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<br /> �Iebber was the 3ec3retary and Ella Pasha the President ,of aaid G. I.�hvestment Company,aaid ',
<br /> �
<br /> G. I. in��8t�er�t eo�any s�$ a non_resident corporation of the state of �ebraeka,and on the li
<br /> 4th day of Februarp,1920,sa3d G. I. Investment Company bp Ella Paaha,President,and said Joseph ;';
<br /> .
<br /> 2. �lebber,�ecretary,conveyed said Lct. �,in Block 1,East Par& Additian to the �i�p of arar�d ,,
<br /> Island,Ha11 �o�ty,l�ebraslca,to Ella Pasha,and the Court finds that it �as the intentiog �! �'
<br /> saicl G. I. Inesetment Company,Ella Pasha,and Joseph T.�1ebb$r,to convey �herein a�d therebq ea��
<br /> Lot l0,in Blo�k l,�ast Park Addition to th� City of Granci Ialand,Ball Couaty,�ebrasYa,to the "
<br /> said F�lla Pasha,and that said Lat Ten (14) ,in Block �ne I( 1) ,as aforesaid was omitted from
<br />, said deed by �rror and o4ersig#t,and that said Llla Pasha intended aad in truth and in Yac�
<br /> did �onvey to said Emil Lucht and Arthur C. �ienck,bq warranty deed dated Janvarp 27,1923�
<br /> eaid Lot l0,in Block l,East Park Addition to the City of Grand Island,Ha11 Ccunty,�ebraska,
<br /> �rith other land,and that aaid G. I. Investment Company has no elaim�.,right,title,or interest ,
<br /> in and to said Lc�t 10 in Bloek 1,East Park Additicn to the Citq of Grand Island,Ha11 Countq, ;
<br /> 1�ebras�ce.
<br /> The Court fvrther finds that the Bank of Commerce has no claim,right ,titie,or iaterest
<br /> ; in and to Lots 6,and 7,in Block l,and Lots 2,3,4,and 5,in Block 4,0! East Park Addition to �;
<br /> the Citq of Gr�nd Island,in Hall Co�ntp,Aebraska; that whatever claim said Bank of Commerce
<br /> ' maq ha�re had has been and is barred bq the Statute of Limitations.
<br /> The Caurt further finds that the defendants Aasmus La.rson and La.rson ha�e no claim,
<br /> i right,title,or interest in and to Lot 5,in Blt��k 4,East Park Addition to the Citp of �raud
<br /> , Island,in xall Co�ntq,�ebraska,and that �+hatever claim�ight ,title,or int�rest $aid Rasm��
<br /> ' Larson and _Larson may have had in �.nd to said Lots ha�s been barred by the 3tatute
<br /> of Limitstions.
<br /> The Court further fiads that the defenciants Myron Dings and ,Dings,his wife,have no
<br /> ' clai�,right,title,and interest in and �o Lots 2,3,and �,in Bloek 4,and Lots 6 and 7,in BlocY ''
<br /> ' 1,Eai�t Park Additioa to the City of Grand Island,in Hall Cotmty,�ebraska,an8 that axi� alaim� ,�
<br /> + right,title,or interest said defendants ma� have had therein ha$ been barred bp the Stat�te ;'
<br /> ' of Lia�itations.
<br />� � The Cvurt further fin8s tha� neither C. �.Hardy,first na.me unknoRn,`ardp,hie wite, ,;
<br /> ��
<br /> ! first name unknoun,Bs�ak of Gommerce,�pron Dings,_DinBe,his wife,first name unknc�wn, �
<br /> ' Seth P. �obley, �bleq,his wife,Pirst name unknown,Rasmus Larson,_Lareon,his
<br /> wife,fir8� name unkno�t,t�.I. Investment Com�any,a non-xesfdent eorporation,and all other per- -;;
<br /> $ons having or c2a�iming any int erest in and to Lot s 5,6,7,9;and 10,in Block 1,and Lot s 2,
<br />, , 3,4,and 5,in Bloek 4,all in East Park Addi ti on ta the C ity of t�rand Island,xall Countq,
<br /> ' �tebr�ska,real names unknoen,nor either of them,nor anq person elaiming bq,through,or under �
<br /> them,o7� either of them,have any r-ight,title, i.nterest,vlaim or demaxsd in and to said real
<br /> estate,nar �o anp part thereof,and plaintiff is entitled to have his title to said premises � _
<br /> confirmed and quieted in him as a.gainst sa.id deP�ndante,axid eaoh and all of them,a.nd as againjst
<br /> aIl otY��r��parties baving or claimin�; any interest in Lcts 5,6,7,and 9,and l0,in Blook l,an�
<br /> Lot e 2,3,4,a,nd 5,in Block �-;ell ia �ast pa,rk Addition ta the Qity o� Grand I sland,xall �ountyl;,
<br /> �tebraska,real aames unkno�vn,defendants,and ae again$t eaah and all o! them,and as against
<br /> � ail persons claiming by,througl�or undeY them,or either of them.
<br /> �
<br /> IT IS,TAEREF4RE,ORDERED,ADJUD(�ED AND D�EED BY THE COt�tT , that �laintiff� s �.�.tle in and
<br /> to Lots 5�6�7�9,and l0,in Block l,and Lots 2�j�4,and,�,in Bl�ek ��all it1 East Park Addition
<br /> to the �ity of Grarid Island,�al.l County,l�ebraska,be,and the same hereby is,affirmed,con-
<br /> firmed,and quieted in the plaintiff as againet the defendants C. 3.Hardq,first name un�nown, ''
<br /> �
<br /> and Hardy,his wife,first name unknown,Bank of Commerce,Myron Dings and Dings, ;
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