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<br /> `?' THIS TAX-E7�II�T FlNANC.'INCs ItIDER is made this drty of � 19
<br /> `�r �' and is incorpoiatod into and s�all ba daemed to amend and sup�lemeQt ti�e Ivl'wrtgag�, 17oed of
<br /> ., Tn�si or Security Deed ("Security Inshument") of ihe same date gaven by the uadersi�aod � =-
<br /> ;t�; . • ("Borrower") ta secure Bomower's Note("Note") to --
<br /> :�; _
<br /> :t, f
<br /> :�- ("Lcader")of the same data and cs�ve:ing ttie PmpertY described in tl�cc Securiry Inst�ument and �'.�_;.-
<br /> ,�; l�ated a� � ��--
<br /> ,._
<br /> . ;� ..,:. ��
<br /> ;. "` [ProPezt3► Address] =
<br /> � In addition to the covenants a.nd agreements made in the Security Inr.tmm�i� �rnower a�d ��z�
<br />' -;�� Lender further covenant and �gn�e W am�nd Paragraph 17 of the Uaifoim Ma�.rtgage Form. �.:;
<br /> . :v' entitled "Transfer of the Property as a Beneficial Interest in Borrower" as by a+ddin�additional �:_�
<br /> ` gmunds �or acceiciaaon as�ouows: �'-
<br />_.;..;�'-. : . -
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<br /> '' . . Leader, or such of iis successors or assigns as m�a�r 6y sq�ara� insaumsnt assume —
<br />=� •�%'��'". :�� s+esponsib�ity for assuring complianc�,a by the Borrowar wlt�a th� provisions of this -
<br /> K� �� � �'S�"<�� Tax fixem t Fina�ncia Rider ma uire irnmediate e�t an�ull of all sums soeund -
<br /> ;-�•:.�;': P B � Y�1 PaYm °
<br />- '; "`'''`": by this Sa;urity Ia�s�umEnC if _
<br /> '.-��;w:
<br />���;��_��� . :;--
<br /> °�^^�-� (a) All or part of the Propeixy is sold or otherwise tra�asfaa�c+�d by Borrower v
<br />�'���.;�-'�'�� to a purehaser or othez transferea: ---
<br />:..��,,.
<br /> ���
<br /> _ ,�.�.R,� .
<br />��„�N� (� Who can�not reasonably be exp�ected to�?ocuPY �P�rtY � a --
<br />=:'�+�'�+A'°"� �r�cipal nsicienca withia a reasonable time after tl�se salo ar trrnsfer� all as =--
<br /> �,.�� -
<br /> pmvided in Sectioa 143(c)aad (i)(2)of the Iatenaal R�venuo Code; or
<br /> F=x�wx --
<br />��. ;.
<br />��*��:� (ii) Who has had a pnsent owuership intenst in a principal�sidence _.
<br />--'�'`�''• -��� zlivring any part of the three-year period endix��on the daie of tLo sale or tiansfer,
<br /> �ra: "
<br /> -�--�'�' all as pmvided in Section 143(d)aad(i)(2)of the Iatunal YLaara4ue Code (exctpt �
<br /> --_� -�-
<br />-=r "'�"'`': that"100 percent" shall be substituted for"95 pezcent os uiora" whese the l�tter �
<br />;•.�'��`.'�,. appears in Section 143(�(1)),or .
<br />=._.-.;�.,:. �,;,�:
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<br />--I . - (iu) At an acquisition cost which is greater thnn tli� maximvan limits �� -��
<br />= established by the Nebraska Investment Financ,� Authm�ity (tlta "Authority") in
<br /> � connectio�with its Program,pursuant W which P�o�th�s Sccurity Inst:ument =_
<br />- ` � is financer3; or =
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