.. � 'aEr4q�}��f�{�+�rt��Hm:3n��`)>,tff}j � -::AN .� x-`::
<br /> ... , - 'TYLn.",5.�'•'�tdc�s""d1�1t�'1�i�,�f.,�i,�.vt� `. .�iut�irpYiY'tSrrYWdn',kYrs.�-_._.�._..�......L..�:�..�,...._-`--�= .
<br /> 92-.. a�o9�s�.
<br /> TOO�'fJ�Iilt W!'f1t�tl tAe Improvenxms now or Ixrccitu en;c�cd on ihe propeny.and all cascmcr.�s,appurtenances.
<br /> nnd t(xlnras now ot I�ercaOer o put of lhe prop:np. All rcpinanicnls a��d udditions shall aiso he corercd by Ihis Securi�y
<br />' Insimment AIlof�hcfaroj�i�fn�(srctsrrcA�olnp�ISSccud�ylnsm�mcmasthc'Itop:ny" —
<br /> pORROW�'R COVIiNANfS lh�t Borcower le I�ivfully saised of�ho csiatc I�etcby convcycd and Uu thc right lo granl
<br /> and convoy�ha PtopCny nnd thsl thc i'ropcny is ancncuml�:rrd,cxccpi(or cncumbrenccs of morA. Aorrou•cr wazt,n�s anA _
<br /> wtll de(tnd gentral�y Ua title ro Iha Property agalns�all ctalms nnd dcmands,subJcct to any cnamibrantts ot nYOrd•
<br /> THIS SBCURITY INSTRUhi[N7'wmbines untform covcnnau for naUonal uso .nd nomunifonn covcnanta �vhh __
<br />' llmltcd varia�lons by Jurixliclion to cons�iwte o uniform sccad�y instnimcN covcflng rcal pro�r.hy. :�
<br /> llNll'ORMCOVJiNANi3. RorrowcrandLendorcovcnantnndngrcons(ol�mvs: _
<br /> I. Paymcntot Principil and intcresl{Prcpnymcnt and l.ptc ChprS�• �onowcr shall promp�ly paY whcn dno tho =_
<br /> pdneipnl of nnd Imerest on�tio Aebl evideneul by�ho Noro nnd any pmpayment ar,d laee charges Auc under ihe Notc. __..
<br /> Z. ILaJs for'lbxe.v nnd Insuranca SubJec�m appIicnbta taw ec ro a written wairer by 4ender,Iionowor ihall pny to _�,�
<br /> I.tndci on tk�day n:octhly payments azc duo undcr tte No[e,unei[tP:c Noee is pa[d in fu1L a sum E"ftnds")for.(n)yevty =--.
<br /> t�na suxf a�.v ssn:c�us wfifch oay attaui prioriiy oezr ilts Scrurity tnswm�ttt as a li:n un iF.�Propzity:@)ye�uly leasehotd �==,
<br /> paym.zoRS a gra�n4 rencs on ttie t°YOpetty. if any: (c) Yeaz[y hazaN a p[opr.rty insurance premiums:(d) Yea�ly ilood -
<br />� fesurar.�e prectt[uras, if any:(e)yeady m.�ngaso insvr�r.ce premiumx if any;and(0 any sums payabte by Borrowcr to __
<br /> L�nc�r,{n socadanco with�ho�rovisiau of paragrapl 8.in Iieu off tk p.�ymzne ot mongagc insv.r.uicc prcnuums. Thcss _-
<br /> - items azo calltti"Escrow items. 4endcr may,a�nny�in�e,eoltea arntLeld i'ands in an amount crot to exmd ihe maximum r7,
<br /> anwunt a Iender Por n federally neluced mongage Iwui may rcquixo to-➢orrower§escrow aceount under�he kderal Reai � _:
<br />- . y's�ato Seulement�Proceduws Act of i914 as amended Rem time�o a:cnc 12 U.S.C.§4601 e�s�q.("RGSP,1'L unless annther .� .
<br /> . � 1aw�het appites to tho SLods sas a Icsscr amount. If so,Lcndsr mny,a�any tlme,wllect and hold�un&in an nmoun�no�to �.;
<br /> excecd tt�.luur�mo;:¢t. I.ender may es�imate the amouN of FS�rvk due on the basis of curreN data and rcasonab:e =-__�_
<br /> es�imatesote.y�endiwres ot fmurc Fscmw Items orm6envise in:r.cm.i�aco with nppIicable law. T?;"
<br />- 11�e Fv�As sha11 be held In an t¢stirAtlon whose deposfls s!r uo�red by n fedeml agency,instrumentelity.or eNity _
<br /> (includtng Lender,If l.ender la such nn ins�iwdan)or in nny IL•deml FPome I.oan Uank. Lender�eafl apply�he i�nds lo pay �:_?`.:
<br /> t6o Rscron Items. l.e:r:�::may na charge Oorro���er(or holding nnd applying�[re FLnds, nnnualiy analyzirLG the escrow "=_-
<br /> t.� .:
<br /> account, or vedfying the Eurow t�ems, unless i.cr:§:a pays Dorrower interrs �a ita Ponds and applicr.blx 13w pemilis .,�_,:
<br /> Lcnder to mnYe such a eherge. However,l.ender may�m�uirc Dorroxer to pay a oae-timo chxrga tor nn inc&cy�endent rcal ,y._,
<br /> eslate ta�rponiug scrvlce used by Lender in connecf,on w•nh ihis tom.unleu applirablo law}covr:tes ethan�5xs. Uniess en a§-"�
<br /> ngrument is madc or appllcabic Iaw requircs intercst io Le patd,4en�t:nhall nm l�c rcc{ulred w G;rv Nmouer any intcrcst or ;+,';;,:
<br /> eam(ngs on the(•Lnds. Dorrox�er and Lcnder may agr.c in wri�ing,hnnover,�hat inlercsl shall bc paid on�te F+mds. Lender =,:;�.
<br />-= shall g(ve to Aorrower,wiihout diarge.an annual eccvunting of ihe li�:�ds,showing credils and deUi�s w�h:�unds and the ,,..,,
<br /> purposc for whlch cad�Aebit to thc Mnds was madc. 1Lc I'unds nro pleAgcd as:k�ditional secuAry for aY snm�securcd by a:_
<br />= tMsSccusi�s`7nalrumcm. -:
<br />.._ It�[Iie fr�m6s Leld by i.ender exceed ihe omuunla yemdiici2 i��: h��by app:ieab:e !:W. L:.�w'=°'�t:i�2!'c^"N �^ '
<br />-=- IIorro�aer fm�he txeeu�nds in acmelrs�oe wi�h�he rcquircmenzx oi apQiicable law. If�he amann�ot lF..Finds held by F`.'t:
<br /> I.euder u nny �ime is nnt xufficien�!o pap the 4'scrow Ilems when tice.Lend.r may so notify Bartower in��Tiiing,and.In kB-.�
<br />- such cnse�orcowet shall pay io i.endrr �he amoum neecssary ro m.te uP the deficfency. Dormwer shalf make up the y��-
<br />- deficicncy in no ntote than�a�elve monOdy payments,nt LenderY sole discrchon. f-":�
<br />, Upon paymcnt in full o!all sums sacurcd by�his Sauriry insimmcnt.Lendcr shnll promp��y rcfund�o Aorcowcr any �?��_
<br /> I�nds held by Lender. If,undcr pararnph 21.Lender shall acqnvc a mll �hc Propeny,I.emtcr,yriur to�tc acquisftlon or ---_
<br />--. s�le ot the Property, shall apply any Ponds held Ly Lender ai the Ume of acquisition or snle as a credit ag�lnst�he sums �Z,��._
<br />-_- ucuredbythisSecudiylnsuument. o�-
<br />�-- 3. Appllcallon oP Payments. Unless applicable lan provides o�herwlse, all paymenis received by Lender under �x�,
<br />.-. paragraphs 1 and 2 shall lx applic6:firs6�o any prcpaymem charges dae unEer�he Note;scrnnd,to,moums payable under c,;:`,_:
<br />- paragraph 2;third,to intcrestdue;founh,tu principat duc;and laz6 to xny latecharges duc under thc ho;c. i`v-
<br /> 4. Charga� Llens. 6ovo�ver shall pay all iexes, nsscssmcr.s,charges. Mes and impositions auribmablc to ihe t•='��
<br />-- Property which may mlefn prioriry over�hls Sccurity InsW mem,nud leaseho:d paymcnis or gronr.d rer.�s,if nny. Oorcower ��t,-.
<br />= shall pay�hese obligntions In thc manncr providcd in pamgnph 2,or if not pa'.d in�ha�manner,Ouno�ver s6a11 pay�hem on ��;
<br /> ° time directly to ihe prrscai on¢d paymem. Uortower shnll promptly fumish�o Lender all no�ices of amoums ua M paid under �(;-,
<br />" �his pnregraph. If Oorto«<r mxkes�hese paymems diRC�ly,Oorrower shall promptly fumish to Lender receiy:s evldenctng _=
<br />= thcpaymcnts. �rv_.
<br />- Qorco�vet shall promp�ly dischar�;c any lien which has prisiq-o�e�this Securi�y Insuumem untess Oonower.(al egrces -
<br />` (n wri�iug ai��he paymem of�he obligmion secureA by the lien in a m�m.ner nccep�nble io Lender,(b)wn:ests in goal taitn thr =
<br />- Iten by,orAcfenAs agalnst eoforeemen�of ih.lien in.legal praeedings which in the Lendert opinion oper.:te to pre�ent tne �-:
<br />- enforcemerct o!the lien;or(c}sewres kom the tx�lda of�he licn an agmemrn�satisfac�ory to Lender saherdioa!ing�ha lien rv���-
<br /> - �o�hls Sccudry Gutmn�:m. If Lender tle�cnnin.s�ha�any pan of the Propeny is subjec�m n licn whfch may avain ptlority ,__
<br />- oser this Secerily Insuumem,Lencha may ghc Dartowcr a no�ice id.r.:ifying�hc licn. Dortov:cr shall u�isfy�he lien or�:ike �_.'-:
<br />-S! one or ahre of�he actions se�fonh otr�vr w�ilhln 10 days of the givlag nf no�ica '•
<br /> - 5. d9a�ard or Properfy lnsuranca. Oorto�rer shall keep the improvcmems now exi<�ine or hercafter erttted on ihe �%C
<br /> - Roperty insurcd against Iou by fire,hxrards indu.!ed within�he u:m'rster.d.cd corerage"nnd any o:ber ha�arda,inctuding
<br />._- Ooods or flooding.(or which Lender requircs insccar.ce. "f7iis insuu.xe >h�li hr ruaimaineJ in Ihe an�ounts end for the �;`-�
<br /> �;.
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