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:...,�urrxw a,.a- ._ �... ��_-•___... .. .._.. ._ _ . . <br /> • ���^• �17���� <br /> eppticablo lew may epccify forry rcinsl+�umcn0 Uoforo snle ot tho Propctly pnrnmm to nny power of salo coNnined in Ihis <br />� p y3�Le��.d'c7Niln1 u�ms�croih�kh tF�cn�aro;lcl L:, duoru�Mkrthis Socurity�lnswnxm niA q�o Noto assif no nacictnllo:�Ilad _.. <br /> oCCUrrcd:(b)tures any dehuit of my o:6er wvannnts or agrcements;(c)p�Js all expenses Incurcal in cnfnrcing dds Security <br /> Insln�mem, includin ,but not Iimiidd to, rensonnYle nt�omeys'fees; And(d)takes sucl� ncilon ns I.cndc�mny rcason�bly <br /> roqniro to nasuro tlm�iho Ilon of this 8anflly Instmmtnt,I.endcr's dghls in ihe Propeny nnd OorcmvcrY o6116ntton to psy the _ <br /> sums secnred by thls Secud�y Insirument shall continue nnchanged. Upon reins�a�cment by Dorcowcr, tlds Sccurity <br /> lnstrument nnd�Ito oUllgntinns securcd here6y shall rtme.(n tuliy effcciive as if no�ceelem�lon h�A acurced. Nowever,�his _ <br /> dshl to rotns�aio sltall no�npply in tho caso of acaleri�lon undcr par�graph 1]. _ <br /> 19. Sate of tJolc�Chengo ot 1.o�n Scrvicen 7'tw Nao or a puuil intercsi in tho hoto (iogahcr with�hts Secudty = <br /> lnslmmonq may iw soid ono or moro timcs wiihoul pdor nmtcc lo Siottowcr. A snlc may rcsah tn a chango in iLc cnthy _ <br />� (known ns�tie"l.oan Service�')�hm co!Iects moNLiy payments due undxr the Nme nnd�his Sauri�y Insimment. 'ft�en;niso _ <br /> may Iw ono or mora changcs of�ho Loan Scrviccr nnrolntcd lo�salo ot thc Noto. If thcro is a cLnngo of�he I.oan Scrvicer. _ <br /> florrower will lw glven nditen nodca of No c6nngo in nccordance with pamgraph IA above and.ppiicable law. '[he nctFce = <br /> wlll smlo tho namo and addross of tho new I.oan Servicer nnd iho nddross ro which payments sGouW te made. 'fhe notice will - <br /> also conlatn any othcrtnfomiation rcqutru!by applicablo law. -_ <br /> 10. BPtza:eAaus [iorrower sLail not cause or pem�tt Uu pmur.ce,usc.dispasat,sto�,rc,or mtease of any = <br /> ELuarctous Substar.ces ca cr tn the Rropeny. Rorrower shall not d.o.nor al[ow anyor,e clu to dn,anything afPecting tRe <br /> Propctty�hal is In rkluiart af any EmGonmenwl4aw. 71ie prcceding two sentexes sha11 not apply to�Ik prescrse,use,or ��-� <br /> stomge on tlw Property of smait.quanif�ia of Hazardous Substances th2t ate ger.eraily rucognized to be appropriata to rwrmai _v�:', <br /> residential uses and�o�ru�ro of the Prapeny. `_-'•� <br /> Borrowet shaU promp<+p�ive Lender wriurn naice of any invesugation,daim,demand,Ia�.�suit or o�her action by an� -_- <br />� govemnxntal or rcgula�ory agency or private party involving the Propeny and any Hazerdous Substanee or Environmenta. — <br /> Eaw of whlch Dorcower 7azs aclual knowlcdge. If Borcower teams. or is nai(ied by any govemntemal � iegulaiory _ <br /> ! mr.trority,tha�any rcnwva�or dher remedia�lon of any lWzvdous SuDstance al7eni2z�he Propeay is necess:uy_Bnm�wer _ <br /> � ,n;,ll promptly�ake all n:crs�ry rcmeAial aciions in eccord.inco wi�h Bnvimnmem,! _ <br /> As used In this puagra?7 20,"Huardous Subs�ana:s'arc ihose substances Aef nrd as toxic or hawrda�x:ab>t:mces by _ <br /> � Fnvlronmental Lnw and�he Pollowing subslances: gasoline,kerose�m,o�her Ilammable or�oxlc petroleum prottucis,toxic _ <br /> - pesticlAes and herbicides,vola�fle sohenc>.materials con�aining ubestos or fortn3lAthyde.aas.I r:�Tia�ctive matedals. As - <br /> - used in this paragrnph 20,"£nvironmenul law"means federel Iaws and laws o(�ho jvchdiciKn xh::the Ropeny fs located = <br /> �ha�rela�o to heallh,saRty cv environmental prota�ion. _- <br /> NON-UNI�ORMCQYENAtJ'fS. DnrcowcrandLenderPorthercovenanlanAngceeatfolluxs: - <br /> 2!. Acceieratlont Remalles. Lender shall give nolke ta Borrower prlo:�o atcdzration folloxing Borrox-er's -- <br /> breach of nny covenant or agreemenl in ihis Stturfty Inslrmnrnt Pbr.l not prior�o attelevmion undtr p�ragroph 17 _ <br /> ontess appl3n�61e law provides mhera�t,�l. ?he noticeshall rpecify: tnl the dttaull;(b)Ihe crc�ton requlred ro cure the = <br /> .li:ufai tel a date,n�::r�ah:n FJ da;:f:cn:!hs d�k lhe n^tt�z t:�;;.•{�i tn Ikxrowec by whkh tBe defoult must bc - <br /> snrtd;xn<i(d)tbptfaih�acamcurelhedetaultonorbeforelhedate5ped73edav.ahenolicemnyrauitinatcelerationof _. <br /> �he sunu aemred by Ihis Securlly Instrument and snle of Ihe Pruy+erlp. Tlie nuMCC s6nil Nrlher InPorm Dorrox�er of =- <br /> �he Aght ta reinsta�e eher acceteralion and lhe dght l0 6Ans a c,�}:-.i nclion to acsrrt the nou�existence of a Jefault or _ <br /> any olher Uefense of Dorrox�er ro acm�rratlon and sale. If the di4s�ul1 Is not cured mi or d:�ure ttie dale specitled tr� -- <br />- �henotice,Lenderalllsoplionmayrecynire6nmedlutepa��menlinfullofallsumssecured'bfrtl.SecurityInstrument :�� <br />--_ irtlhout turlher demend nnd may im�oke�he power at salc and any olher remedles perannaed by�appiicablc Inw. - <br /> Lender shull tre enli0ed �o[ollect all expenses Incurred In pursuing the remedies provided In Ihis p�rngreph 2I. _ <br /> Including,bul not Ihn(�ei]to,reasonabie ellorne��s'fees und wsls of tllle evidence. _ <br /> � If Ihepo wer of sate Is Im�oked,7Yuslee shall rewrd n nolke of defeull in each couniv In w�hlch any p�r1 ot the <br />- Properly Is iaated and shall mnll co��lesotsuch nalice in the manne+prescrilxd bp npplic+��+u1e inw to Dorrower and to - <br /> Ihe olher{krsons prescribed by np� Inw, After Ihe tlme repnired by epplicobte lau;7rustee shall give public - <br /> nolice of salc lo the persor_s nnd!n ahr manner prescr@ed Uy eppllcable Inw. 7Yustec,�Qlhont demand on Dorrower, _ <br /> sfiTll sclllhe Properly nt pnU11r niiction to tl�e higheat bidder n�Ihc Itme nnd pfore nnd un�er Ihe terms<lesigneted in , _ <br /> tF,e nolice of sak In one or more pnrcels and In eny order 7Yustee determine.s. 3truslee may postpone sale dnll or nny , <br /> pnreel of!Uc Properfy by puhlic nnnoimcement et the�ime nnd y�lace oi nny prerlously sArr�ta:led nnle.�➢.ender nr Ifs _ <br />� drslgner rJnr purchase the Propeny nl any sale. _ <br /> Upon recelpt of payment of ti�e prlce bld,7Yuslee shnll��er to fhe purohuser�L•ustm§�leeJ eonccying the _ <br /> Properly. 7he recilnis(n 1he 7Yuslec's decd sLnll 6e primn fndc e��ldencr ot ahr an:1h of i�im s?��iemenls mnde thereln. - <br />" 7FUStee slmil npply Ihe proceeds of Ihe sale In Ihe folto�ring orJer: (x)to nil cus�a nnd espenses ofexerclsin�1he power <br />- a' <br /> tbrra)U:x 9?10 .p.:t�Soll.p�¢n� °_ <br /> 11 � �'J%`S . . 1 . /ZAtT�/' 7 Fl�lf � � \i Yti <br /> r� �.��t� .. ��Sti!(F:��':. 'Sjdlf3.._ 2,_ _. :;il��,tx�i�";.. . ,-:i'io- .i.i.,el1!�'� -�( . , 15 ."7bl}��ti�i� _-r;:e _ <br /> ' 1 ' <br /> �'i `.x,._ �sk " • . <br /> `�:;is..4._ , . . <br /> �x.,, -_�,�,,.{. — <br /> , s� �SijS��,;��t�;L ;� �j, — — _ -_ <br /> ,� , <br /> � 1,i'� c_ � .. . <br /> s�t,; ��� . . .-� � � , . <br /> .� �f ej� ��vti'� -;�,. _ . - - <br /> `P .. <br /> )�. .' . ' . ' . . . - <br /> .. `.\�I.� i . . . . <br /> . -te. . . - . . . � <br /> �I -;i� -0 lt _.' - _ _ ' . <br /> � `J� 4 - (YI` � - t� . J _ _ � _ ' -. . <br /> � Yh!. .�. f � ' . . -:+n_!�jl ey_ _.t.3 Fh?,y � <br /> {��-- 1 ; ' _ i . � :� . - <br /> � t < - <br /> �l� ° " fh' t �'.I` ) +,:' - ' . ' t � ` � 1 � .� f , <br /> l •� . _ ._�� �>v�(r i .r�. . _ __ . - ... .� _ .. , { _.� �-F�:.:.. . .. <br />