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<br /> S. liazard or Proparcy I�surunce. Borro�vcr shall kcep thc irnprovcincnts now cxistinF os• l�ercattcr crcctcd on tlic •., •
<br /> Property insured a�ainst loss by fire, hazards Includcd within�hc tcrm'cxtcndcd coveragc" m�d nny othcr hnu�rda, includinQ . ,,,,,_
<br /> . flaods or fluoding. for which Lender requires insurance. 7'his insurance�hall be maintaincd in tli[:aiuount� nnd far che periods "
<br /> that Lender requlres.The insurance carrier providing the insurunce shall be chcsen by Dorrowor subject to l.ender's approval 'i� �.���.
<br /> • • °� which shall not be unreasonably withheld. If Borrowcr falls to malntain covcrage described abnva, 1..cndcr may, nt L.cndcr's
<br /> �' option, abtain coverage to protect Lender's rights in tl�e Property in aceord�snce with p�ragraph 7_ . :
<br /> All insurance policies and renewals shall be acceptnblc to Lcnderan.d shall include a stnndarcl moetIIego clausc. Lendcr ``.)���>•�•��.tj���i,.,;;_
<br /> shall have the tight to hold the policies and renewals.If Lencler requic�s,Borrower shall pmmptly�ive ro Lender�II rcceipts of �;} `.�ifJ,�-���__
<br /> .�_.�+�i;a�__.
<br /> paid premlums and re��ewal noticcs. In the event of loss,Borrowcr slt�ll give prompt notice to thn insurance cnrrier and I.ender. �;h�__-'_��__
<br /> Lender may make proof of loss if aot niade promFtly by Bonower. 'r=
<br /> � 1�.1ess Lcndc;an�Barro�:�r othenuise agree in wririrT�; insurance proceeds shall be applicd ta restoratian or repair of tl�e � _
<br /> . _.�—
<br /> - "� Yroperty damaged, if the restaraiion or repair is e��aonic�l�y f.asif;le and Lender's securit�is nat laesaned. if tlte restoradon or � r
<br /> repair is not economically feasible or Lender's securiry would Be lcssened, �he insurance proccede shall Ue applied to tue sums -�>.A_'�-_ -
<br /> ,��= _
<br /> secured by this Security Instrurnent, whether or not then due, with any excess paid to Borrownr. If I3orrower abandons [he ;:�::_,
<br /> ° Property,or dces not urtswer within 30 days a notice from Lendsr that�6e insurance carricr hAfl offnred to setde a clniar, dien ;.�;y,�'
<br /> �: �":;
<br /> :. Lender may wUect the insurance proceeds. I.etider may uee thc pracced�to repair or mst�m thQ Property or to pay sums ____ ___
<br /> i:.:r..
<br /> secured by this Securiry Insuument,whether or not then due.T'he 30-day period wili begin�vhan tho notice is givcn. �,�
<br /> � Unless Lender and Borrower othenvise agree In writing, any application of proceeds to princip�l sl�all not extend or .,,,.,,. , -- —
<br /> � postpone the due datc of tt�e monthly paymento referred to in paragrap4s l and 2 or chango thn nmount of the pnymeuts. If '..F�;^_�
<br /> under paragraph 21 the Property is acquired by lrendcr,Bonower's riBht to any inswance Pallclns and proceeda resulting from . •z.�i.
<br /> damage to tho Property prtor to the acquisition ahnll pass to i..ender[m the extent of tl�e sums secumd by this Securiry Instrumeut ��:,'�.
<br /> � immediately prior to ttie acquisition. '--�`-
<br /> 6. Occupancy.Prestrvation,Matntenance attd Frotection o[the Property;Borrower's l�nan Applicudon; Lcascl�olds.
<br /> �' Borrower shall occupy, establish,and use the Pro�erty as Borrower's principal residence within si�cty duys after the exeeutiott of _
<br /> this Security Instrument and shall contiaue to accupy che Froperty as Iinrrawer's principal resiclenco for at least one year after . :_
<br /> ' t�ae dute of occupancy, unless Lender otherwisa agtees in writing,which consent shall not be unreasonably wtthheld,or unless . ; , '
<br /> . ?_ _ _ �`
<br /> extenuatiag circums�anccs cxi�i wLLich a�t bcy�nd°cr.o�:c:'s c�a*.zel. �rrower chall not destroy, damnBe or lmpair e
<br /> � Pcoperty, allow the Property to deteriorate, or commit waste on the Praperry. Borro�ver shsill be in default if any forfeiture
<br /> . �5 action or proceeclu�g,whetlier civil or criminal, is begun that in Lender's goad faith judgment could result in forfelture of the �
<br /> • � Property or otherwise materially impais the lten created by chis Security InStn�ment or Leader's security intetest. Borrowcr may �-
<br /> :_ �•�_
<br /> ` cure such a default and reinstate,a.�provided in paragraph 18,by causing tfie actlon or proceeding to be dismissed witb n ruling ; ,�_
<br /> that,in Lender's good faith detormination, precludes forfeitui�e of tl�c Borcower's intcrest in thc Property or oihor muterisl : ' �'°-
<br /> �.,.
<br />-� , ., , impairment of tlxe 1{en created by this Security Instnunent or Lend�r'a securiry interest. IIorrower shall also ba in default if , �
<br /> Bonrower,durtng the loan application pmcess,guve materially f�lse or inaccurate information or statements to Lender(or failed ���.,'��
<br /> to provide L.ender with any material informnt[an�in connection wtth the loau evidenced by the Note,lucludiug, but not Ilmited
<br /> . � to,representatlons caaceming Borrower's occup�ncy of tha Ifioperry as a principal residence.lf this Secvrity Insmiment is on a R���
<br /> �'r �,; , leasehold, Borrower shall wmply with alI tha provisions of the leasc. If Borrower acquims fce title co the Properry, the �c+����—
<br />__ ���`l"� ' leasehold and the fa title shdl noc merge unluss Lr.ndar agrees co th� mcrger in writing. _
<br /> r,.`,,;'�.:;:'4,• ' 7.Protaiion ot Lender's Rt�hts In the I'r4perty.If Boaower fails to perform cho a�venants and ngrcements contaiued in J
<br /> .�� this Security Instrument, or there is a legal praceeding that muy si�nifica�tly affect Lender's rights in the Property(such �s a �:
<br /> �;.° ..-., -
<br /> �:. ;,r pmceeding in ban}:n►ptcy. probato, for candemnntion or forfaiture or ro��force laws or regulations),efien Lender may do end _
<br />�F� � pay for whatever is necessary to protect the vNue of the Y'roperry and Lender's cights in the Property. I.ender's actions may �--
<br /> - :•��.::�'
<br /> = ibclude paying any sums secumd by a lien which has priority over this Securiry Instrument, appearing in �ourt, paying �;��
<br />`::�� "•'- reasonable auomeys'fees and eatering on tha Prapeny to make repairs,Although Lender may cake action under¢his�aragraph '_� _ ___
<br /> -'�''� 7,Lender does not hnve to do so. ��
<br /> T..:��.a�._ :;_
<br />_w-� ,.. _ .
<br /> ,�. � qny amounts disbursed !�y Lender under this paragrapli 7 shall become additional debt of Borto�ver secured by t s -
<br /> " • Sec��rtry Instniment.Unless Barrower and I.ender agree to other terrns of payment,these amounts sball bear imte�est from the �!R��
<br /> �w..y i�`I_� K�..��•:
<br />_;•,..1.."��, � date of disbursement at the ATatv raeo and shull be payable, with interest, upon notioe from Lender to Borro�vr,�requesting __ ---
<br /> payment. -__
<br /> . 8.Mortgage Iasurence. If Lender rcqulr�ed mortgugv insurance as a condition of making the loan secuced by this Security ---
<br /> Jnstrument, Borrowcr shall pay the premiums requ[red to maiatain the mortgage insurante in effect. If, for any reason, the __
<br />