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����4 <br /> �r� 1L�J�� ��j � ��j 1 �JJ � <br /> ��������� ����� ������ <br /> RI q�HT OF WAY OONTRACT <br /> � F'or and in Consideration of the aum of ONE DOLLAR, to ua in hand paid, receipt of which is <br /> � hereby a.cknowledged, and the further consideration of fifty cen�s per rod for each line, to <br /> I <br /> I be paid when sueh �rant shall be used or occupied, Hans Scheel do hereby �rant te NEBRASKA <br /> i NA�URAL GAS COfl�APTY, ite suecessors or aesi�ns, the right-of-way to laq, maiM�ain, alter, <br /> i <br /> � repair, operate, remove and relay paraliel and other pipe lines for the transportation of <br /> i � <br /> oil or gas, on, over and through certain lande situate in Hall County, State o� Nebraska, <br /> I de�cribed ae follow$; East Half of Southea,st Qua,rter and 9outhea,st Quartex of Northeast Quar er <br /> I <br /> � and Lot One of the Northeast Quarter on the Ialand sll in Section Twenty seven,(27) , Townshi <br /> I <br /> � Eleven, (11) , North, Ran�e Nine, (9) , �est of th� Sixth P, � with ingrees and egre�s to and <br /> � <br /> I from the same. The said grantor , heirs or assi�;ns, to fully uee and en�oy the said premiees, <br /> e�cept for the purposes hereinbefore granted to the said <br /> grantee, who hereby agreee to pay <br /> i <br /> � any dama�es which may arise to cr-ops and fences from the laying, rnaintaining and �operating <br /> ! <br /> iQaid lines; said daraages if not mutually agreed upon, to be ascertained and determined by , <br /> three dieinterested peraona, one thereof to be appoin�ed by the said grantor , heire or <br /> ; I <br /> assigns, one by the said grantee, succeseors or assigns, and the third by �k�e tRO so appoint <br /> ed as aforesaid, and the award of three such persons shall be final and conclusive and no <br /> aetion shall be brought or maintaii�ed for dama�es until the amount thereof shall have been <br /> determined aB above provided. <br /> � (In Witness V�hereof, the parties hereto have set their hands and seale this �th day of <br /> October,1929. <br /> �, Sigried and delivered in the presence of Hans Scheel <br /> � <br /> j J. H. Mull in � Emma Scheel <br /> � <br /> State of Nebraska, I <br /> ss. <br /> HaII County, On this day of October,1929, before me, the vndersigned, a <br /> .,; <br /> Notary Public in and for the County and 9�ate aforesaid, peraonally appeared Hans 3ehael <br /> to me known to be the identical pereon who executed the within and foregoing instrument, <br /> and ac?cnowledged to me that he executed the eame aa-_ free and voluntery act and deed for � <br /> the uses and purpoaes therein set forth. � <br />, VPitness my hand and seal this �th da of Oetober 1 2 . I <br /> v , 99 <br /> ( 3EAL� J. H. �ullin <br /> I My Commission expires June 22,1935 Notary Public <br /> � <br /> Filed for reeord this 14 day of May 1g30 at 11 o�cloak A. � <br /> � �-�-�-�� <br /> Register of Deeda <br /> -o_o_o-o-o_o_o_o-o-o-o_o_o-o-o-o_o-o_o-o-o-o_o_o_o_o-a-o-o_o-o-o-o-o-o_c�_o-o-o_o_o_o_o-o_o-o <br /> i <br /> � <br /> �i <br /> �+ ' <br /> I � <br /> l ' '� <br />