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<br /> .. • , �. TQGETHtiR WITH uil ihc impr,�vc�ncut�n��w ur lurcuftcr crected on thc prnperry, cind ull r,�+rmcnt,.appurtcn��nccti. and �
<br /> i fixt�re. now or I�crcaAcr u pur� uf thr praperly. AU rcplurcmcnts und additiuns ,hull al�u bc cuvcicd hy thi� Sccurity
<br /> - Intitrumcnt. All uf thc i'urc�;ainti is ref'crred lu in this Serurity Intitnm►cnt uti thc "Pruperty."
<br /> BORROWER COVEfvAN7'S tl�at Burnxvcr is lawfully+ciscd of thc ctitutc hcrcby cunvcyrd.u�d ha�thc right io gr�mt �md
<br /> convey tlir Pmperty��ind thal thc Pr��perly i� unenrumhcrcd. cxccpt for��nrutnbranrc+ of rcr��rd. linrr�,wrr �sarramt�. and �vill L
<br /> ;::�::,~t,1� defend generully thc tiele►o [he Prc��xny ugainst utl clnims.utd dcm:uid,.+ut�j�ct tu liny cncunthr.uuc���f rccord. �
<br /> ^ - - THIS SECURITY INSTRUMENT comhincs unil'orm cnvenuntti for national u�c:tnJ non-unifurm cuvena�u� �vith litnitcd
<br /> ,,�;�� variations by jurisdictiun to constiwtc n unifonn ticcurity instrununt Govcring rcal property.
<br /> UNIFORM COV ENANTS. Borrawer und L.endcr covenant and agrcc as fullo�vs:
<br /> � „ 1. Puyment of Princlpal and Intcrest; Prepayment und Late Chory;es. Borrowcr tihall prumptly pay whcn duc thc _.
<br /> � principa)of and interevt nn thc debt evidencc.�l by thc Note anJ any prcpuyment and latc chargcs duc undcr the Nnte. _
<br /> '• 2. Etinds for Taxes and Insurnnce. Subject ta upplicable law ar to a wriucn waivcr hy Lc�tdcr, Barrower shall p:ny to -
<br /> ., Lcndcr on thc day monthly paynunts arc due undcr thc Notc,until tho Notc is paid in full,a aum("Funds")for.(:3)yuuly taxcs -
<br /> ��` anu a„ess���er�ts:�'h'sch �r:�y att��in priorit�4YCi lI?�4 Sc�urity Inctniment as a li�n on thc PropertV:(bl Y�rly leasehold payments
<br /> � - Y,� ar gmunc!renG:on the pro�^ny, if any:(c)yo,�rly hu•rard or propeny insurance premiums;(d)yGUly flcx�d insurance premiums, _
<br /> if any; (e)yearly mortgn�e insurance premiums, if any:and(� a��y sums paynble by Horrower to I.ender, in accurciance with _
<br /> ng
<br /> : . . � the provisions of paragraph 8. in lieu of the payment of mortgage insurance premiums. These items ure called'Escrow Items." _
<br /> , ,, � Lender muy, at u��y ti�ue, wllect and hold Funds in an amou�t not to excced Uic maximum an�ount n len�ier f�r a federally
<br /> _•s��.,.:�:��;��::;;�;' related mortgage loan may require for Borrower's escro�v account under the federal Real Estute Settlement Proceclures Act of -
<br /> - `nA �� t974 as amendcd from ti�zet to time, 12 U.S.C. Section 2601 el seq. ("RESPA"), unless another law shut applir3 to the Funds
<br /> sets a lesser umount. [f so. Lender may, at any time, coUect and hold Funds in an amount not to exceed the lesser amount. '
<br /> `' �'��'�� � Lender may estimatc thc amount of Funds due on the basis of current data and reasonable cstimates of exp,:nditures of fututc _
<br /> -. ,. . Escrow Iteins or otherwise in accordance with applicable law. �"
<br /> �`•=;,,,,
<br /> The Funds shall be held in an institution whose deposits are insured by a federal atzency, instrumentality, ar entity
<br /> , (including Lender,if l.ender is such an institutinnl or in su►y Federai Home Loan Bank. Lender�'h:ill appi�•tttc Funds to pay the
<br />�:;'. ._ Escrow[tems.Lender may not charge Borrower for'iclding and applying the�unds,annually analyzing tlr:e�row accaunt,or -
<br />}�r' � �h verifying the Escrow Items,unless Lender pays Bornc�wer interest on the Funds ancl applicable law permits Lender ro makc such
<br /> � � ��:'r� a cBarge. However,Lender m�y require Borrower to pay a one-time charge for an independent real cstate tax reponing ser�•ice
<br /> d:� � .:�,t:i,._ .__ . �ti,,. : �� q,,,. t� ��w nrnvi�i�c nthcrwise. Unles.c an agreement is made or
<br /> �;'-:�;�ir[t��2�n:—— ii�GT �'ij% tw:���ti tii��.i�"nC�iJfI 1+:�:i . D$:!. L'!2!£.... ..rr.�lfH�-' r--
<br /> ' '��°•�"'�E applicable law nequires interest to be paicl,Lender shall not be requii•ed to pay Borrower any interest or camings on the Funds.
<br />�'wa��'•� .:';.
<br /> - ,>�..,�;,. .., BorroNer and Lender may agree in writing, however, that interest shall be paid on the Funds. Lender shall give to Borcower,
<br />'�":.:`"�^i�f�d-;� without charge, an annual accaunting of the Funds, showing credits and debits to the Funds and the pumose fur which each
<br />�sW r----- debit to the�unds was made.The Funds are plcdged as additional securiry for all sams securcd by this Securitylnstrument
<br /> �.��•�, ,
<br />�i_;`'r�'1� !f the�unds held by I.ender exceed 2he amounts permitted to ia�held by applicable law.l..ender shall account to Borru��r
<br /> "=-"�"��� for�he excess Funds in accordance with the requirements of applicable law. If the amount of the Funds held by Lender nt any
<br /> ���?�� tirne is not sufficient to pay the Escrow items when due,Lender may so notify Dorro�ver in wripn�, and. in such case Borrower
<br /> y������+x�'�� shaU pay to Lender the amuunt necessary to make up the deficiency. Borrower shall make up the deficiency in no more than
<br /> �"����''� twelve monthly paymems, at Lender's sule discretion.
<br /> �.o:h,..�.a-�s:;��'i
<br /> --��:�➢� Upon payment in full of all sums secured by this Security 3nstrument, Lender shall promptly refund to Borrower any
<br />-- _ _
<br />