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� /� o v <br /> � � 1� � I1 �I1c� �l. � � � � � � �. � 1[]1 <br /> PHS-798 (VS) Reu. 4-48. Federal Security Aqency, Public Health Service. (Confaining 4?5 printed words} <br /> � NO. IBB-THEIIUGUSTINECO.GRAI:DISL�ND.NFB11. � <br /> I TA?S Of tJ£8RA5ttA Fi[ed in ihe o�ce of ihe Register of Deeds the 9 day <br /> CERTIFICATE OF DEATH � ,��°"� Hall � of M,µy� 19 52 , and recorded in Miscellaneous <br /> i <br /> � Record No. Qtt on Page 216, <br /> �F • �d�,,,.�.��✓ <br /> Gustave N. Cornelius � Regtster of Deeds-�1e1d0[ <br /> I <br /> � � Applies to R. E. Description �� Dept�ty. <br /> � uiz: Lot 5 Block 5 Windol h�s Add. <br /> - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -'- - - - - - � - - - -�- - - -P - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - <br /> Dr J� � Wnnc�i n <br /> STATE OF NEBRASKA <br /> DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH <br /> Birth No. 126 suresu of vitat stat�atics State File No. <br /> 1. PLACE OF EATN 2. SUAL RE51 NCE ( ere decease rve . f mst►tution: res� ence e ore a m�ssion). <br /> a. COUNTY Hall a. ST.1TE Nebr. b. COUNTY Hall <br /> - ,CI"OY� (If outside corporate limits,write Rural). c. LENGTH OF STAY(in this place) c. CI�Y� (If outaide corporate limits,write RURAL) <br /> TOWN Grand Island i 85 TOWN Grand Isl�,nd <br /> d. FULL NAME OF (If not in hospital or institution,give atreet address or location) d. STREET (If rural,give lceation) <br /> I;NS'TI UTION st. Francis HOSp. ADDRESS 1122 W. John St. <br /> . NAM OF a. Nirst) . (Mi e) c. ( st) 4. OF Month) (llay) ( ear� <br /> DECEASED <br /> (TYP�o�P�in!) <br /> Gustave N. Cornelius � DEATH March 27 1952 <br /> 6. SEX 6. COLOR OR RACE 7. MARRIED,NEVER MARRIED, 8. DATE OF BIRTH 9. Age(In yrs. If Under 1 Year If Under 24 Hrs. <br /> WIDOWED,DIVORCED (Specify) last birthday) Mos. Days Hour= I Min. <br />� Male I White ( Widawed Nov. 9. 1862 89 4 I 18 - - <br /> 10a. USUAL OCCUPATION (Grve lund of work done dunng ( tOb. KIND OF BUSINESS OR 11. BIRTH- (City,town or county){State or foreign 12. CITILEN Ob WIIAT <br /> most of working life,even it retired) INDUSTRY I PLACE coantry) COUNTRYY <br /> Retired Machinist �Americal Crvstal SuFar Cd D�vetiport, Iawa U.S <br /> 13. FATHER'S NAME I 14a. MOTHE 'S MAIDEI�NAME I 14b. NAME OF HUSBAND OR WIFE <br /> T Chris Cornelius Doris Rauert Marie Cnrnelius <br /> 16. R'AS DEC ASED EVER IN U.S.ARMED FORCES? 16, SOCIAL SECURITY No. 1T. INFORMANT'S NAME or Signature&Address <br /> (Ycs,no,or unknown) (If yes,give war or dates of service) <br /> I Mr. Walter Cornelius Grand Island <br /> 16. CAUSE OF DEATH MEDICAL CERTIFICATION �n!srval Between Onset <br /> Enter only one.cause per snd Dsath <br />' linefoc(a), (b),and(c) �, DISEASE OR'CONDITION <br /> DIRECTLY LEADING TO DEATH• �a� S�ock,Lhip fracture 7 d• <br /> •Tbis does not msan tbs ANT�CEDENT CAUSES <br /> mods oT alyiny, such as <br /> hea�t fallurs, asthenia, <br /> �te. I! msan! !he dis- , DUE TO (b) - <br /> ease, injury, o� compll- <br /> eation whiah caused Mo�bid eonditiona, if any, piviny <br /> d�ath. rlse to the above cauae (a) siatiny <br /> � � � � the unda�lyln9 cauas Iast. DUE TO (c) _-- _ <br /> 9�4� 11. OTFiER SIGNIFICANT CONDITIONS <br /> Conditions contrlbutiny to tMe dsalh bu4 net <br /> I rslated to 4he diseaas o�condition eausiny dsalb. <br /> 79a. DATE OF OPERA- I 19b. MAJOR FINDINGS OF OYERATION I 20. AUTOPSY4 <br /> TION <br /> Yes � No ❑ <br /> 27a. ACCIDENT (Specify) 21b. PLACE Ob' INJURY (e.g.,in or abaut homcy farm. 21c. (CITY OR TOWN) (CUUNTY) (STA1'E) <br /> �{.y���y.. I factory,street,office btdg.,etc.) (If rura!area,write RURAL) <br /> �°"""�'�'F Accident H Home, Grand Island, Hall Neb <br /> 21d. TIME (Month) (Day) (Year) (Ho�u� 21s. INJURY OCCUHR�D 21t. HOW DID INJURY OCCUR7 <br /> OF While at Work � <br /> INJURY p�r 20 t52 6 p• m" Not While at Work �] I Fell in room <br /> 22. I heroby csrlity 4hat I at4�nd• ths dsc:ased irom_ ,�.�20 , 19��, to 3�27 �_, 19..ab-, lhat I,last s:aw th• <br />' doesased alivs on_- 3 2? , 79 5� , and that deatM ooeu��ed at � _�.m.,trom ths eauses and on ths dal�atatsd above. <br /> 23a. SIGNATURh (Degree or title) 23b. ADDRESS 23c. DATE SIC,NED <br /> J. G. Woodin M. D. I Grand Island f 3-28-52 <br /> 24a. BURIAL,(:REMATION, I 24b. DATE I 24e. NAME OF CEMET'ERY OFt CHB.MATOFtY I 24d. ..00ATION (City,town,or county) (State) <br /> REMOVAL (Specify) <br /> Bvri 1 Mar 31 /52 Grand Tcl anc� Grand Island, Neb <br /> DATE REC'll liY LOCAL REG. RBGiSTRA 'S SI NATURE 25. FUNEHAL llIRECTOR'S SIGNA7'URE ADDRESS <br /> Apr 4, 1952 I F. S. White Geddes Funeral Home Grand Island, Neb. <br /> 25.I hereby certify i personally embalmed the body of the deceased named hereon. <br /> Irwin B. Peterson License No. 1826 <br /> THIS CERTIFIES THE 9BOVE TO BE A TRUE COPY OF AN ORIGINAL CERTIFICATE ON FILE WITH T� STATE DEPARTMENT OF HEAT.TH� <br /> BUREAU OF VTTAL STATISTICS, WHICH IS THE LEGAL DEPOSITORY FOR VITAL RECORDS. <br /> (SEAL) C. L. Chism <br /> DIRECTOR OF VTTAL STATISTICS AND <br /> ASSISTANT STATE REGISTRAR <br />� LINCOLN, NEBRASKA Issued May 3, 1952. <br />