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<br /> �,g7],-$TATE JOURNAL COMPANY,LINCOLN,NEB. � �:--. - �-"'=- -' ''"-"' �� � ' �..
<br /> 1� 1925 with the ori inal filed in my office and tha� the same is a correct tran-
<br /> November , . D. , � g�
<br /> scripti �hexeof,and of the whole of said original,
<br /> IN TESTI�ONY 'VFiEREOF,I have hereunto set my hand �.nd causea to be affixed the official
<br /> seal of said Court,at the Gity of Grand �sland,this 5th day of November,A. D. ,1925.
<br /> ( SEAL) Clinton E. John,
<br /> ' Clerk of the District Court.
<br /> By Mae �dcI,a,3n, Deputy
<br /> Filed for record this 6 aay of November 1925,at 9: 45 0' elock A. D�.
<br /> ��-�� ��
<br /> ' Re�ister of eads
<br /> _o_o_o_o_o_o_o_o_o_o_o-a-o_o-o_o-o_o_o_o_o_o_o_o_o_o-�_o-�-o_o_o_o_o_o_n_Q_o_o_o_o_�_o-o_o_o-�o_o
<br /> ,AFFIT�AVIT
<br /> ' State of Nebraska,
<br /> ss.
<br /> Douglas �ounty.
<br /> J. Franklin Blanch�.rd,being first duly sworn on his oath,deposes and
<br /> says that he is the same J. Franklin Blanchard �aho was one of the grantoxs in a deed eonveying
<br /> to Ralph B. Carney Fra.ctional Lo� One (1) in Block Twenty (20) ,of Palmer' s Subdivision of Lot
<br /> ' Seven (7) of the County Subd�:vision of the southeast quarter of the south_west quarter of
<br /> Section Sixteen (lE) , in To�nship Eleven (11) North,Range Nine (9) �est of the 6th P. �. ,and
<br /> its complement Fr�.ctiona.l Lct One (1) in Fractional Block Twenty (20) ,in Kernohan & Decker� s -
<br /> Ad.dition to the city of Gr�.nd Island,all in Hall County,Nebr�.ska,which said deed is recorded
<br /> in Book 66 of Deeds at Pa.ge 313 of the deed records of Hall County,Nebra.ska,and in which �aid
<br /> deed it is recited tha.t saiu premises is" subject to a mortgage of �b,000. 00 to the Union Sav,:
<br /> ings � Loan Association of Lincoln,Nebx�ska. "
<br /> Affidnt further sta,tes that he knows,of his o�rJn personal knov�ledge,that the �6000 mortgage
<br /> in favor of the Union Savings & Loan Association of Lincoln,Nebra_ska,mentioned in said deed,
<br /> haa reference to �he �7040. 00 moxtgage in favor of the Union Loan and Savings Association of
<br /> '�incoln,Nebr��s�ca,coverin� s�,id property a.n� reeorded in Book 5� of �dort�ages at Page 59 of
<br /> the �ort�a�;e records of H�,11 County,Nebr^.ska,upon rvhich said �7,000. 00 mortgage there was a
<br /> bala.nce due of �6004. 00 at the time of the exeeution of the deed above mentioned,and said deei�d
<br /> should have recited that it was subject to a balance due of �6000. �0 on said �7000. �0 mortga�',e
<br /> in f�vor of the Ur:ion Savings a.nd Loa,n Association of Lincoln,Iv'ebraska,instead of describing ;
<br /> it as a. �600Q mort,���;e,�;n�. affiant further st�.tes tr��t he knows,of his own personal knowledge�,
<br /> tha.t the �ly mortgage held �.gainst said premises by the Union SQ,vings and Loan Association !iof
<br /> Lincoln,,Nebr�.sk�.,,is �he �7000. Q0 mortgage above rnentioned,and this affidavit is made far the
<br /> �
<br /> purpos� of sho�in� that �vhBn said deed speaks of a �6040. 00 mortgage �o the Union Sa.vings and
<br /> Loa.n Association of Lincoln,Nebr�.ska, it in truth �.nd in fact referred to said �7000. 00 mortgage
<br /> upon ��hich tY�lere �vas a balancE due of �6000. 00.
<br /> J. Fra.nklin Blanchard
<br /> Subscribed in rny prea�nce and_ s�orn to before me t�n this 2nd d�.y of November,1925•
<br /> ( SEAL) L. R. Nev�kirk
<br /> Notary Public.
<br /> My commis�ion expires rzov 6,1925.
<br /> Filed for record. this � day �� November 1925,at �- o' clock P, �. ',
<br /> . �-���-��� '�
<br /> egister of Deeds `
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