:...,_a��....,.:.��..��,,.��....x.�,....,,..�.. ,..,Y.�.-�.�..__._. .. ._ ..
<br /> • — -
<br /> 9�.... �.ti94'�3.
<br /> sppliaLle it�w m�y spccify fw relns�akmcnp bcforo snlo of iho{'rop�ny punwm ro nny po�rcr of salo rnmnined in this
<br /> 5ecurfty instmmcmi or(b)cNry of a judgmcnt cnforcinD this 3ccudty Insuumcm. 'fhoso condi�Ions arc tbnt Dorro�vcr. (a) ----
<br /> pays I.eadcr all sums whid� �hen woutd 6c dno unJcr this Saurity lnsuumcnf ,nd tho No!o ns I�ita ncccicmlinn had = -- _
<br /> occumA;(b)cures�ny defanitof any cNhv wvcnnms or ngrccmcros;(c)psys a11 ox�nses(ncurrcd in cnforetng ihis 3ceudiy �u
<br /> instri�mcnh Includfng,but not llmlted to,rcasonablo nuomoys'fces: nnd(d)rokes snch nalon ns I.cndcr mny rcnsonnbly __
<br /> n:quiro lo assure that tha Ilen of this S�.cudty TnsimmcN,l.cnder§dghls in iho Avpmly and RorrowcrS o6ligmton io pay tl�c � � � �-- -�
<br /> snms sccurcd by �his Security Inswmcnt shnll cominno unchangcd. Upon Rinsm�cmcm by Rorrowcr, rtdx Sccud�y �� -�
<br /> (nswment and tl�e o611gations securcd hercby shall renmin fully efRedva as if no aecelen�lon hnd occuned. Howaver,�hix �,;,°'',�?' ,.�,,::;:�"
<br />� dgLt lo re6islate sLall not apply In O�e case of actcicntion under paza�rapA 17. �a��_� _-��:
<br /> 19. $ele of Nole Ch�ngO of F,w,n Servleen 77�o Nmo or a panial Intercsl in ihe No!c(togahcr wi�h this Secariry Y.; .. =
<br />- IasWnnp may ih:w�d onu ot qaro times'wliliam pdor no�ice to Borroxrcr. A saie may n;sult In a change in tlM emiiy� � _ `'�`� -�
<br /> (lcnown as th.e"tuan Srnicer")�6a collly�Frl)tl'�11hIy paymeots due undcr tho No�o end this Sttud�y Instrumem. lhere also �t . � �
<br /> raay be ace er mae ehnnges of tl�e�ati S�`blcer vareta!ed to a rlo of the No�e. If�here is a chnngo of�ho Lean Sc�vicer. �- `�fr E� , :'
<br /> Bo+�o�ver wiq tm gixen wriuen nmica of the ch3nge irt ucoalance whk paragnph I M1 nbovo and appl Icabin law. 'Ehe ncUce �r�:z i`h;i rt .;`•.
<br /> wilF swte dw raxae aed addrcu of�he new i.oan Snrvicer and tAe xCdnss to wh[c i�paynienls shoul d Ix m:da Tte r,otice wII[ �_ „_ �m:,,:-
<br />- atso can!ain azy oU.tir infamatton rcqui:�d by agpiicabte Ww. - .;" �-r -°.:
<br />- D�. �3ae:mtloas Su4mLxx2s. 6orro�ver shatl r.ot cause or pertnit the prcunce,uv:,dispasal,storage,or releasc of any �� ,;:
<br />- 19;anr9ors Subs�ances at ec in the A'opetty. Bottov:er stiall no�do,nor allow anym:e cEse�o do,anything afCecang tF,: f 3i„�}� t :i� =
<br /> ProFerty�ha1 is in vlolation of any Cnvironmental i..i.v. 8Le�rtceding uvo sentenca>te,tt na a�ply to iM prese+xe.use,a �"�Kr;tff� °'�:-'�'----
<br /> storo eonthe tl ofsmail uantiHesoftluardons5il.niancesthatarc encrall rtrn nizcdtohca nate�onotmal •4r7Y�;"�r,:.�:-�
<br /> 8 � Y 9 S Y S FC�P� �':`.: �+ ?,..,_.:
<br /> n:sidtntial uses snd io maintenanca of th:Ropeny. S�� �� "' �
<br /> Bortower shall prompity give I.ender��rincn notice ot any Imes�igatlon,claim,demand,la���tivt[acwher.r,�ion 6y any �,A;�'y �,�.�_:..,-
<br /> govcmmental or mgula�ory agcr.cy or priea:e parry•inrcleing the Propcny anJ e.ny Hazardous Subs�a�or En.imnmen�al f -p � _. ��-:
<br /> S.a.��of which Aortower has acmxl knowiedge. It Borzower Iearns, er is notified by any govemnxmal or rr;ulatory `; i.�1�j.y;�_=_
<br /> anmority,that any rcmoval or othcr rcnzediation of any flazardous Subsunce affecting the Propeny is n:cess��.Su:rox•cr �� 2�y �. _.
<br /> shatl promptly take all necessary remedial nainns in accurdance wiih F.nvironmental Law. ,;,;��>>t>j�iy : -.
<br /> As uscd(n this parzgraph 20,'Hanvduns Subs�ances"are�hou nJ,s�ances defined as roxic or iwraedous subsianx�b�� ��'!�i,y(v`�*:_:;:s
<br /> Environmen�al I.aw and ihe folWwing snhtt:rr;ca: gacolinc,kerosenr,u�her(IammaFle or roxlc pcirotcum prainr�s,ia�'r. .f,'Gi;;r,,�a�ri-w`..
<br /> �es{icfdes and hefilcides,r�ta':i1e solvenu,tnaterials amtnining asbesros or tortna13e6}�de,a�d radiwclive m:¢.•rials. As �}��s#;;��.,;s[f-:
<br /> cxcc!in ihis paragraph 20."E;ir.i:rr�n�emnl 4aw"ntcans f:ilcral�aws and laws of Ihc jisisd<c�lon wherc iht Propcny is lucaced 'L,j.si�i::�-
<br /> �h;v.n:Iatotohcalih.safct orw�:2:mmemal rotcaion. r`:jF�'f:.-
<br /> Y P -.tt+F,3:�,-----
<br /> KON•UNIfORM COVI�YANfS. RorroH�er and Lender Ponher covennm and agme as Poilows: �cr�1Ci;CC;i`—co.� �
<br /> ]L Acceleratlon; Remedirt. I.enf!rr shall 6��'e nolice lo Borrox�cr pr�or lo accelenNun Pollo�r6ig Borro�sePs i;y�,��;q �f{;;;'
<br /> bttach ot any covenant or n,f,rzement In tiils SecurHy instrument(bul not prbr lo aeceleratlon under pararTxph t7 �f.'s�u';�':-:;�`:
<br /> unlasa Ilenbielaw rorlf7i�mherwise). Thenu.lcr>'an�Hs cif • (n)Ihedefm�7t;<b)theaetionre uircdaneurethe 1`�+��''-��--
<br /> PP P P� ri 9 ,J,�rS},,:-_-.
<br /> de78uif{(ej A OY[q no[less iuAn JG dnys from ihe @s[e rer nolice is giren io[ionrumry oy wnicn tnc u'ifi�9:Ee t:�uii Gc - ��_:. --' -"'-
<br /> cvred�rnd(d)Ihat tallurc Io wre the detnnit on or bcPMe the date specltled in the�mlice may rault in aceeleralion of 1�•=^--°—
<br /> 15e sums secur�5!by thls Securily Instrnmrm nm1 sale uf the Properp�. The nolke shell Nrlher Inform RorroH�er oi �;ss'3;;z�=-"�
<br />-- Ihe right to ruirintatt atler nccelemtlon end::he r1gLt fo brfng e cuuri ncqon lo axsert the non•exislence of a default or --�'k't,� -�=� .
<br />- uny alher drfeuse o�IIorro�rer to accc7ernt7on nnd sale. ]f Ihe drfnnn is nof c�ved on or before Ihe dnte specitled!n ����� '�'' �*-��
<br /> the nolice,Lender et ils optio�may reryuke immediaie pay�ment fn fuil of ali suuas:rurcd 6y Ihis Securily le:artmtent i a•o,.r � _ �..:::�-'-
<br /> wit0out Nrlher demand en� mar !m•oke thc pox�er of saie and eny other nmtivlies permlited by nppiicr.6lr Iaw. •�'���`�'��''�"r �' '�
<br />- Lender shpll be enlilled to cupect a!3 a^.cpenses inwrred In pursuing the remi+'.+a,prosided In Ihis pariigrt�ph 21, y�Y5F3�f'�t p�-
<br />. Intiuding,but not Ilmiled lo,reasomil>R•nanrneys'fees nnJ cosfs of Iille evideuce, l�; �{ � /,r.��.
<br /> If the power of saie!s imoked,'7 uycr shall rerord e aolice of de@ult In ench mum�e�..+9�irh nny part of the 9�h t„,r },? , . -;•:
<br /> y . .,,,;,�tn,.�s...�t
<br /> Property�s lanted and shall mail copieso7si�ch notice In the manner prescribed by�pplica h Oa�rto Dorrmrer and to �,�-..,;e;.•;--
<br /> !he olher persons prauribed by nppllcab)e taw. Afler t6e tlme rcquired by nppfieabSe I�w,lYustcc slmF�sr pubtic i•;:+-�ti;;t.;f;S���.
<br /> mmlce ot saie lo tM1e persons end In t6e manner prescr�bed by appilca6ie Inx�. 7}usiee,whhout demand m S'H�rioxer, "�ix�_U;;;,.;,•;.:._:,��
<br /> sM1mE u111he Properly al public auctiun fo the hlghes!bidder at Ihe Ilme and ptace and under Ihe terms desi�aated In t�, ��ra.-
<br /> Ibt nolke ofs:�E In one or more parcek and In nny order 7}nslee detennlnes 7Yustee may posipone sn�g oTntl or nng� Th.,�'•� Uf�'�';rr:___-
<br /> parcel of the Yroperty b�pubNc ans�,anmment at Ihe tlme�nd plece o!nny preriously scheclu7ed saie. LenOer or ixs �z�;rc�r'�sG'�)"`
<br /> designee may purd�ase t ie Y�wperay m im��sale. ;�� G �,r E '-. -
<br /> Upon rceetpl of paymra�eR Ihe pricr hid,7Y+es�ee chall deltcer to the purchuer 7Yustee's deeJ comrring the N�°��'° ;_ _
<br /> s'�'�`drT -
<br /> i'roperty. The recllnis In thr 7'rutee'a tleed sl:nll be g��n:m facle crldence of Ihe tra:th of Ihe stntemrnls made lherein. ���(•(�!r��.r� f ��.-�'
<br /> 7Yustee shall appiy Ihe procec<7sof the Aak in Ihe tullnn7ng order: In110 nll casls nnd expenses otexerclsing tAe pox�er '�{•Ii�d� 'f •,.":-
<br />� 1����f.ff1�'�,!'>t-�
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