j�-r ri tF.. .lF z �- � r .,� _ ' i r .tyv,�r r _ .
<br /> + �.a . _.ASMtT„
<br /> ')f! � 1 T�i icZ Z� ���; � ,... _ _' � r `' ' -.ry. .
<br /> t .e.�r,{.€,p'�Yt7�wSA�::��1�.L"...f..:��.j.�::� '� ud3rxidild�WrLl'!L'1.:4'x-. -a : ,u�.!__—
<br /> "_' __�..–.«..ea.wcw�i 5
<br /> �I�� �IIOYAl�
<br /> � applic+ble Inw nuy spcclfy for rcinsmtenicnU bcfort s�ic of Ihc Ptopeny pursuan� to nny powcr of snlc rnntaincd in�his �--��-
<br /> 3ccadty Inatrunxnl;a(b)emry ot e Jadgnwn�tnfacing thls Sceurhy in:�mmem. Those conditlons aro tiiat Aorrux�cr. (a -- -
<br /> pays i.endor all sums which tl�en �eoutd Ge due uncicr Ihla Seaarily Instmnxot aixl the Note as if no aaeleratlon ha —' °'
<br /> . acurrcd:@)curasanydetaultofunyat¢rmvenantsoragrcenxms;(e)pnysallexptnuxincnmdincnPorcingthisSecud�y �-_��
<br /> lnsimmem, tnciuding,bm not iimited to,reuonxblo auaneys'fas; nnA(d)mkas such acilon ns Lendcr may rcasonaLiy Nm=i-
<br /> mquiro�o assnro t6a�tlw Iicn otthis Sccud�y Instnimrn6l.cndcrk dgh�s tn thc Propc�ry nnd Rorto��•cr�obligziion�o pay tho ��'S:>:-:j,�;�;:-__-
<br /> � snms secufed Ly th(s Secudry Instmmem shali eont6wo nnchanged. Upon minsm�ement Iry Dorcower, this Scenrity -'
<br /> ins�mment and ilia obligations stturccl hcrcby shall rcmafn tully cfRcltvo ax If no ncccicn�lon h,A occurrcd. Howevcr,ihis f� r:; , = -
<br /> dghtiorelnsta�eslutlaaapplyinlhocnsoofncccicrailonundcrpamgmph 17. � ;� ��rt -- - -
<br /> H4. Szbe eR Nate;C6ange at I.oen 3errictr. Tho Note or o pnninl Interes�In tho Noio(toge�her wi�6 t6is Secnrhy � _ � ._Q•-
<br /> Instmm�at)may M s�F6 ox w a•^ce ttnws withou�prinr no�iw to Dovowcr. A solc may msul� in a changc in thc cn�liy �F t_ ',�r . -
<br /> (&nown as tho"[.oan Sccrtcer")ttwt w¢cas monthly paymcros duo under�hc Noto nnA�his Sccuriiy instrumcm. 'fhcrc also F „' ?� - ,�, ;_;
<br /> may 6a ae or more chsnges of the Laan Servicer unrclnted m a saia ot iho Nota If therc ts a change of the 4oan Servicer, - r y�t � v . .
<br /> iiorrowcr will bc glvcu wrl�cen notico�tM chuigc In nccordanm wlth pamgrnph 14 above and applicablc law. 7Lc noticc I�+:;h t`` � �-.:; ',�'�
<br />- w111 sWta the name ud addrcss of the new t.oan Se[vker anA tho address to wh[ch payments should be m,vta.Tliu no�ice wfll t;r,n,?s.._„z.._;_-�s;,�
<br /> alsoconta[n:uiyotherinfomix�ionnqufrcdby,ypl[cabtciaw. '=f � t � yz::-.�
<br /> 2�P. 03aaardo,u Subslantes. Borcower shatl nae causc or pertntt tAc preser,ce,use,disposal,storoge.cr rcicase of any 3;� �
<br /> '�-,..,•#,7.. .�: �,.-.
<br />� Haznrt?ooa SuYstv�ces on or in Iho Propcny. Uottower shali r.a do,nor altow anyor.e etse w do.:u�ything affceting rhe -;.,.:,��r:J,;��;-,}.�
<br /> P�openy rtvt is in v[ota�ion of any L'nvironmemal Law. 7he prtrrding�wo semences shaik r.ot appry to tF.e pmsencc,usc,a -�= r`� � .
<br /> storage on�he Propercy of small qnanflties uf NuuJnus Substances Ihat are gcr.eraUy nrognizcd w be approprinte to normal tf}'}����i�v�r�(��;_�
<br /> residentialusesandtorm.?mcnancooFthePropeny. i ,.,,,.;,-;,__
<br /> Bottower shall ea� �I tvo Lender wriaen noiicc otan investi ation,claim,Cemar.d,lawsuit w otlicr action by any �rfi.,����i� --
<br /> � L W Y 6 Y S .� � � o �sna�r_..:
<br /> govemmeNal or rcgula[ary agertcy cr yrirate pxny Involring the Ptopchy and any Ha�tr'wus Subs�ance ur Cnvlmnmemal r._._ , ,.._-�
<br />- Law of whid� Oortowcr has ac�ua2 R�owlcdgc. If Oortowcr Icams, or is no�ffled hy any govcmmcmal or rcgulainry y:y�y�iy�tf�w;:..�.—
<br /> amhorily,that any rcmoval or otMar a�n:ediation of any Hazardous Subslance affecting�he Roperty is necessxry,Rortower ,:o�,��_F•?;�;_�=:
<br /> �.:...:
<br /> shall rom 11 Iake ail necessa rcauMial ac�ions in accordance wlih Cnvironmental Law. ;%.y;�:�%�j���r�-._�_--
<br /> P P Y �Y .,�t..-.:•'"'=``-
<br />