Quarter; and Northwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter all in Section Thirty sia <br /> (36) , Townshi� Eleven, (11) , North Range N�.ne, (9) , Wes� of the �ixth P.M. with in�ress and <br /> egress to and from the same. The said grantor, heirs or assigns , to use and enjoy the <br /> said premises , except for the purposes hereinbefore granted to the said grantee , who hereby <br /> agrees to pay any da,ma,ges which may arise to crops and f ences f rom the laying, maintaining <br /> and operating said lines; said damages if not rnutually agreed upon, to be ascertained and <br /> determined by three disinterested persons, one thereof to be apnointed by the said gran�or, <br /> heirs or assigns , one by the said grantee, successors or assigne , and the third by the two <br /> so appointed as aforesaid, and �he award of three such persons shall be final and conclusive <br /> and no action sha�.l be brought or maintained for damages until the amount thereof shall have <br /> been determined as above provided. <br /> IN WITNESS WHEHEOF, the parties hereto have set their hands and seals this 7th day of <br /> October, 1929. - <br /> 9i�ned and delivered in the pxesence of ��'� Ernest F.Reher <br /> , <br /> J.H.Mullin. Helene Wilhelmina Reher <br /> ST�TE OF NEBRASKA ) <br /> �s. <br /> HALL COJNTY, � On this ---- day of October, 192�, before me, the undersigned, a <br /> Notary Public in and f or the County and 9tate aforesaid personally appeared Ernst F.R@her <br /> ta me known to be the identical person e�ho executed the �ithin and foregoing instrument , and <br /> aeknowledged to me that he executed the same as -- free and voluntary act and deed for the <br /> uses and purposes therein set forth. <br /> V�ITNESS my hand and seal this ----- day of October, 192g. - <br /> J.H.Mullin <br /> (SEAL) Notary Public <br /> My commission expires June 22, �935. <br /> Filed for record this 14th day of May, 1930, at 11:00 o 'clock A.�d. <br /> ��_� <br /> Register of eeds <br /> o-o-o-ao-a-o-ao-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-�-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-ao-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-aa-o-o-o-c-o-o-�-�-ao '', <br /> . <br />� <br />'�- - __ _ <br />