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<br /> "'�v�� issued by a liceased titla iasura��e company, ineuring tho title to �_
<br /> � be acquired by Buyer to be marketablo. Buyc�r shall have tea (10)
<br /> f---�=-- day9 fro3n the date oE receiviug tlhe commitutent of title insuresace
<br /> ;,! to examine thc� samo and to natify 8ellers in writing of any defec�s
<br /> • �; th�re�n. If defects render titl�j uamt�rketab 20 days from receipt _
<br /> �� waive the defeats, Se1S.ers shall �ave �wenty � � If Sellers are , �
<br /> .:i:,. ,, of the notice v+izu�u ::u3ch tc r�*!!�ve tho defeCta.
<br /> uaable to remove the defe Bu er u�a hea�urchased pxice c h 11�be h
<br /> and any aa�ounts p+�d by y �.��
<br /> -� • � refunded �o Buyer. The partiea shall thereupon be relievmd of all r.,._
<br />-^'�• � righta �nd duties under thie a9reemen�. If Buyex• waives the ti�le _
<br />`'''��:�--"-�.- de�e�tsa t2iia agreement shall b� performed wit.liout t�batement or -
<br />- ".:,;�,.:;�:'
<br />_.;;�;�;�;,�; � reductic�n of the purchase pric�, e���3P� th�t �' '� °�g��g t t e =
<br /> �="�z;�:'�. insuraace policy Bh811 be issued with tY�e t3tle d8fecte wafVed by
<br /> .. . Buyer as eacceptions in the o�g�i�l ineur�ance� S llers shall �.-
<br />-��F�'��f. ehall sharel equally in co�ta
<br /> ` pay the coat of the documentary stamP ta�•
<br /> -;..• =...r. ;,
<br /> '. ��:-` �onnevance. Sellers agree to convey the real psoperty
<br />� �;:� � 6' y deed to the Buyer free aac� clear
<br /> being sold hereuader b w�'r�r►�Y
<br />��.'"��'r'r.1�3`' ? of all liene and encumbrances ezcept eaeements, aovenorata �nd
<br /> �.i l�f" reatric�ions of secord. The wdrrantY deed ehall be held fa escrow
<br /> ����� '° " bv �ho Grand Isl�d Abs�ract Coa►pany to be delivered to the Buyer
<br />. n'.�� fl.�
<br /> -.ti�:*°''!°'"'h, upon full paymea� or tne coi��L�v i,�'���_
<br /> -._h-�;�: .
<br /> :,.;:. ,�- ,
<br />��„�`3- ���"•� ` �� ��es and Sneci ,r__l��a��nts,_ The 3ellers shabl p8y �all
<br /> beinq
<br /> real e�tate tages and special assessmeate oa the prope�x�y �l,
<br /> ���.�F, sold hereunder for the calendar y�ar 1996 and all prior �ears.
<br /> -v-J'"''�� �hehdate of possessionenta for the year 1997 ehall be pro-rated ��
<br /> .�"'`,� a. R�„n.�vm� of Tanks._ Sellers aqree to remove a31 fuel aad
<br /> �"'�'� oil taake from th� p�emises at the cost of the Sallers. Th� Buyer
<br /> �"!' will f�ll the hole or holes after the tanks are r�ved at the c���
<br /> " o£ the 8t3yer.
<br /> = g. At+� ev fee�a. Sellers aqree to pay all att��ey fees,
<br /> —i closing fees and escrow fe�e�s' incurred in preparinq the leqnl
<br /> doc�eats for tY►is transaot
<br />--_�--�-! 1�, �„��.,,,�� ��his aqreemoant shall not be assigme�e a�yer
<br /> � in whole or in�atrt.Qo��ent of thet3ellers,nwhich�cona�ent shall not
<br /> without the �wr _
<br /> -- �-"'� be unreasonabl� withheld.
<br /> --=.�:� 1Z� n;„ai.,� �f�ect. This agreemen�t ahall be bindn.�ag up�n the
<br /> 4�`,�' par�ie�, their heirs, successor.s, assigae aa�d. �ersonal
<br /> __ ,
<br /> ;_��:����-;,:,� rapresenta�ivos. f
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