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��� <br /> ��!ll����1���J2J�L��t������ .��J� �������� �.0 <br /> � <br /> RIGHT OF �GAY CONTRACT <br /> For and in Consideration of the sum of ONE DOLLAR, to us in hand paid, receipt of which ie <br /> hereby acknowledged, and the further consideration of fifty cente per rod for each line, to <br /> be paid when such grant �ha11 be used or occupied, Lizzie Turner, widow does hereby grant to <br /> NEBRASKA NATURAL GA8 COMPANY, its succeasors or assi�ns, the righ�of-way to Iay, maintain, <br /> alter , repair , operate,remove and relay parallel and other pipe linee for the transportation <br /> of oil or gas, on, over and through',certain �.ands si�uate in Hall County, 9tate of Nebraska, <br /> described as folloRS: Lot number Three ( 3) , D�ainlaxid of Section Twenty 3eve�n (27) Township <br /> , <br /> Eleven (11) North, Range Nine (9) , west of the 6th P, D� with ingress and egress �o and from <br /> the same. The aaid grantor h�r. heire or assigns, to fully use and en�oy the said premisee, <br /> exeept for the purpoees hereinbefore granted to the said grantee, who hereby agreea to pay I <br /> any dam�ges which ma.y arise to cropa e.nd fences from the laying, maintaining and operating <br /> said lines; said damages if not mutually agreea upon, to be ascertained and determined by <br /> three dieinterested persone, one thereof to be appointed by the said �rantor her,heire or . <br /> assigns, one by the said grantee, euccessors or assigns, and the third by t he two ao appoint- <br /> ed as a,foresaid, and the award of three such pexsona shall be final and conclusive and no <br /> action ehall be brought or maintained for dama,ges until the amount thereof ehall ha,ve been <br /> determined as above provided. <br /> IN WI�NESS 'WHEREOF, the parties hereto have set their hands and aeals thie 30th day of Novem- <br /> ber, 1929. <br /> Signed and delivered in the presence of Lizzie Turner <br /> � <br /> Will J. 9coutt <br /> S State of l�ebraska, <br /> ss. <br /> • Ha11 County, On this 20th day of Novembe:r , 1929, before me, the undereigned, <br /> a Notary Public in and for the County and State aforesaid, pereonallp appeared Lizzie Turner, <br />, "` widow, to me known to be the identical person who executed the within and foregoing instrumen , <br /> nnd Qc'�nowled�ed to me that she executed the same as her free and voluntary act and deed 4or <br /> the usee and purpoges therein set forth. <br /> Witness my hand and seal this 30th day of November,l929 <br /> �dy CommisBion ezpires April 9th 1932 <br /> How�rd Kyle <br /> � ( SEAL) <br /> Notary Public <br /> Filed for record this 14 day of Bday 1930 at 11 o�clock A. M. <br /> ��,���ml � <br /> Register of Dee 6 <br />��� -O-O_O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-0-0-0-0_O-O-O-O-O-O-O_O-O-O.-O_O-O-O_O-O-O_0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0- � <br /> II <br />