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<br /> � AI�JUSTAB�.� RA"t'F 1�.II��R "__-
<br /> � � � (1 Ycar T��castiry Uidex-Hatc Ca�w) 2an27A69 _ _
<br /> � � �'•� THIS ADIUSTAa1.B RATE RIQF.R is m�idc this � STH �liy�( APRI L _
<br /> �„��,. 1997 ,and is inmrparat� intn and ahnll bc dccmcd to am,�nd and�upplenur.t the hlortna�c,[?etd uf �
<br /> ::•�'�=w.'�'�! TNSt or Secarity Dccci(the "Sccuriry Instrumcnt")of thc samc dcitc given by thc u�ldcnit�ncd(thc"Ikrrrowcr")tu -
<br /> " s r thc[3 rmw r's Ad'ustnbie Rate Nute(thc"Notc")ro =
<br /> ,��; �6�i EQuit�O�� dui�ding t�d lo�n Aaaaciotion of ar�n7 Aahnd, Me1ro�M�, A F�d�r�l tirin�� s�nk -
<br /> • � ' (tl�"ri.ender"')of thc same date and ecwering the propeny described in the Security[nstniment and locutc�at, _
<br /> ' .
<br /> ' � 419 S HARFIT.SON ST Qf�A�lI1 ISLANO, NEBRASKA 8AS01-6941 =
<br /> �- ��,�,.y eaare,5� _
<br /> _.. '�• RATF pN� T►�c ,y.n!u�}��,Y l��,Yll4ENT_ TN� NQTE LIMITS THE AMOU��T T�iFi
<br /> ---- - -'�'� B�JF.Q^!AlEH'& !tiTE�REST RATE CAM �HA�IG� AT ANY �M� T�M� AND T!!�i
<br /> :.,,�+.:; : � A.DDITIONAI.CUV�:NAN7'S.1�nddition ta the cov�nants and agreements made in�he Security Instmm.nt,
<br />,'-'='>'::,,�,�� 8oirower and l.ender further oovenant and agree as foUows:
<br />_ �
<br />.�i;.:��
<br /> .» T.r-,..xt ' 'ThelVote provides for nn initiul interest rate of 5.625 %.The Nate provid�.s fur chenges in
<br /> ,;-�?..�r�;.
<br /> th�irnterest rate and the monthly payme,nts,as follo�vs:
<br /><-°'�!',�`;...
<br /> :9'�:.;a:`,�
<br /> --�--"�`•� (A)Change Dat�.s
<br />-:z`•..:r`;_, __ ...., . ....
<br /> •ti--��_�� t t�e interesi rac�t�viii pay may change on�he firsi day o��+�� , .3�0 ,arxi on inai
<br /> ��...,.k:..,,.
<br />-�'::�=�'' dey every 12eh month thereafter.Each date on which my inter�st rate could change is called a "Change Dute."
<br /> �cs�`�.
<br />— .�Y:w�._t��. 1�r�
<br /> -_===�'�." (F1)'i�heIndex
<br /> � _,���� �eginning�viefi the first Change DAte, my interest rate will be based on an Ind�x.Th�"Index" is the weekly
<br /> __ avtra�e yield on Q7nited States Treasury secte+rities adjusted to a constant maturity of I year, us tn�de av,�ilable by
<br /> ��"��°,; the Federal Reserve l3ourd.The most recent Yridex figure available as of the dato 45 days bcfore encl�C�nge Datc
<br />__—.-� �sj�� iscalled the"Current Index."
<br /> °�A�'���r� If�e Index is no!onger avnilable. the IVote Holder vrill choose a new index which is based upon coaeparable
<br /> -_��'J`'�YIS.�;�,=
<br />„^.� - — information. The Note Holder will give me nouce ofthischoice. -
<br /> -�- (C)Calculadon ot Chang�.s
<br /> Before cach Change Date.the Note Holder will calculate my new interest rate by adc�Yt�
<br /> —�� TMIiO percentagepoint(s)( 2.000 �b)to the Current
<br /> Ldeae.The Note Holder will then round the result of tlus .a�1c]itian to the nearest one-eigl�th of one percentage
<br /> - Qoint (0.125�b). Subject to the limits stated in Section 4(D) i+elow,this�raundc�i amoiuzt will be my naw intenst =
<br /> - _�--= rate until the next�hange Date. _
<br /> �--_��°� T1�e Note Holder will then detemiine the amount of the rconthly paymeut that woul�bc suf�3cient to repay the
<br /> �'.� �npaid principal thut I am eap�tccl to oae nt the Change Date in ful!on the Maturity Dc�te at my new intecxst rate
<br /> -- -_ - insubstantially eatujl payments.'Itie result of this calculation will be the new amountof my monthly pa}n�acnt.
<br /> ---=4� (�)Limits or�Il�terest Rate Changes =-
<br /> ___ -••�• T'hc interest rnte I am requinxi to pay at the first Ch3nge Date will not bc greater th;�an 7.8�5 %
<br /> -_W=�-= orle�s t�.an 3.025 �.Thereafter,nay iuterest ratc will never be uncma.ua or dec�sod on
<br /> �":�� � �ny�ingle C hungc Datc by more t han two percentage poinrs(2.0�b) from the rate o f intcrest I hnve b een pa,ying
<br />�9�:�`�; fart}te pn;ceding en•clve mAnths. My interest ratc wiA ncver be grcater than �p�82 5 �'
<br /> :':-.,.9U',�i;:"
<br /> -"f��Y t�"�� �y(Ej Ef[�ect�ve�Ate of Ch�es� nove r be 1 owe r t ht►n 3.625%. �
<br /> �;:. ..-, ...
<br /> ° .. - . My new inter�est rate wil! become effective on cach Ch;u�ge Date. 1 will pay tine amaount of my now monthly -
<br /> --- .':`�.�' payrrzent bt:ginni►L,on the first monthly payment date after the Change Date untnl�h� antonnt of my moatAly =
<br /> --- ' ' payrricnt chunges agn'sn. -
<br /> - R
<br /> --�-�-��:. (F)Nat,�e oEChnn�es =
<br /> =.,�- .
<br /> -°�;���;,. '1'he Nota Holder will dclivcr or mtil to me a notic�of any chnn�cs in my interest r::.te and the antount of my �_`
<br /> - - �na�iy payment oeiore trte eriec�ive date oi any cnange.Q ne notice�vili incivae inio�r�ti�n requcttti by taw to r
<br /> .��.�� � be giveu mc and also thc title and tcicphonc numbcr of a person �vhu will ;►ns.wcr any questiu��t I may havc �
<br /> . .' ng:u�ding dtc noticc. E
<br /> . t
<br />_. •• �MULT'lSYATE ADJUSTABIE RATE RIDER-ARM 6•2• Singio Famity•Fnnnl�Ma�lFr�ddie ARacUnftam Intt�um�nt
<br /> . Form 3111 3�86
<br /> . � ' �-BZZA 19J05� VMPRIORTGAGEFOa1$ �tlJ0�57i 729� �R�niedonRecyeleAP�er
<br /> , ";� `
<br /> t
<br /> � �...
<br />