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<br /> ;
<br /> Sta.te of Nebra.ska, ��'
<br /> ss.
<br /> Buf�'aIo County Geo. C. '�ebster,�eing �irst dul�� sv�orn,upon oath deposes and saya that Ii
<br /> he is �ell �nd bersonallp a.cquainted t��ith Ada J. Dority to �vhom Harriet �'. & 1�'athaniel �. Dick- 'i
<br /> inson (Husband & ""ife). conveyed the follovring described lands in Hall County,Nebr�.ska,to-v�it:!�
<br /> � The r?orth H�lf of the Northeast ^uarter (N2 of the NE4) of section Nineteen (19) in To�nship i'; ,
<br /> I � Ten (10) North,Ra.nge '��elve (12) '•"Test of t}re Sixth P. �I. by '"a.rranty deed,da.ted l0_19-1922. �
<br /> ;
<br /> ,''� a.nd recorded in booY �3 of �eeds on �age 6�1�7, in the Recorder' s office of Hall County,and �itl�
<br /> � Ada ^. nority ,��ho conseyed. said premises to The Omaha Trust Company by 1�ortgage,deed da.ted '�.
<br /> ,;
<br /> , �-20_192�,and affiant positively knows that the said Ada. J. i�ority,and Ada D. Dority are one �
<br /> a.nd the same person,notv�ithst�nding the discrepancy i� n�.mes.
<br /> ,
<br /> � Geo C. 'Vebster
<br /> Subscribed ar�a sworn to �efore me this 17th day of September,1924.
<br /> ( SEAL) �L. F.Haug,
<br /> Not ary Publ ic. ''
<br /> '�
<br /> ,
<br /> �?y commission expires P�ay 25,1926. �
<br /> ,�
<br /> FileC. for record thi s 20 da.y of September 1924,a.t 9 0� clock A. "d. _
<br /> ��;c�� �,`'`-�.,'.�f i
<br /> Regi ster of Deeds �
<br /> �
<br /> -o-o-o-o-�-o-o-o-o-c�-�-c-o-�_o_o_�_o_o_c-o_o-�_c�-o-o_o-o_o-a-o_o-o-o_o_o-o_o_o_o-o-o-o-o_o_o�
<br /> � LBASE
<br /> �
<br /> This lease made and entered into this 13" day of August 192� '
<br /> , , bq and between Henrq J. Ban�tex�
<br /> ' bach hereinafter part3� of the first '
<br /> part,and Ed. A. Jones,Sr. ,and E. 0. Jones hereinafter partiee;;
<br /> �
<br /> ,; of the second part,all of Grand Island,Nebraska. ��
<br /> ' �ITNESSETH,That in consideration of the rentals to him to be paid by the paxties of the '�
<br /> second part as hereinafter provit�.�d and of the covenants and agreementsof the partiea of the '
<br /> second part hereinafter contained and bp them to be kept and perfoz�ned the party of the first �i
<br /> ,
<br /> part leases unto the party of the second part for the period of five ''
<br /> qears,commencin� on the :
<br /> ;
<br /> 1" day of December,1924,and terminating on the 3a" daq of November,1929 ,the following desorib�ti
<br /> ; premises situated in the County of Hall and State of Nebraska,to-wit: �
<br /> i'
<br /> �
<br /> The �round floor and basement of the brick buildin� situated on the �esterl One-third ��
<br /> r �i
<br /> of Lot "
<br /> 3 and the Easterly One-third of Lot � in Bloek �0 of the original toovn,now Qity of ';
<br /> i;
<br /> Grand Island, �i
<br /> '�
<br /> Said parties of the second part hereby lease said premises from the party of the first part�
<br /> ;i
<br /> for the period aforesaid and agree to pap to the party of the first part as rental therefor ;
<br />! the sum of Twenty--one Hundred Doll�,rs per year,payable in monthly inatallment s,in advance, I
<br /> �
<br /> ;;
<br /> , of One Himdred Seventy-five Dollars each,the first installment of �175.00 being due and paya.b�je
<br /> oa the first dap of Deoember,l924,and a like installment of �175. 00 on the first da.q oP each ii
<br /> and every month thereafter during the continua.nce of th�s lease,papable at the office of the I!
<br /> ,,
<br /> :; partp of the first part in the Citq of Grand Island,Nebraeka. i�
<br /> 3�id parties of the second part covenant and agree to pap the rentals above reserved whesa �
<br /> � t�e e�ame are herein rnade due and �
<br /> paya,ble; to pap tor all water,lights and fuel charges for heat�.
<br /> i! ing said leased prEmisea and attend to the hea�in of the same at their own %I
<br /> � g.roper cost and i,
<br /> ' e�cpense during the continuance of this lease•nat to conduct or �I
<br /> , permit said premises to be used�
<br /> ! for a paint lass or wall �
<br /> �� paper store during the continuance of thislease or any part thereof; �
<br /> �,
<br /> to make no changes or alterations in said leased premises without the �ritten consent of the ii
<br /> ,i
<br /> psrty of the first part;to commit no waete upon said leased premisea,aor auffer the same to bel
<br /> I�
<br /> , committed by others;to QompZy with a17. laws,ord3nanaes,and rules of the Board of Health of the��
<br /> I)
<br /> ', city of Grand Isla.nd,in respect to said lea.sed premises;not to sublet said l.eas �
<br />--_ __ —, _—�--__ __ ------ ------------ _ _ _
<br /> , i il
<br /> � � _
<br />