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<br /> Lot seven ( '�) in Block One Hundred Forty-two (142) in Uni�n Pacific Railroad Company� s
<br /> Second Addition to the city of Grand Island,and that on or a.bout the 22nd day of March,1919 , ''
<br /> and under said date,the said Jens Rasyrussen,now deceased, entered into a �ritten contract with
<br /> the plaintiffs,for the sale of said premises for the sum of �2200. 00 and that at the time
<br /> of the execution and delivery of $aid contrac�,plaintiffs paid the said Jens Ra.smussen on the�
<br /> purchase price of said premises the sum of �200. 00,a.nd which said writ�en contract was in
<br /> �vords and fi�;ures �ollowing:
<br /> i'AGRE�'���E?�?T FOR '�ARRA?�?TY DEED.
<br /> ARTICLES OF AGREEP�2ENT ,�lade this 22nd day of �iarch,1�319 ,bet�een Jens Ras-»
<br /> mussen,�arty of the first part ,and Thelmar Turner,party of the second part.
<br /> �PITNESSETH,That the said party of the first part hereby covenants and agrees that if the par�y
<br /> of the second part shall first make the pay�nent an� perform the covenants hereinafter mentior�ed
<br /> on his part to be made and pexformed,the said party of the first part agrees to furnish to s�c-
<br /> ond party a good and suffic3.ent abstract of title showing a good title of record to the pre-
<br /> m3ses hereinafter described. in the party of the first part,and will convey and assure to the
<br /> party of the second part ,in :fee si�mple,clear of all encumbrance what soever,by goad and suff�,-
<br /> cient ,�larranty Deed,the follov�ing lot ,piece or ground,viz: Lot Seven (7) in Block One Hundre�.
<br /> and Forty-two ( 1�2) Union Pacific Railway Company' s Second Addition to the City of Grand
<br /> �s].and,Nebraska as surveyed,platted and recorded.
<br /> And the party of the second part hereby covenants and agrees to pay to said party of the ;
<br /> first part the sum of T�renty-t�ro and no/100 Dollars in the manner followtng: T�vo Hundred
<br /> and no/100 Dollars,cash in hand paid,the receipt whereof is hereby acknozvledged,and the
<br /> balance �2000 payable as follows,to-wit: $100. June 1,1919 and the sum of �20.00 per month,
<br /> payable on the First day of each subsequent month,commencing May Ist,lgl9 19� until the bal�,nee
<br /> is fully paid«On thirty days previous notice by second party to first party,second partp
<br /> has option of paying at any interest payment date,in addition to the regular payment,the sum '
<br /> of �fi100. 00 or any multiple thereof,or the full amount ,yet un�aid �rith interest a.t the rate o�
<br /> seven per cent per annum,payable semi-annua.11y on the svhole sum remaining from tirne to time
<br /> unpaid,and to �ay all taxes,assessments or impositions that may be legally levied or imposed �
<br /> upon sa.id land subsequent to the year 191�. It is matually agreed that time is an essential
<br /> elernent in this contract ,and in case of failure of said party of the second part to make
<br /> either of the pay:nents or to pexf0rm a.ny of the covenants on his part hereby made and entered
<br /> into ,this contract shall,at the option of the party of the first part ,be forfeited,and deter-»
<br /> mined and the party of the second part shall forfeit all payments by him on thia contract anc�
<br /> suah payments shall be retained by the said party of the first part in full satisfaction of �,11
<br /> the da�nages by him sustained,and he shall have the right to re-enter and take possession of i
<br /> said premises aforesaid. Said secand pa.rty agrees to keep the buildin�s in�ured and p�ay for ''
<br /> same,for benefit of first party and �ay all taxea before same become delinauent.
<br /> it is mu�ually agreed that a11 th� covenants and agreements herein contained shall extend to ''
<br /> and be obligatory upon the heirs,executors,administrators and assigns of the respective part�;es.
<br /> IN ',�ITNESS "��HERr�OF,The parties to these presents have hereunto set their hands and seals the '�
<br /> day anc� year first above written.
<br /> Si�ned, se�.led and delivered in presence of .
<br /> J. E. Dill Jens Rasmussen ( L. S.
<br /> Thelmar T. Turner L. S.
<br /> Louise L. Tmrner �L. S.
<br /> Gu�,ranteed by J. B. Brown
<br /> Guardian of The�mar T. Turner
<br /> Filed for record this 1�+ day of February 1�32�,at � o t clock P. �i.
<br /> Richard Buenz '
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