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t��� <br /> ��r� J�jL1�� ��jU � ��j J ��� w <br /> J������J ����� _������, � <br /> RI GHT OF WAY CONTRACT <br /> For and in Consideration of the sum of One Dolla,r, to ue in h�nd paid, receipt of which ia <br /> hereby acknow�edged, and the further consideration of fi fty cent s per rod for each line, to <br /> be paid when such grant ahall be used or occupied, Ferdinarrd Heider do hereby grant to <br /> N�BRA3KA NATURAL GAS CODQPANY, its succeseors or asaigns, the right-of-way to lay,maintain, <br /> alter , re�pair , operate, remove and relay parallel and other pipe lines for the transportation <br /> of oil or gas, on over and through certain lands situate in Hall County, State of Nebraeka, <br /> described as followa: North Half of the Southwest Quarter of Section Twenty six,(26) , <br /> Tor►nship Eleven, (11) , North Range N�ne, (9) �lest of the Sixth P, �d, Also the South Half of <br /> the Northwest Quarter of said Section Twenty 9ix ( 26) , Townahip Eleven (11) , Range Nine (9). <br /> with in�ress and egress to and it��m the same. The said grantor, heirs or assigns, to fully <br /> uee and en joy the said premisee, except for the purposee hereinbefore granted to the said <br /> grantee, who hereby agrees to pay any damagea which m�,y arise to crops and fences from. the <br /> laying, maintt�ining and operatir�g said lines; said damagee if not mutually agreed upon, to <br /> be ascertained and determined by three disintexested persons, one thereof to be appointed <br /> by the said grantor , heirs or assigns, one by the said grantee, successors or assigns, an8 <br /> the third by the two so appointed s$ aforesaid, and the award of three�p re sons shall be final ( <br /> and conclusive and no action shall be brought or maintained for damages until the amount <br /> thereof shall have been determined as sbove provided. <br /> In �Yitness Whereot', the parties hereto have eet their hands and seals this �th day of <br /> October ,lg29. <br /> r�erdinand Heidex <br /> Signed and delivered in the presence of <br /> Clara Heider <br /> J. Fi. BBullin �`'� <br /> State of Nebraska, <br /> e s. <br /> • � Ha.11 County, On thie da�r of October,1929, before me, the undergigned, s <br /> Notary Public in and for the County and State aforesaid, personally appeaxed Ferdinand Heider <br /> to me known to be the identical person who executed the within and foregoing instrument, and <br /> acknowledged to me that he executed the same ae-- free and voluntary aet and deed for th� <br /> uses and purpoees therein set forth. <br /> VPitness my hand and �seal thie �th day of October,1929• <br /> My Commiasion expires June 22,1935 ( SEAL) J. H. Mullin <br /> Notary Public <br /> Filed for record this 14 day of �day 1930 at 11 o� clock A. 2�L <br /> ��� ��� <br /> e�ister of Deeds <br /> _o-o-o_o-o_o-o-o-o-o_o-o_o_o_o-o_o_o-o_o-o-o-o-o_o-o-o_o_o_o_o-o-o-o-o_o-o-o_o-o_o-o-o-o_o-� <br /> , <br /> �i <br /> I <br /> a4 <br /> i I <br /> i <br /> v <br /> l _ <br />