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<br /> r ' [3. All(ulurc advnnccs fr��m L.eudcr tu Gri�ntor ur othcr(uturc ubli�atiuns nf C�mntur to I�:ndcr undcr uny promi�sory �
<br /> nuw, cantr+�ct, huaranty.���athcr cvidcncc of dcht cxccutcJ hy (irunti►r in fiwur o( L�:ndcr cxccutcd uftcr this
<br /> Sccurity Instrumcnt �vhethcr or not this Sccur�ty Instrument is spccificidiy refcrcncrd. If nu�rc than oizc pcnun �.
<br /> sigm this Security Instrument,c:►ch Gri�ntor iigrces thut thiti Security Insuumcnt will sccuro��U futurc advrmces and �
<br /> • fulurc nbtigntions thnt arc �ivc�� t��ar incurrcd by any unc or morc Uritnt��r,or uny o�ie ur marc (lrantor and �
<br /> utlic��+.All futurc advances fmd othcr future ohligations�ve secured by this Se�urity Instrumcnt even thuu�h ull or u'
<br /> , part may�nut yct hc��dvnnccd.AU futurc advanccs und othcr futurc ubligaticTns are sccun:d as if nu+dc un thc dutc
<br /> � �t.� af this Sccurily Instrumcnt.Nothing in this Sccurity Instrumcnt sh��U comti�u�c u c�timmitm�:nt to mahe additiunc►I �_
<br /> � "' or tulurc lo�ms or.idvanccs in imy amount.Any such commitment must bc agrccd tu in a scp:�r�Uc�vriting. �
<br /> � � C. All obligntions Grantor owcs to I..�:ndcr,which may lutcr arisc,to thc cxtcnt nat pmhibited hy law, incfuding.but �,,
<br /> '�"�'�"'"'�� not lirnited to,liubilities f��r overdrafts relatina to any deposit account�greement hetk�cen Gr��ntor and L�:nder. —
<br /> ° U. All iidditionnl sums aidvimccd nnd expenses iRr.urrcd by I.ender for insurin�,prescrving or othcrwise protccting =
<br /> - t the Praperty�►nd its value and any other sums advanced and expenscs incurred by[.c:nder under thc terms of �
<br /> �i this Sccurity�Instrument.
<br /> �_� This Security Instrument will not secure a�y othcr debt @f l.e:nder t�ils to give any reyuired notice:of the right of rescission.
<br /> 5. PAYMEN'1'�.c=irantor agrees tnat aii payui��iL;u�der thc�ecured llebt will hE� paid when due and in accordance
<br /> � �vith thc termsof the Secured Debt and this Security Instrumcnt. _
<br /> 6. WAREtAN'TY OF TlTII,�.Grantor warrants that Grantar is or will bc la�vfully scizcd of the cstate conveyed by this
<br /> __ ' ;� Security Instrumcnt and has thc right to irrevocably grant, convcy,and scll the Property to Trustce. in trust, with
<br /> • povrer of sale.Grnntor also warrants that the Property is unencumbered,except for encumbrances of record.
<br /> .;, . � 7. PRIOR SECURffY INTERESTS.With regard to any other mortgagc,deed of trust,security agrec:n�ent or athcr licn
<br /> ' document that crcated a prior security interest or cncumbrance on the Property,Grantor agrees:
<br /> ° ,. . A. To makc all payments wilen duc and to perform or comply with all covenants. _
<br /> � • B. To promptly deliver to I.ender any notices that Grantor receives from thc holder.
<br /> C. Not to allow any modi6cation o�extension of,nor to rcqucst any future advances under any not�or agrecment _
<br /> " ° •t:;t secured by the lien document without Lender's prior written consent.
<br />- r� ` ':S";:�.
<br /> �. ��:;;. 8. CLAIMS AGAINST TiTLE.Grantor will pay all taxes,asscssments,liens, encumbrances,lease paymen45,ground
<br /> , f,...
<br /> - ` ,-i;'_,', rents.Wilities,and other charges rclating to thc Property when due.L.encfer may require Grantor to providc to L.cndcr
<br /> �"���:r;?;t;•• ' •� �;:��.�`:�, copies of all notices that such amounu are due and the receipts evidencing Grantor's payment.Grantor will defend
<br /> "� ., title to the Property against any claims that would impair the lien of this Security Instrument.Grantor agrees to assign
<br /> ' .` � ` �_� to Lender, as requested by Lender,any rights,claims or defenses Grantor may have against parties who supply labor
<br /> �^"`';� � or materials to rnaintain or improve�he Frupc�ty.
<br /> �-�`...,,�.
<br /> _: :r;,:,r;. . . � 9, pU�ON SAL�:OIFt�iVCiTi�TBRANCE.Lendcr may,at its option,declare the cntirr halance of the Secured Debt to
<br /> :.?�. '� be immcdiately due and payable upon the creation of,ur contract for the crcation of,any lien,encambrance,transfer
<br /> -�";t;.:r�;;-,. +` ;,,� or sale of the Properiy.This rigfit is subject to the restrictions imposed by federal law(IZ C.F.R. S91),as applicable.
<br /> -_-b•� . .. ��•,::::;� This covenant shaU run with the Property and shall remain in effect unt�l the Secured Debt is paid in fuU and this
<br />-,,II:n^y,.�;�:,. ` ���,;�; Security Instrument is released.
<br />=�•��'�'';� 10. PROPERTY C'DN�ITI(DN, A[.TERATIONS AND IN5PECTIOIN.Grantor will keep the Property in good
<br />— .. ,.,.
<br />__-�;:::�"�K� ;:.`�', condition and makr all repairs that are reasonably necessary. Grantor shall not commit or a ow any was c,
<br /> �� ' impairmcnt,or deterioratiun uf the Property. Grantor will kcep the Properry frce of noxious weeds and grasses.
<br /> "�;'r;_=� r'.;.':=��� Grantor agrees that the nature of thc oaupancy and use will not substantially ck�ange without L,ender's prior written
<br /> " J'�'��-` `•>;;";,� conser�t.Grantor will not permie any change in any license:, restrictive covenant or easement without Lender's prior
<br />