<br /> / ��.� .
<br /> ��u�J����� e ���' � ���! \.��,��������� ' V'
<br /> �����, �-J-J�J ���\_�� -�_ __ � J __ � �,
<br /> __________ _______ _ �!_ -�_�=__�u�= � -_-___-_--_________-_� ____ ____ _____
<br /> _ __
<br />� ��
<br /> State of California �
<br /> I�
<br /> ss. ��
<br />� County�Los Angeles �n this 5th day of �da.rch A. D. ,192� before me Chas. R. Johnston,a �
<br /> ,.
<br /> ,
<br /> i � ' Notary Pubiic in and for said County and State,residing therein,d�7.p commissioned and sworn, '!
<br /> personally appeared C.H. Tullp,known to me to be the person whose is subscribed to the !I
<br /> ,
<br /> � �ithin Instrument,and ackno�ledged to me that he executed the same. �
<br />_ IN �ITNESS �9HEREOF,I have hereunto set my hand and affixed mp offical aeal the day and
<br /> �;
<br /> year in this eertifieate first above writt�n. !'
<br /> ;i
<br /> ( SEAL) Chas R. Johnston ''
<br /> Notarp Public in and for said '�
<br /> Covnty �nd 3tate. ��
<br /> My Commission Expires Jan. 30,1922. �!
<br /> ��� ��
<br /> ! Filed for record this 10 day of Ma.reh 192�-,at 4:30 0' clock P. M. '�
<br /> ��� ',I
<br /> i;
<br /> ! Register of eec�s�
<br /> - i -0-0-�-0_0_0-0-0-0_4-0_0-0-0-0_0_0_0-0-0_0_0_0_0-0-0-0-0_�_0-0-0_0-0-0-0-0-t�-0-�-0-0-0-Q-0-0-4�
<br /> ';' gGREEi�2ENT �;
<br /> ARTTCLES OF AGRE��dENT ,made this twenty seventh da.y of June 1923 ,bet�veen Otis J. smyers,of ''
<br /> ; , . i
<br /> �
<br /> the first pa,rt ,and Jane Bock of the eecond part,
<br /> 'I
<br /> 'I t'�ITNESSETH,That said party of the first part has this day bargained and sold to the party of i!
<br /> I'
<br /> �
<br /> !' tne second �art and sai d second �'
<br /> i'
<br /> L , party has this da.y agree� to purchase the following described�;
<br /> ,� real estate,situated in Hall County and State of Nebr�ska,to-wit: Lot Light (�) Block Seven i,'
<br /> � �,..
<br /> I; ( 7) VPoodbine Addition to the City of Grand Island,A?ebraska according to the record plat there�-
<br /> ,�
<br /> ,' of,for the sum of Six Hundred and Fifty and no/lOQ Dollars,One Hundred Dollars of which has (;
<br /> ;;
<br /> ; been paid,the receipt whereof is hereby acknozvledged. The retnaining principal cvith i�terest I;
<br /> Buck and Brown Com�any �'
<br /> '� at 'the rate of � per cent per annum, shall be paid, :.�o the party of the first part at�office, !i
<br /> ii
<br /> i Grand I�land,Nebr�.ska,the time and in the manner following,that is to say: 8�.x�y Do].Iar�°. ;',
<br /> ,I
<br />. ; August lst 1923. Septer.�ber 1,1923 �70.00 October 1,1923 60. 00 November 1,1923 60.00 December ;!
<br /> ;�
<br /> � 1 ,1923 60. 00 January l,1g24 60.00 Februa.ry 1,192� b�.00 �arch 1,1924 60.00 April 1 ,192�F 60.00��
<br /> ::�
<br /> ,i as evidenced by nine promissory notes to equal said amount.
<br /> li
<br /> ' Complete abstract of title to said prer�ises showing good marketable title in said first ''
<br /> ��
<br /> ;� i:
<br /> '� party to be furnished second narty,within 10 days from this date. !;
<br /> i , ;
<br /> Possession Upon delivery of this contract. ��
<br /> �i ;
<br /> �� Fire Insurance Policy None ;I
<br /> ;i Nova i� the said party of the second part shall pay the sum as above set forth,time being �j
<br /> �� +he essence of this contract and shall
<br /> ,� � , pay all taxes and assessments,�hether special or gener�
<br /> � al �hich ma beco�ne due an said real estate for the (
<br /> , y , year 192�-,and thereafter until the above �,
<br /> ;;� �i
<br /> ;� pay�ents are all made,tren said party of the first part shall,at his o�an cost ,execute and ;��
<br /> ,� �!
<br /> �� deliver to said party of the second part or her assigns,upon surrender of this contract ,a j�
<br /> ,i
<br />'' ' warrant deed to the above described ��
<br /> y premises. ;
<br />' ��I " � Ci
<br /> �i And it is furthex agreed that in case any pay.nent ,either principal or interest ,remaining ;�
<br /> ��
<br /> il unpaid for a space of thirty days after the sazne shall 'pecome due,or a failure to pay any �
<br /> ,
<br /> • li
<br /> i taxes or assessments at the time same become due, that case the whole amount unpaid on �I
<br />�� ', this contraet shall become due and �ayable without further notive,and such delinquency in pay�
<br /> ,
<br /> i ��
<br /> i; ment ,or failure in other respec-ts by party of the secoizd part to perform the stipulations of �':
<br />� 'j i;
<br /> � this contract or any part of t�.em,shall entitle party of the first part to immediate possess- i�
<br /> ;,
<br /> � ion of the nremises described herein,a2d �he party of the second part shall forfeit all pay- �!
<br /> ��
<br /> '� ments made under this contr�,ct. �
<br /> , �;
<br /> � In witness v�hereof the parties have hereunto set their h�.nds the day and year first above i�
<br /> il
<br /> written. , �I
<br /> ;j
<br /> i In Presence of:_ H. A.Vinqutz �+� � T
<br /> -- - - _____ ---- - - _ _
<br /> --
<br /> __ _ __ _ ----- ----
<br /> --- ___ _ �- .
<br /> . . , .
<br /> �
<br /> Jane B�c��Party of the Second Part.
<br /> �
<br /> i �
<br />