<br /> , �
<br /> � ��1�!I����'���i������������� ��� ���_r�{,�;.0�._° � ��
<br />- ------_-__=-�t�-----=—_
<br /> --- —�_,------ ---------
<br /> -- --------- ----------------- -- ��
<br /> � - ;�
<br /> � (6b) feet ,� Koenig Street and eightp-t�a feet an Ceda.r Street,in said City of �rsnd Island��
<br /> ;;
<br /> � �all County,�ebraska,said mortgage being recorded in Book 53 of Mortgages of said Countq, ;;
<br /> ; a� page 26�,a�d upon which said mortgage there is due the sum of Three Thousand (�3440.�p)
<br /> � Dollars prineipal Aith intereat from Map 1'j,192 _. 'i
<br /> Dated this 3rd daq of February,1926.
<br /> A�uat Beberniss i'
<br /> By A. L. JO s eph
<br /> Attorney for Plaintiff.
<br /> Filed for record this 8 daq of �'ebr�.ry 1926,at � o�cloak P. M. ��
<br /> ' � i'
<br /> Register of Desds ,;
<br /> -�-0-�-4-�-0-4-0-4-�-�-Q-4-0-�-0-0-4-4-0-0-�-0-0-�-E)-C�-0-0_4_0-4-0-0-0-�-0-�-0-4-0-4-�-4-4-4�
<br /> �FFIDAVIT
<br /> State of bTebraska,
<br /> $s.
<br />, Hall Cou�tp. R.R.Aorth,being first duly s�orn on his Qath deposes and says �hat i�
<br /> ��
<br />�� he is a resident of Grand Island,�all County,Nebraaka,and has been such ior more thlui fortq ;;
<br /> pears last past; that affiant was personally acqsaainted with J.T. Clai�kson,who received the ��
<br /> title to a part of the northwest quarter of 9eetion Five (�j) ,in �ownBhip Te� (10) �orth,
<br /> Range Te� ( 1�) '�est ,in ��11 County,l�ebraska,from the Union Pacific Railwa.q Company,by warr- "
<br />� axity deed recorded in Hook 1� of �eeds at Pa�e 164 of the deed records mn the office of
<br /> �
<br /> the Register of Deeds of Hall Gountq,N�braska,and wi�h John Thorne Clargson,whose estate was !
<br /> administ�ere� in the County Court of Hall County,l�ebraska,and a copp of whose last will and
<br /> �estament ,together with the certificates of probate thereof,is recorded in Book FI at Page
<br /> ' 212 in the office of the Register of Deeds of Hall County,N�brasks,,and afiiant knows of his '
<br /> ;
<br /> ' awn personal kno�ledge that the said J. T. Clarkson and John Thorne Clarkson wae one and the i
<br /> �ame pereon.
<br /> : R.R. Ho rth
<br /> ; Subecribed in mq presence and sworn to before me on this lOth day of F'ebruary,1926. I;
<br /> ;, �
<br /> ii � ( SEAb) �illiam 3uhr �
<br /> j� Notary Public. i�i
<br /> i:
<br /> ,� II
<br /> ij Mq commi$sion expires February 9,192�'.
<br /> ;�
<br /> ;, Filed for record this 1� day of �'ebr�a.rq i926 ,at 11 o�cloc� A. M. - �l� ��
<br /> ,
<br /> ii . ' ��'e�—t�, i;
<br /> ��� � � � egister of eeds ��i
<br /> ,� ;�� �
<br /> ..0_0..0:-0_0_0..4_O..aO-0_0_0_0-0-0-4_0_p-0_0-0_0_0_0-0-0-0-0-0_0-0-0-0_0-0-0-0-0_0-0-0-0_0_0_O.L�I
<br /> ii HI__LL_0�' 9AL1� ' �
<br /> �; '�
<br /> �'�� Tha� Frank Straeser of Grand Island,Nebr. Oounty of Hall and state of Nebraska party of the ; �
<br /> �;
<br /> �i first part,for and in consideration af the sum of Seven Hundred Dollars la�ful money of the ii
<br /> � ' (
<br /> Uni�ed States,to him in hand paid,at or before the ensealing and deliv�rq of these present� �
<br /> �
<br /> 'I bp Charlie Kolb of the seoond part,the receipt whereof ie hereby acknowledged,has bargained,
<br /> and sold,and bq these presents do grant and convey unto the said party of the second part, �I
<br /> ,� ;,
<br /> his heirs,executors,administratora and assigne the frame dwelling house and shed loeated at ;I
<br /> ,, �Tumber 523 �eat Third street in the city of Grand Island,Nebraeka,the said seeond partq to ;�
<br /> ;
<br /> i remove said dwelling house and shed from the lot loeation deseribed by above street number ;i
<br /> �i
<br /> � to bot six (6) in Block riTumber Seventp Nine ($9) in Wheeler and Bennett' s Third Addition
<br />�� �° in Grand Island,�ebr,the said aecand partq to have the brick of the foundations and the bric�t
<br /> , �,
<br />�,� � of the cellar or as further below described,it is underatood that the above buildings belongij
<br /> ; � ,,�
<br /> '� to +�aid Frank Strasser and he is to get out of the �700.00 aboee stated the sum of �354. 00 i
<br /> :�
<br /> �
<br /> ,.
<br /> and i� is understood and agreed that Mark Kent herein by signing this Bill of Sale and agre
<br /> � I
<br /> __—,_=�P7�'�-t!ATfl'�in ha+ hp �a ���-�Aa�•fr iCian�F 40�7+PAf�t fm m�tra a�ir7 rivollina �
<br /> ,
<br /> , p
<br /> ,� �I
<br />