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<br /> �� � l7.Trnnsfer of the Praperty or u Beneficiul Intere.�t in iiarmwer.U�ill or any p��n of die Propcny or uny inccrest in it �
<br /> is sald or transfcrrcJ (or if li bcncfici.d intcrest in Borro�vcr is sold ar transfcrred nnd Borrowcr is not u natural pers�m)�v ithnut �,
<br /> - :� � Lender's prior wriuen cunsent. I..ender ►niry, at its option, requirc imrncdiutc puymcnt in full ��f ull sums ticcur�d by thir: __
<br /> Sccurity Instrumcnt. Ho�vcvcr,this option shall not bc cxcrcisc.�i by Lcndcr if cxercixc is prohibitcd by fcdcr.►I luw ati uf ttic dttio �
<br /> of this Sccurity Instrument. ��
<br /> .., . -�,'�.', e-
<br /> If Lender exercises this optian. Lender shull give Borrower notice of acceleratian. Tlie noticep I�dl pr��vide a p+:riud uf m��
<br /> •',,.,..ca� . Iess than ;0�11ientr If Borro ver fa'1 nro�p�y chcse tium pri�1 to he e�xpirai n�ofBhisrpe iod��L.ender may�un��k�c��redc��h'b ��
<br /> -�'9t,�.na•+� Securiry Imt
<br /> ; � � permittt:d by this Securiry Instrument without furiher notice or demund on Borr���ver. �
<br /> . „ .. � 18. �orro�ti•er's Right to Reinstute. lf Borro�ver meets certaim m�ditinns. Borro�vcr shull hi��e che ri�ht tu L•t�•��
<br /> enforcement of this Seccifty forStreins•tutementy befo c sale of he Prropert��punuunt to�any powcr�of sale cmtihiined in�thi�
<br /> ;, applicable la�v mny spe y --
<br /> � Security Instrument;or(b)entry of a judgment enfarcing this Security Instmment. Those conditions are that Bomrwer.(u p�+y�
<br /> � L.ender all sums which then wuuld be due under this Securiry instrumemt and the Note us if no acceleration haJ c�ccurrc�..c1;(hl
<br /> - --—� cures any default of any other covenants or agreements; (c) pays all ex;penses incurred in enfurcin� this Security Instrument,
<br /> T '� including, but not limited to,reasonable attorneys' fces; and (d)takes sucn aciiur�as i.r.nder:^a, �ea-�onnb�Y re�,�lui�e to assum =_=_
<br /> that the lien of this Security Instrument, Lender's riglus in the Properry anJ buuuu�r's obliget'son t�•pay thc susns securcd bv
<br /> ' ;"' this Security Instrument shall continue unchanged. Upon reinstatement by Borrower, this Secur�ty Instrument anel thn
<br /> .:•:.�,.�•,:�_
<br /> , , ohligations tecured hereby shall remain fully effective as it no ucceleration had occurred. However, this sight tn reinstnte she�ll
<br /> not apply in the case of acceleration under paragraph 17.
<br />' 19. Sale ot Note; Change of L.oan Servtcer. The Note or a panial interest in the Note (tngether �vith this Securit!i
<br /> instniment)muy be sold one or mosemonthl�V�ts�ment�dinie�unden c�Notc and this Security Ins rumentn There at onmay(be onc
<br /> ^ ns thE "Loan Servicer")that collec Y P Y
<br /> ,:_;�:�� .
<br /> ;y � or m�re changes of the Loan Servicer unrelated to a sale af the Nate.If[here is a chtu►ge of the Loan Servicer, [inrrower will be
<br /> given�vritten notice of the change in accordance a�ith paragraph t4 above and applicable law.The notice will state the nc�rno und (
<br /> � • � address of the new Loan Servicer and the nddress to which payments �'hould be mnde. The noticc will also contain any othcr
<br />_• ��:f,. , information required by applicable law.
<br />:''�;,. 20. Hazardous Substances. Borrower shall not cause or permie the preseuce, use, dispasxl, storngc, or rcleuse af anp
<br /> ` `r.� H:i a ardous Substnnces on or in the Property. Borrower shall not do, nor allow anyonc else to do, any�hing affei:ting thc
<br /> `���'��� ' • Property t6at is in violation af any Encironmcntal Law. T he prece,�ing t w o s e n t e n c e s s h a l l not a p pl y to tha presenc.e. u�e, ar _
<br />;�;i�.`:1�,..,,, —..
<br /> -'�.;,,�,� . storage on the Property of small quantities of Hazardous Substances that are generally recognized to be appcopriate to nannnl
<br />-�A_r-:-�::,: �,i��r�� ��u�c and to maintc[tartce of the Property. , •.,, ao „„ iq�,�,l,r �r other action bY anY
<br /> �_'::; �f.,�, � Borrower shall promptly give L.ender written natice oi any lI1VC,lIgUliu�,c.a►�.., ....m....�+. .....° :.
<br /> • .�;:��. . governmental or reguiatory agency or private purty involving the Property and any Hazardous Substance or Environmentnl Law
<br /> y� �` of���hich Borrower has actual kno�vledge. If Borrower leants, or is notified by any governmentul or regulatory aud�ority,that
<br />_, ;� �, .
<br /> ..�i.,,�����: . =-
<br />'.:;:'��, e
<br /> �,, fl�e� r e m o v a l o r other remediation of any Hazardous Substance aff�rinn rh�Property��neoessary.Borrower shall prompt y tfi:e
<br />--_ .�. .,tr�,. a�E a�ecessary remedial actions in accordance with Environmenta l L aw. -
<br /> -- .::.,; As used in this paragraph 20, "Hazardous Substances" are those subsiances detined as toxic or huz;udous substt�nces b}�
<br /> ---'-`-T`�=� Environmental Law and the following substances: gasolirte, kerosene.other flummable or toxic petrotcuon product�, tor,�c
<br /> . r.�;�.�,-
<br /> _,,.��-•�+,� pesdcides and herbicides,volatile solvents,materials containing asbestc�s or formaldehyde,and radiaactive materiuls.As ur.ed in
<br />- �.. �,� this paragraph 20, "Environmental Law" means federal laws und laws of the jurisdiction where the P�tiipeny is located thnt �
<br /> ��'• relate to health,safety or envirantnental protection.
<br /> v�5�'' NON-UNIFORM COVEIVANTS.Borcower and I.ender further covcnant and a�ree as follows:
<br /> '{'"`." 21. Acceleration;Remed[es. Lender shall give notice to Borrower prior to ucceterallon(allowic�313orrower's bre.ech
<br />_:�
<br /> �- =-__=_ - of any covenant or agreement ir� BEn�s Securtty Instrument (but not priar t�b�he a tfon re.*qufre�to curept n d tuuf�t:
<br /> ---_ —== applicable law provides otherwise). The notice shall spec[fy: (a)the default;
<br /> _� (�)a date,not<<p��u re h e d e f a u l t o nt o r b e Y o eh i h e�a t eis R e c[fled in the notice mayir�sult nefaocelerntton ot tho san A
<br /> — (a]) that failure
<br /> � =-;r��— secured by this Security Instrument and sa�e of the Property. The nutice shall further inform BaL'rower o f t h n r id b t.t u
<br /> -:::�..�.� reinstate after acceleration and the right to br[ng a ca.urt action to assert the non-existence of m detyult or uny other
<br /> _ _ ___�*� defense of Barrower to acceleratton and sale. If the default is no2 cured on or befom the date s�CCtf[ed In the nut;lic�c,
<br /> _ .:::.�..._� A.render, at its optton. may require immediate payment in full of n11 sums secured by this Security In�trument witinaufi
<br /> __�� Quarttter demand and may invoke the power af sale�nd any other rentedies t�erniitted by applicubte law.I.ender sh�t➢i bc
<br /> entitled to collect all expenses[rtcurrea![n pursuins t9�e remedtes provided In th8s p�aragraph 21,ittctuaEing,hut nc�t Iimited
<br /> ,_,,,�,�� to,reasonable attorneys'fees and costs o f t tt[e ev i dence.
<br /> If the power ot sale is hivoked, Trustee shall rocord n notice of defnult in each county im which any ps�rS of t6c
<br /> --�-�a� property Is Ickahrd and shall mail copies of such notice M the manner pre�:ribed by applicmble Q�w to Borro�v�.r and to
<br /> •-r��'� the other persons prescribed by applfrable law.After the time reyaired by epplicable law,Trustec sli�ll give publlc notice
<br /> . �G•T..-
<br /> `�s'�. oP sale to the persons and in the manner prescribec�by ap�licuble law. Trustee, without demand�on Burnbwer, shnll se
<br /> `�;� �:;:
<br /> .,.•,.:..�, .
<br /> -,<<,�.r�;�,� the property at public auctton tn the highest bIdder at the time nnd place and under the terms deci�na4��9 in tha not ce o
<br /> ,, sa�le in onb or�b�re announce ent aE the i me dt place of any�pre fous�y schedule�d saleel I.end�r or its d�f�nee may
<br /> .:�.;:. ' : Pe�'tJ' 3' P
<br /> �• ' �f.'!^ purchase the Property ut uny sale.
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