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<br /> STATE OF Nebra,�ka
<br /> ss. �
<br /> FROA1 ' County of Ha11 This instrument was faled for record
<br /> • Mart�n W. ConroyT, unmarried onthe 17 dayof Ju1y 1952 at 10:30 a'clock A.M.,
<br /> and d�uly recorded in Book F�Q� Page l2� of the r�cords of th' oC��
<br /> TO
<br /> Csuy J. C ope ^�,
<br /> � egister of Deeds.
<br /> By
<br /> 0?11I;1E':'4 C8
<br /> AGREEMENT, Made and entered i�zto this 11�th day of Jtuly , 1951 ,
<br /> ,
<br /> by and between Mar�irl W. Cenroy unma.r•rie�
<br /> Party of the first part, hereinafter ealled lessor (wlaetlaer one or more)
<br /> a� Guy J. Cope Part y of the second part, hereinafter called lessee.
<br /> WI TNESSETH, That the said lessor,for and in eonsideration of ��'8•�� Dollars
<br /> cash in hand paid,receipt of which is hereby acknowledged,and of the covenants and aqreements hereinafter contained on the part of lesaee to be paid,
<br /> kept and performed, has granted, demised, leased and let and by these presents does grant, demise, lease and let unto said lessee,for the sole and
<br /> only purpose of mining and operating for oil and�as, and laying pipe lines, and building tanks, power stations and structures thereon to produee,
<br /> save and take eare of said products, all that certain tract of land situated in the County of Hall State of Nebraska,
<br /> • described as follouys, to-wit:
<br /> �:ast Half of Sec�ion 30� And the Nortri East Quarter of Sectien 31; All in Tw�. 9 North,
<br /> ��a,n�;e 11 We s�.
<br /> i
<br /> of Section , Township ,Range , and containing �80 acres, more or less.
<br /> It is agreed that this lease shall remain in full foree for a term of�'�-Ve years from this date, and as lonq tl�ereafter as oil or
<br /> gas, or either of them, is produeed from said land by the lessee.
<br /> In consideration of the premises the said lessee covenants and aqrees:
<br /> 1st. To deliver to the eredit of lessor,free of cost, in the pipe line to whieh he may eonneet his wells, the equal one-eiglat)t (%) part of all oil
<br /> produeed and saved from the leased premises.
<br /> 2nd. To pay Zessor for gas from each well where gas only is found, the equal one-eighth (%) of the gross proceeds at the prevailing market
<br /> • rate,for all gas used o,�'the premises,said payments to be made Month].y and lessor to l�ave gas free of eost from any
<br /> such well for all stoves and all inside lights in the prineipal dwellinq house on said land during the same time by makin� his own eonnections with
<br /> the well at his own risk and expense.
<br /> 3rd. To pa� lessor for gas produced from any oil well and used o,�'tjce premises, or for t)ie manufacture of casinghead gasoline, one-eighth
<br /> (%) of the proceeds at the prevailing market rate for the ga� used, for tyie time during which suclt c�as shall be used said payments to be
<br /> made MorltHlly ,
<br /> If no well be commenced on said land on or before the l�t day of August 19 52 ,
<br /> this lease shall terminate as to both parties, unless tlie lessee on or before that dafe shall pa� or tender to tlae lessm�, or to the lessor's credit in
<br /> The Ad�n� C ounty, Bank Bank at .:=Kene saw, Nebr. or its successors, which shall continue as
<br /> the depository regardless of chanqes in tlie ownership of said land, the sum of �2�'Q•�� Dollars
<br /> which shall operate as a rental and cover the privilege of deferrinq the commencement of a well for 1� months from said date. In like
<br /> manner and upon like payments or tenders the commence,ment of a well may be further deferred for like periods or the same number of months sue-
<br /> cessively. And it is understood and agreed that the consideration first reeited herein, the down payment covers not only the privileges qranted to the
<br /> � date when said first rental is payable as aforesaid, but also the lessee's option of extending that period as aforesaid, and any and all other rights
<br /> conferred.
<br /> Should the first well drilled on the above described land be a dry hole, then, and in that event, if a seeond well is not commenced on said land
<br /> urithin twelve months fro�n the expiration of the last rental period,for which rental laas been paid,this lease shall terminate as to both parties, unless the
<br /> lessee on or before the expiration of said twelve months shall resume the payment of rentals in the same amount and in the same manner as herein-
<br /> before provided. And it is agreed that upon the resumption of the payment of rentals, as above provided, that the last preceding paragraph hereof,
<br /> governing the pa�ment of rentals and the e,�'ect thereof, shall eontinue in foree just as though there had been no interruption in the rental payments.
<br /> If said lessor owns a less interest in tlze above described la�cd than the entire and undivided fee simple estate therein, then the royalties and
<br /> rentals herein provided shall be paid the lessor only in the proportion whieh his interest bears to the whole and undivided fee.
<br /> Lessee shall have rig)at to use,free of cost,,qas,oil, and water produced on said land for its operation thereon, except water from wells of lessor. '
<br /> When requested b�j lessor, lessee shall bury his pipe lines below plow depth. ',
<br /> • No well shall be drilled nearer than�00 feet to the house or barn now on said premises, without the written eonsent of the lessor. '
<br /> Lessee shall pay for damages caused by its operations to growing crops on said land. '
<br />, Lessee shall have the right at any time to remove all maehinery and fixtures placed on said premises, ineluding the right to draw and
<br /> remove casing. '
<br /> If the lessee shall commence to drill a well within the term of this lease or any extension tlaereof, the lessee shall have the right to drill sueh
<br /> well to completion with reasonable diligence and dispatch, and if oil or gas, or either of them, be found in paying quantities, this lease shall continue
<br /> and be in foree with the like e„�'ect as if such well had been completed wzthin the term of years herein first mentioned.
<br /> _ I,
<br /> �
<br />