<br /> ���. �.�.� ��.� �L�a��
<br /> ss.
<br /> FROM County of HALL This instrument was filed for record
<br /> • :�C��J�'J.�.�, H• ��Li�1tEY' � ,
<br /> on the 18 da�of �� yj'u1y 19 5 at 9.30 a clock A.M.,
<br /> Geor�B, F. RU,hter' and duly recorded in Boolc Q Paqe �29 of tlae records o�� isJ e.
<br /> T 0 ��''.C/o��r,�i�.
<br /> Guy J. Cope �,
<br /> I�e,qxster of Deeds.
<br /> By
<br /> ommer�ce
<br /> AGREEMENT, Made and entered into this 1STh da� of August , 19�1 ,
<br /> b� and between �o�h�1�, �. %tuht e r and f�e o��e. F. Ruht e r, ( �T�.f e & Hu sband)
<br /> Pa�of the first. part, hereinafter ealled lessor (whet�ier one or more)
<br /> and ' Guy J. C ope Part 3' of the second part,hereinafter called lessee.
<br /> WITNESSETH, That tjee said lessor,for and in eonsideration of �1�.00 Dollars
<br /> cash in hand paid,receipt of which is hereby acknowledged,and of the covenants crnd agreements hereina,fter contained ma the part of lessee to be paid,
<br /> kept and performed, has granted, demised, leased and let and by these presents does grant, demise, lease and let unto said lessee,for the sole and
<br /> only purpose of mining and operatinq for oil and gas, and laying pipe lines, and building tanks, power stations and structures thereon to produce,
<br /> I save and take care of said produets, all that certain tract of land situated in the County of H�-Z State of Nebraska,
<br /> • described as follows, to-wit:
<br /> South. West Q�aarte.r of the South West Quarter of Sectxon 25, Tt,rp. 9, North, Range 12 Wes�
<br /> of Seetion , Township ,Range , and eontaininq �0 acres, more or less.
<br /> It is agreed that this lease shall remain in full foree for u term of Five years from this date, and as long thereafter as oil or
<br /> qas, or either of them, is produeed from said land by the lessee.
<br /> In consideration of the premises the said lessee covenants and agrees:
<br /> 1st. To deliver to the credit of lessor,free of cost, in the pipe line to which he may connect his wells, the equal mae-eightla (%) part of all ail
<br /> produeed and saved from the leased premises.
<br /> I �nd. To pay lessor for gas from each well where qas only is found, tjae equal one-eighth (%) of the gross proceeds at the prevailinq market
<br /> • rate,for all gas used o,�j'the premises,said payments to be made Monthly and lessor to have qas free of eost from any
<br /> sueh well for all stoves and all inside lights in the p�•incipal dwelling house on said land during the same time by making his own connections with
<br /> the well at his own risk and expense.
<br /> �rd. To pa� lessor for ,qas produced from any oil well and used o,�}'tlae premises, or for the manufacture of casinghead gasoline, one-eighth
<br /> (%) of the p_roceeds at the prevailing marlcet rate for the gas used, for the time during which such gas shall be used said payments to be
<br /> made �'lonthly .
<br /> If no well be commenced on said land on or before the 1 st day of Au�u s t 1952 ,
<br /> this lease shall terminate as ta Lotje parties, u7alesa the lessee, o7t or before that clate tihall pay or tender to the lessor, or to the lessor's credtit in
<br /> Tke Comrnereia.l Nationa,l Bank at Grand, IsZand, Nebr. or its suceessors, whieh shall eontinue as
<br /> the depository regardless of clianges in tlie ownersycip of said land, the sum of �20.CO Dollars
<br /> which s)aall operate as a rental and cover the privilege of deferring the commeneement of a well for 12 months from said date. In like
<br /> manner and upon like payments or tenders the commencement of a well may be further deferred for like periods or the same number of months sue-
<br /> cessively. And it is understood and aqreed that the consideration first recited herein, the down payment covers not only the pr�ivileges granted to the
<br /> date when said first rental is payable as aforesaid, but also the lessee's option of extending that period as aforesaid, and any and all other rights
<br /> conferred.
<br /> Should the first well drilled on the above described land be �x dry hole, then, and in that event, if a seeond well is not commenced on said land
<br /> 'hin twelve months from the expz.ration of the last rental period for whieh rental has been paid,this lease shall terminate as to both parties, unless the
<br /> lessee on or before the expiration of said twelve months shall resume the payment of rentals in the same amount and in the same manner as herein-
<br /> before provided. And it is agreed that upon the resumption of the payment of rentals, as above provided, that the last preeeding paraqraph hereof, '
<br /> governinq the payment of rentals and the e,�'ect thereof, shall continue in force just as though there had been no interruption in the rental pa�ments. ,
<br /> If said lessor owns a less interest in the above deseribed land than the entire and undivzded fee sim�le estate therein, then the royalties and '
<br /> rentals herein provided shall be paial the lessor o�aly in the proportion which his interest bears to the whole and undivided fee.
<br /> Lessee shall have right to use,free of cost,gas, oil, and water produeed on said land for its operation thereon, except water from wells of lessor.
<br /> When requested by lessor, lessee shull bury lais pipe lines below plow depth. '
<br /> • No well shall be drilled nearer than L00 feet to the house or barn now on said premises, without the written consent of the lessox. '
<br /> Lessee sltall pay for damages eaused lry its operutions to growinq crops on said land. '
<br /> Lessee shall have the riqht at any time to remove all machinery and fixtures plaeed on said premises, i�ncluding the right to draw and
<br /> remove easing.
<br /> If the lessee shall commence to drill a well within the term of this lease or any extension thereof, the lessee shall have the riqht to drill such
<br /> well to completion with reasonable diliqence and dispatch, and if oil or gas, or either of them, be found in payinq quantities, this lease slaall eontinue
<br /> and be in force with the like e,�j'ect as if such well had been eompleted wzthin the term of years herein first mentioned.
<br />